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RE: Dreaming of Steemit and An Idea on a Steemit Dating Service

in #dreams8 years ago (edited)

Well.. i put this out here a few weeks back and had a couple responses so far
Steemits first official dating profile

As comical as i made it.. it was still a serious idea that was meant to be taken serious.. am idea i wanted the community to build on.. so I'm right there with you.


Oh that's awesome!! :) haha.
I think it's a good idea.

Here's the 2 responses I got so far.. I labeled the nsfw one for safety and the other is another follower of mine.. both done in response but weren't "serious applications" check em out below..

lol, they were both creative and awesome non the less.. (btw - I'm still looking :P)

NSFW-Application for dating mrwang

Honest up close and personal, my dating app for mrwang

I only link these as I want to express my support for the idea. This is a "social media platform" and steemit would be an awesome place to get people connected.

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