SMA Feedback Contest Round 8 - A DSound Community Initiative

in #dsound-contest6 years ago

SMA Feedback Contest Round 8 - A DSound Community Initiative

15 Days To Enter And Earn Points!

The main focus of this Feedback Contest, is for Musicians and Producers that are participating in the SMA Challenges and the Beat Battle League for Season 2. I find that having a fresh set of ears listening to your track always comes in handy! And you never know, that bit of feedback you receive, just might put you in the winners slot.

Consider this an open invitation to all, submit your tracks, and give some positive and constructive feedback to your fellow Producers and Musicians taking part in the challenges. :-)

And now the SMA is partnered with DSound, the decentralized sound platform harnessing the power of the STEEM blockchain.

DSound's support of the Steemit Music League & SMA will allow for greater recognition and rewards the Steemit Musicians who take part in the SMA's contests and challenges. So a big shout out to @prc , @dsound!

I will be awarding SBD Prizes this round.

And if you want to win the top spot this is how ya do it:

This is what we need, detailed song analysis! So take note of @novili's feedback. Round 6 was really great, and thanks to all who took part! So let's keep that momentum going with Round 7 with some awesome feedback, that is detailed as you can get.

Good Luck!

The Rules of the Road:

  1. Your track can be of any genre.

  2. Producers/Musicians: If you submit a track for feedback, in order to qualify, you need to give feedback to others on at least 1 track.

  3. Feedbackers: Provide constructive and positive feedback. BS comments will get a big red flag.

  4. There will be three tiers of prizes for the best feedback provided, judged by yours truly.

  5. Both the Producer and the person giving the feedback will get a 50/50 split of the prizes. And the Producer/Musician will earn points for the Challenges.

Current Prize Pool:

First Prize: 10 SBD For 40 Points/2

Second Prize: 6 SBD For 30 Points/2

Third Prize: 4 SBD For 20 Points/2

So let's get it going on! Submit your tracks, and earn some Challenge Points...

And don't forget... show some love to your fellow Musicians and Producers with an Upvote!

The SMA Feedback Contest: Round 8 is now live, and the current dates for submissions are:

May 5th until May 20th - 12 midnight est. Winners announced on May 21st 2018.

Check out the SMA on Discord!
Lots of contests going on right now, including the Beat Battle,
and the SML Challenge!

Our Faithful Supporters

The @killerwhale Karaoke Contest is sponsored by #thealliance and judged by @topkpop @enginewitty @sol25 and @inthenow, and there are 20 SBD up for grabs in Prizes! This is an Awesome Contest, that is a lot fun for everyone. So, drop your video and/or link to your post with the video of you in the comments section of the contest post.


Here's my entry for this round, titled "QuasiSuperVerse"

I wanted to give you some feedback, your song isn't playing on musicoin!

What is going on today, I just wanna hear some music & give feedback!!!

I am really intrigued to hear your song, reading @hilladigahackles compared it to Ween, I LOVE WEEN!!

Musicoin is very glitchy this week because they're apparently switching formats. Here is the song on Dsound, although that's no guarantee either:!/@fireawaymarmot/20180518t163532493z-quasisuperverse
Although if it doesn't play, you can download the dsound version for listening on your device.

Very good, the riff of the guitar with a brilliant treble at the beginning is contagious along the bass line.

Amazing also the soloist instrument, with a distinct timbre, and that during the recording abdicates of the improvisatory freedom to enter in harmony with the whole band in the chorus.

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the track. Improv and harmony is always a challenge to balance well.

Just uploaded the remix to Soundcloud:

Yes definitely can hear Ween in there, I would say Ween morphed with Cake & Can?

Sure, some Cake with the slightly latin vibe. I'm not familiar with Can, but I'll check them out...


Kewl!!!! Thank you, diving in right now :)

Yes! More sloppy and lose rock with some guts! I am in. All in! This song absolutely reminds me of a Ween song! And coming from me that is a big compliment!

It really has a nice build and gets stronger as we go along. Very fresh yet with that old school Ween-ness in there! It's a great mix and sound. The spread of the instruments is lovable. I love how the sounds are bouncing all around my head. I am into my 2nd listen now and I am finding these pockets that are so kind to the ears and soul.
As far as the recording goes, It is working for me on all fronts. I would not want this to sound anymore Hi-Fi than it does right now! Nor would I want this to go any more Lo-Fi than it is right now!
Just keep playing and recording and your years of growing these skills will just continue to grow and grow, getting better and better in all areas.
I feel like I already hear the dedication you put into your music in this track. it's wonderful.

Thank you for your kind words and enthusiastic encouragement. It's very gratifying to know how much you appreciate my music.

Very cool track. Love the lead guitar in it. As a guitar player myself I always found it really difficult to write lead guitar but you got this one spot on, so well done on such a good job. The only slight critique I would have as a listener is that the drums are a little low in the mix but that's just personal preference on my part I guess. Overall great job!

Thanks very much!


woaw! this is serious, beautiful, and romantic, very good guitar playing. the recording feels nice. it definitely his a warmth that touches the oldest part of a soul. There is not much to say here in my mind as FEEDBACK only another master guitar plat should share their thoughts. I am not a master guitar player, but I do consider myself a master story teller. And these notes tell a solid story in my ears. it's beautiful and touching. nice work!

I like this kind of barde style romantic guitar playing @guifaquetti. Very classy & soothing!
You really know how to play well, how long have you been playing?

I'm sad to say it but it would not play for me :(

sick song my man!

I am in love with the ambience, the way the piano comes in and that voice is a wonderful compliment to all of it. The percussion sounds great, the kick with a little bit of reverb is clean! And those toms really keep the beat moving. The sound you bring in at 1:48ish is superb as well.

This may be more personal preference, but I think the piano could either use less space between the notes, more precisely timed space, or a different more reverberated sound. When she's first exposed around 1:07 you can clearly hear some space between the notes which throws me off a bit. Once more stuff comes in it definitely masks this little imperfection though. She is re-exposed around 4:45 which I also think could be cleaner.

Also preference, but my ears are dying to hear some higher end melody when the lyrics come in. Whoever's voice that is is beautiful, and the lack of effects on his voice shines through in a great way. Juxtaposing such a clean sound next to the ambience of the rest of the track is nice. Though I feel like maybe a tiny bit of chorus, a little bit of harmony with the voice could go a long way.

I can't think of much else! Great track my dude!

rad! thanks for taking the time to listen and FEEDBACK! i like your notes and will probably use them or try them and see what i find. the vocals were done by me. thanks kindly for the compliment. i know my voice is a bit strange and is not for everbody. so it is nice to hear! so thank you for saying such. like it is tittled as, this tune is very much in the demo stage, so your notes are wonderful. thank you!

I wann give feedback, Dsound doesn't play the song anymore! Do you have it uploaded somewhere else Brian??



Every time I hear you sing Morphine jumps to mind, do you know that band? Your voice reminds me of Mark Sandman the lead singer <3
Edit... Oh yeah & you remind me of the Butthole Surfers too!!!

The production is very good Brian!!!!!!
Love the daring dramatic poeticness with a touch of melancholy but an undertone of determination!!
Yes you definitely are a storyteller & a really wonderful at that <3

As @fireawaymarmot pointed out, the voice is too upfront in some parts ( mainly the end ), you could work with automations to settle that though <3

Much love & respect to you!! Huggins, D <3

wow yeah! I have heard this before but I never really gotten into Mark or Morphine. and yes i agree the vocals are not yet right. i like your ideas on how to go at it. the production is half me, have my brother @lefthouse . it means a lot to me to have one of my heros listen to my music. means the world!!

weird. i will oad it to soundcloud now and link it!

Gave it a couple of listens, here's my feedback.

I like the way you hold that first note, it shows that you aren't afraid of low attention spans out there. And it sets the tone for the rest of the song. The opening piano and drum mix work very nicely, I really like the way the drums circle around.

A very emotional song, and overall quite well put together. The one thing that does need work is the lyrics mix- it's too separate from the instruments. Not sure what to do, but some way to bring your voice back a bit, or the instruments forward, it takes me out of the song as it is now. And maybe a retake on the singing, you wobbled a little in a few parts (I know, it's just a demo).
Powerful stuff otherwise.

awesome! thanks! yes i agree. the lyrics are not yet placed right. and glad you liked it. i think its getting close but needs more work indeed. thanks kindly for listening and your FEEDBACK!!


I liked instrumental thinking about timbres. Something more focused to the low frequencies and a big sustain of the notes. The deep voice is something touching here, an excellent tuning. This mix of timbres with electronic and acoustic sounds in oposition, is something very interesting to explore, and very well done in the course of music!

Beep! Beep! This humvee will be patrolling by and assisting new veterans, retirees, and military members here on Steem. @shadow3scalpel will help by upvoting posts from a list of members maintained by @chairborne and responding to any questions replied to this comment.

dang prize pool goin up! I may submit a track later!


And she does it again and always. @d-vine is riding at the very top of my favorite musicains on the steemit blockchain. So much style, so much creativity, clean, fresh, heart, wickedness, and AWAKE is no different. This woman claims that she hasonly been making music for 2 years or something like that, and It is very hard to believe this to be true. Just listen to this track!

And this AWAKE tune is a giant that could be on any major electronic label in the game. it is that good in my ears. This is a tuff track for me to give feedback on, as it is truly perfect.
I guess my feedback would be more for the listeners of this tune. If you have not listened to D-vine's music, and you make electronic music, you should study this womans work.
The mix here is wonderful. the panning of the horns. The smooth and old school and lovely voice of Junkfeathers. So smooth. And the beat is tight, clean, enegetic, and this is always how her music is. She is a true pro. for more feedback i will say this! DON'T EVER STOP AND BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AS YOU HAVE IT!

How is this already 6 days old, oh myyyy!!

@hilladigahackles, you did it again, made blush & set a fat Cheshire Cat grin on my face.

I have been making music longer, mainly with hardware, always had an understanding for it, didn't really know my stuff though.
2 years ago I started to put more focus on production instead of djing. I started djing in 96 as you know.
Being me I wanted to do it right & got certified as an audio engineer last year.

Thank you Brian, I love this song too, @junkfeathers turned my own song into one of my favs, that is so absolutely super rad, thank you for that J <3

You know it really means so much coming from you Brian, I look up to you as an artist & human, you have my endless gratitude!
Thank you so much for your love <3

Much love, respect & ultra loads of huggins coming right at ya <3 <3 <3

This song starts with an excellent groove, slowly entering effects of electronic music, phrases of flute and saxophone. I really liked how all the elements fit into the groove, and the double bass performs an ostinato that runs through almost all of the music!

Thank you for you for taking the time to listen & for your feedback @guifaquetti!!

All I can say is this is beautiful work. No real criticisms to offer, all of the various sounds and tones compliment each other perfectly. I particularly enjoyed the flute accent (including the sharper flute towards the 3rd section) and whah guitar riff.

The dreamy feel of the lyrics pulls everything together very nicely. I wish I had the musical education to identify the singing style. I know I've seen a term for it somewhere; kind of a hypnotic singsong tone.

The rhythm is super tight, of course, and yet still maintains the dream like vibe. That combination makes this a very appealing track.

Thank you so much @fireawaymarmot,!
I really enjoyed making this song, I am still learning though ( even if it's hard to believe @hilladigahackles ), that is why your words mean even more <3

What @junkfeathers did with the song just blew my mind, he is the piece that was missing before.
I think you mean overtone singing, very monk like hypnotic, yep totally!!

Thank you again, for taking the time to listen & for your kind words!



Had to listen via musicoin

I have heard many good tracks from you but I absolutely dig this collaboration, as I already wrote and said in SMA radio. You complement each other so so well, this could easily warrant an album. Even before starting to listen anew I still have the "because of you" in mind from that last listen.

So what can I even add then? Let's see.

Arrangement and sound crafting is awesome, so is the mix. That said, the sidesticks' low frequencies hit me a bit hard on headphones, maybe it's my headphones - their low frequencies were almost forceful but maybe I have listened too much on phones already today and my ears are tired - probably disreagrd that comment. The kick is freakin awesome and the bassline as well, well mixed and working together.

I like how junkfeathers is a little bit back in the mix, if he were "too" up front it would maybe mess with the melancholic vibe of his vocal style - but he is still WELL audible. great job!

The - dare I say - PSYCHEDELIC lead sound you bring in at 1:40 is freakin amazing. Ahahah, send me that template. Flanger on a 32th cut wood sample?

The flute works well, less is more in terms of notes and you managed to walk the line perfectly to put on touches but not to make it sound tiring.

The bring-down at 2:39 comes at a perfect time. Now I am getting aware of the intricacies of the percussion sounds next to the shaker. The track continues and plays out well til the end.

Second listen-through made the initial percussion harshness much easier as I knew it was coming, and the track remains solid and well presented. Love how you twirled his voice through the moving filters and the panning. START THE BEAT AGAIN ALREADY! ahahaha, it's great when the listener anticipates the next dance part and it works magically well, especially with the voice coming back in.

Third listen-through underscores it. Can't get over the flanger hits, they are SUCH a good idea that I shall put them in my psy toolbox - THANKS ;)

And now I will have that track in my head again for another week ahaha. but it's a good earworm to have for SURE.

Collaborate more, you two are a brilliant team for ... dare I say melancholic dnb.

If you are looking for suggestions I'm afraid I am out of my league. Very well done.

Thank you so much for your kind words @paradigmprospect!!!

I too am in love with this collaboration, so much that whenever I hear the song without vocals it sounds incomplete!! @junkfeathers is a pro through & though, I had such fun working with him & YES, I am thinking about a further collaboration with him <3

This style you call Liquid Drum&Bass, check out some of my favorite artist Calibre, Spectrasoul, Lenzman, D-Bridge, A-sides ( I could name many more lol ), good stuff & with @junkfeathers on my track we fit right in, yaaayyy!!

The vocals are always embedded into the songs not set on top. You use the voice like a complimentary instrument, weave it in & how awesome that worked with @junkfeathers voice, he is filling the frequencies that were not in my song! So blown away by him really, this was his first D&B song, can you believe it?

The sound you are talking about setting in at 1:40 is from the Arturia Analog Lab 2 Soundbank, with filters, delay & panning on it.

I gotta check that out on my headphones, I didn't on them, only checked the sound on 3 different pair of Studio Speakers, my IMac & IPhone ;P
I have to admit, I do not like using headphones, it's just me, even in the club, as soon as the record is in, headphones off.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to the song over & over so you can give such in depth feedback, it's really much appreciated!

Much love, respect & huggins coming you way M. <3 <3

I love to work on tracks at night and I got thin walls, so I use headphones a lot. Duirng the day is testing phase with the speakers hehe.
Cool tips thnaks, will definetely check out those artists.

One of my passions if to hear instead of listening, it would be a pleassure hear the tracks here to make an constructive opinion

Hi :-) All feedback is welcome, so click the links to hear the songs and offer up your feedback. Have a great day.

Congratulation inthenow! Your post has appeared on the hot page after 27min with 22 votes.

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