Transparency: a Drop in the Ocean post

in #dropintheocean6 years ago (edited)
Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway. ~Mother Teresa

When you think about an icy glass of cold, clear water, transparency is a desirable trait. The thought of putting your lips to a glass of cloudy, murky, opaque water is not at all appetizing. 

However, when you think about getting undressed in front a window, transparency is probably not the preferred characteristic of the  glass between you and the world. Like so many things, the concept of transparency is innocuous. Its application in a particular situation is what defines a person's particular comfort level.

Again, that is completely dependent on the person and the situation.

Some people prefer to be completely open in the world.  Day to day, they wear their hearts on their sleeves, and seek out relationships from people who are equally willing to be vulnerable with them. They most likely use their real names and easily offer personal information about themselves to those who would inquire. Does this willingness to be fully transparent invite unnecessary danger into their lives? Unfortunately, in the world we live in, there are predators lurking silently on the other side of the screen waiting to take advantage of these innocents. However, is there any advantage to living so transparently?  Some might argue that the risk of exposing themselves to this unnecessary danger also equally invites relationships of a more real and fulfilling nature.

On the flip side, there are those who prefer to secure themselves behind a virtual wall so high  and wide that they effectively ward of any would-be attackers to their private information. In doing this, are they also sending out a "force-field" of sorts, pushing people further away from their pockets, their security, their information and their hearts?

Entering the world of social media is like walking a tightrope of transparency. Lean too far on the left and the danger of falling into the abyss of sheltered isolation increases. Lean too far on the right and the potential of identity theft and victimization become a unfavorable outcome.

What is the answer? In my own personal opinion, the answer to most questions of this nature is balance.

Using wisdom, intuition, and patience, protect your privacy from pirates while simultaneously looking for the lighthouses to guide you to the safe harbors of home.

All photo images from pixabay with additional editing by @dreemsteem

Transparency banner by @dreemsteem

Icy water      Glass wall      Tightrope      Lighthouse


Well, Dreemie, that balance has been difficult to find... you either get all or nothing with me lol, at least that's what it seems when it comes to social media. Facebook gets nothing ... Steemit gets everything!!!! You poor devils!! Hahaha

we are BLESSED - and you know it!!!! hehehehe

I love this. 💜 I’ve always fallen into the ’honest and open to a fault’ category. It’s not really a matter of choice — it’s simply my nature. Perhaps I’ve suffered more than others because of it. It hasn’t always been easy. Yet I do, as you say, forge deeply meaningful relationships with those who ’get it’ who’re willing to meet me there. 🦋

Good morning Miss Zippy 🤗

Yes... I so agree with you. And also.. I've been slightly mocked for my complete openness for years lol

Interestingly... My anonymity on steemit has allowed me to explore the "other side", and I have seen some benefits (and lessons) that I probably never would have learned otherwise.

Last night my family still joked that no matter what-I will still have that natural tug at my spirit to be open and vulnerable at heart... (As I relayed a recent moment in vulnerability on steemit. Hahahhaa)

But... Like you say... It's our nature. As long as we stay vigilant to protect those around us... I say open like a blooming flower! ♥️

I will just leave it here so everyone can read it again.

Using wisdom, intuition, and patience, protect your privacy from pirates while simultaneously looking for the lighthouses to guide you to the safe harbors of home.

Transparency online is definitely not without its pitfalls. Being overly protective of who you are may lead to a persona you don't even know or like.

I agree... It's gotta be the balance! For me, I think when I just keep certain things off the table regarding my identity... It frees me up to just relax and be myself 😊

Beautiful post, @DreemSteem.

Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway. ~Mother Teresa

I'd forgotten this Mother Teresa quote. Thanks for the reminder.

Transparency online used to be an issue for me because my 'work' is partly about sharing my personal experiences. Sometimes when wanting to share what's going on, it just isn't comfy to share everything. So that balance you spoke of is important. I've done better lately, especially after taking a few years break and then meeting so many different folks here on Steemit.

I can't wait to learn markdown enough to be able to place pictures beside my text, @DreemSteem. Your post looks beautiful in its layout in addition to its peaceful, flowing content.

Thank you!

I will be happy to help you with the pictures!!!! It's easier than you think 😊

Thank you for the lovely comments about my post!!! I so appreciate you coming to visit!!! I agree... Balance.

And what is the saying? Moderation in all things, including moderation 😊

I agree and of course the balance required is subjective. I would hope people prefer to judge here because of content and NOT their choice of whether or not to remain anonymous.

Yes... I have been a few people who want to pull back my curtain a bit too roughly hehehehe but - I just treat them with laughter and kindness and tell them firmly... no. :)

I'd say about 95% of the people are very respectful of privacy and actually admire it.

and.... I missed talking to you today - so I hope your day was BEEEEEEEEAUTIFUL! :)

A beautiful post, and do agree with you. I love your writing skill and talent in expressing your thoughts.

Thank you my sweet friend!!! 😊
I'll have to get your opinion on another post of mine... I'll share with you later hehehe

Somehow I just lost you on discord hahaha

It is a balance. I share a lot of my work on social media but I keep a reasonably high wall. I feel you have to. I have 80k people following me, mostly on Instagram, and you need to keep reasonably reserved or your life feels like a soap opera. Its hard because people expect more and more. I think the key is honesty. You don't have to be transparent but you do have to be honest. It's a beautiful quote by Mother Teresa and one that we can all lean from.

That makes so much sense. I understand that feeling too - it's almost like when people sense they can't have more of you - they want more of you. I'm not sure what that is! hahahaha just as simple as wanting what you can't have? Is it the Princess Di phenomenon? :) We just couldn't get enough of her!! hahahaha

But - you're right. I think when you tell people the reasons why you're protecting yourself, and you're not playing coy games with them - but just being upfront and honest.... then most do respect that. And - you know - when we do stay private, it actually does let us be a little bit more transparent. Do you know what I mean?

Because I'm just a faceless person. But they connect with my real transparent emotions and experiences. They don't have to have a name or a location.... they just want someone real.

And I am real. And I hope I'm genuine.

I really appreciated your comment :) And yes - I do love that quote too. In spite of the potential attacks - risk it for the potential benefits.

Thanks :)

Thanks for the response. You don't have to be faceless to be reserved. Just like we don't have to go out in public without any clothes. We can reserve some parts of ourselves for our private life.

Sorry...I realize my comment wasn't clear lol

I just meant I'm anonymous on steemit :)
I don't show my face or details here, and sometimes that makes it easier for people to feel at ease to share.

Almost the "talking through the confessional" experience. It can put people at ease.

Thank you @dreemsteem. I totally agree. It is about Balance. I think I try to implement a certain amount of that. Not too cold not too hot :)

the baby bear approach!!! :) yes!

I always try to think... what does this look like in the future - if i share this? How can this come back to bite me! hahahaha

without being too paranoid, you know? balance ;)

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