Doncha let 'em tell ya just-anythin' (rough beatbox multi-track)

in #dsound7 years ago (edited)

Doncha let 'em
Tell ya just-anythin'

original beatbox multi-track


trumpet_player_by_leonid_afremov_by_leonidafremov-daz1txp (2).jpg

Dear lovely people of Steemit: I know I post more poetry than anything else on my blog, but some of you know I got an undergraduate in Jazz piano / composition. Music has been a huge part of my life. In fact, I used to play in a professional touring band, but alas, the lifestyle was not for me, and I quit. After that I went to India for four months, which was a life-changing experience. Someday, I will have to share all of these stories. But I would be digressing if I did so now. Suffice to say that I have something of a love/hate relationship with music due to my great appreciation for silence!


I started practicing beatboxing on a more serious level about a year ago (watching pro beatbox battles, learning from tutorial videos, doing exercises etc.) and found it an extremely enjoyable vehicle for expression, albeit a rather odd one (from most people's perspective.) It's something I've sort of kept to myself for the most part, and this is the first thing I've ever recorded and released using the skill! Here's the links to download or stream it from @dsound:
► Listen on DSound

► Listen from source (IPFS)

Listening notes: Everything in the track is mouth sounds, except for a finger-snap sound added. The list of techniques used, for those interested: Kick, hi-hat, BMG snare, Lip bass, Inward liproll, Inward draw, Zipper sound, Hollow clop, Click, Trumpet tone, and a couple I don't have names for, lol! You can look on YouTube if you're interested to see the tutorials for how to make those sounds.
The piece was an improvisation based on a track with humming, kick, hi-hat, and snare. Afterwards I doubled the melody with the trumpet sounds, recorded the bass part, and added in a bunch of layered sounds, including a faster hi-hat part in the chorus. The form is AABA and harmonically, it is a blues. The title I chose I thought captured the attitude of the piece, with its groove and somewhat whimsical nature.
One thing you have to come to terms with as a beatboxer is the silliness aspect, that is, most people see it as a "goofy" art form, and that's not necessarily a bad thing! Although, I have seen quite "serious" art also created with the medium. Anyway, I love beatboxing and have a decent knowledge base, so if you have any questions or are interested in how to go about learning it, feel free to ask! If there is enough interest I might post some articles on beatboxing resources more specifically. Thanks for reading / listening and have an awesome day!

trumpet_player_by_leonid_afremov_by_leonidafremov-daz1txp (1).jpg


count_basie_by_leonid_afremov_by_leonidafremov-dbw0po4 (2).jpgendless_tune_by_leonid_afremov_by_leonidafremov-dbo0krj (1).jpg

Created by
Paintings by
Leonid Afremov

1 ~ "Trumpet Player"
2 ~ "Count Basie"
3 ~ "Endless Tune"

endless_tune_by_leonid_afremov_by_leonidafremov-dbo0krj (2).jpgcount_basie_by_leonid_afremov_by_leonidafremov-dbw0po4 (1).jpg



Excellent! I am a HUGE jazz fan. Without jazz I wouldn't be alive today... Bill Evans, John Coltrane, Bobby Timmons, Thelonius Monk, et al. I also didn't know that beatboxing was so big, and had so many interesting videos on YouTube. I just subscribed to a few channels, so thank for writing about this. @d-pend, in line with our main discussion about poetry writing, I think that this kind of information about yourself, your mental processes, your interests, etc. when PROPERLY injected into your poem posts can go a LONG way in adding ADDITIONAL value to those posts, and to put a "person" behind all of those words, which can help prevent the poems from descending into the abyss of "word salad" ;->

Nice!! I think you're spot on. Thelonious Monk is my favorite jazz composer, for sure. Along with the ones you named, there are too many others for me that, as you implied, helped me feel that life was worth living when I was going through darker times. I have a bit of an odd relationship to music, which I hope to heal gradually. I used to be completely obsessive about it, my skill was equated to my self-worth, I would eat, sleep and breathe music, nothing else seemed to matter.

I'm really glad you found the beatbox scene fascinating, because the only reason I even got into it was I just searched "Beatbox Championships" in YouTube out of curiosity... thinking there MUST be some people that are very serious about it. That was last December. I was AMAZED how much stuff there was in the scene and how diverse it was. Everything from Gene Shinozaki's musicality to Alem's super-technicality to people skilled with loopstation, etc.

Check out the channel on YouTube "Swissbeatbox." There's an arts patron named Pepouni who is a Swiss guy that supports beatboxing to a high degree. That's probably the top channel I'd recommend to discover stuff from.

Again as always thanks for the excellent comment.

This is a new moment I did not know about your life.I was just talking to my wife about you yesterday, she told me you were much better in poetry than me - I agree with that. We also concluded that your writing and character have deep links with Indian spirituality. We are vegetarians and we respect the teachings of Srila Prabhupada - the movement for the consciousness of Krishna. I am very pleased to be friends, now my whole family is following you - my wife @tatjanastan , my son @steemitwarrior .
The music you compose is a beautiful, quiet jazz for the soul with a sensual rhythm. I can not ask you about composing, because I'm really a layman for music. Thank you for everithing, Hari bol - Namaste my friend @d-pend

@d-pend for President of people that are changing this world on better...

Namaste my friend! Indeed Indian spirituality has had a huge impact on my life - mainly advaita "nonduality," the teachings of Nisargadatta Maharaj and his guru Siddharameshwar Maharaj. "That thou art" - tat tvam asi - aham brahmasmi  "I am Brahman." I'm more than happy you enjoy my art, along with your family.... much gratitude @dobartim

Did you get Brahmanic initiation by your Guru ? Thanks for huge support

Sounds cool, nice visuals too!!

Thanks man, glad you appreciated it! :-D

a talented person is talented in everything - you're an example of it..and the main you can open these talants in your soul and let them develop, I am not so lucky(
I'm interested in that part of your life and experience which was connected with India. There's some magnetism from my soul for this country but I've never been there, but I'm always eager to know some stories about it. it seems to me these visits there can't pass away without meaning and deep changes.
The music is great) I turned it on several times and I want more)

or I found a button Download-) It's better late than never))))
Now I'll save all masterpieces by you and @rusty-jernigan and will never lose them!

That's very kind of you; I still think anyone can develop these expressions if they will practice enough and overcome the inward critic which tells us "you are horrible!" We are the harshest judges of ourselves.

Yes, the magnetism towards India for me is VERY strong too; I felt more at home there than anywhere else, even my home country, even though I was alone in a strange land! It was very transformational and the only reason I did not return was the huge problem of air pollution and other physical issues.

I'm honored that you downloaded it! Thanks!

Just amazing, I really love it!

Thank you!!

I usually don't listen to jazz but this song is really nice do you maybe have some outtakes you could post i would like to listen to them(the son of dobartim)

Now your talking!! GROOVY. We can be goofy from time to time.

Just from reading some of your poems I noticed sounds coming from the words. They didn't just sit on the page you were posting. In other poems there was silence.

I tried posting videos I made on the Dtube but loading time was forever. Dsound might be a new experience. You have been working hard bringing original sources into the community.

Very interesting @mineopoly about noticing sound in some poems and silence in others. That's pretty accurate I think!

Haven't done much with @dtube but @dsound works perfect, real smooth for me. (make sure you use mp3 files if you do use it, the larger AIF or WAV files sometimes take forever or have issues!)

Right. Thank you very much.

Well I faced same problem while uploading on dTube, but yeah just keep trying n trying, one time you may be able to get it done, as I did :D

Thanks for your answer. I will try again.

Wow Daniel you are a man of many talents! I thought that best boxing was awesome I love it! I had no idea about your background in music, I was a singer in clubs for twenty years I love almost all music, very cool post!

Listened four times, whoa haha - well done - I imagine you must have had a lot of glasses of water at the ready for this.

So how many tracks were layered into the final file? At least five I'm guessing?

Lol! Thanks. The breath control aspect is definitely a main aspect of beatboxing. You learn to balance inward and outward sounds so you can go basically indefinitely.

As for number of tracks, I'm a bit of a fiend for doubling, so I counted fifteen, several of which were just used to make a chorus effect / make the parts sound fatter or more organic.

I played this for our elementary school kids in Korea. They are a tough audience but they liked it. Consider sharing on minnow support radio: Did you use any special equipment for recording? The sound is clear.

Hahaha wow! That is awesome. I used a decent quality USB microphone called a "Blue Snowflake." It's not the best but seems to do the trick. I mixed and recorded in Garageband.

Ah, I see. Thank for taking time to answer. I will try my own. Especially garageband looks like a useful source.

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