Crazy dream

in #dreams5 years ago

Most of my sleep has been pretty dreamless lately, maybe I dream like once a week or at least what I remember when I wake up. Every now and then I get these weird lucid dreams that are mixed with something happening right now, something in the past and like in this case memories from another dream involved. Before I get to writing real quick everything I remember while I remember it I want my readers to know that in my teens I used to lucid dream a lot. Like, I kind of made it a sport for a long period while reading r/luciddreaming and got really into it and triggering it on a daily basis. Was fun but who knows the effects of it, studies said they didn't harm your REM sleep and that they were more beneficial than damaging.

So it started with me being at a party in Finland, this party was happening outside but had a lot of "open" houses where people could go in and chill. It must've been summer, maybe even midsummer because it was at one of those famous places in the archipelago where teens would party at. It was pretty fun, I met a lot of old school friends I hadn't seen in years, this may also be due to the recent reunion we had in that same spot. As we're drinking I was reaching for my cigarettes (even though I've quit smoking now) and noticed that my box was gone until I see an old friend holding it and taking out a "cigarette" from there probably thinking it was hers. The reason I say "cigarette" is cause it was more of a doobie with a lot of THC in it, I start to panic and rush over and take it out of her mouth as she just lit it up and I'm like "hey, that's my cigarette" like a complete douche while her friends get really aggressive instantly. "So fucking what dude, it's just a cigarette" and I'm like "yeah I know but it's principle" or some other lame excuse hoping they won't find out and they're like "gtfo here". Knowing that was the only doobie in there that she picked I leave my box with her and smoke it. As I'm getting really high - in a dream - I suddenly see my mom appear at the party with some other elderly folks and I try my best to hide and stumble upon an friend doing some stuff with someone behind some bushes, as they notice me and call me a pervert for peeking I'm trying to tell them that I'm just "high and hiding from my mom" but I start laughing as I say it as ridiculous as it sounds and she starts screaming "rape" to get me to leave, lol. ??

Yeah anyway, so that kind of ends there and the next day I'm at work. No idea what kind of work is we're just cruising in a truck with an old highschool friend of mine that I had seen on the party last night first time but suddenly he's working with me. He's asking what I've been up to and I tell him "not much, just working and drawing" lol, as if I've been drawing much. He then tells me he has started drawing as well and draws up this amazing Goku from Dragon Ball Super and for some reason decides to print it at the work place because he wants to "post it on Steem" while the boss comes in asking what the fuck we're doing. To not get in trouble my friend tells the boss I need that print for art school? but don't have a printer at home and I'm like "yeah, nice save buddy, thanks" while he's doing the printing he asks me what I've done at this work all summer. Out of lack of knowing wtf we do there I tell him we been going around recycling bottles from all the tourists all summer. This is kinda where I start realizing I'm dreaming at that lame example of what people could be doing at a regular job. Then he asks me with who and I tell him some random ass name and that he used to work here with me before him called "Robbie" (which was like a character from another dream I had a few weeks ago) and he's like "oh I know him" and calls him up? Then looks at me all angry and is like, "Robbie says you didn't recycle anything this summer and only made him work".

Then out of no where the room gets filled with people/employees? and it seems my dream is kind of running out on realistic imagination as for some reason Shroud is there speaking swedish and mocking me about lying and next thing I know my girlfriend is calling me on whatsapp asking me how I could lie in front of Shroud and that he was livestreaming my lying face to his 70k viewers and that she thinks lying is just as bad as cheating and that's when I wake up.

Yeahhhh, pretty weird and kind of a funny dream. It's not often that I remember myself having giggled in my sleep when I dream some ridiculous stuff. Although there wasn't much lucid dreaming going on in this one it did feel pretty real until some things got out of hand and I started to realize what was going on at the end.

Have you had any crazy dreams lately or any experience lucid dreaming? I recommend checking out the subreddit if you want to "try it out" as you can do things to trigger them. Takes some practice and I gotta admit it's way harder as you get older but it can be a lot of fun once you know the drill and can easily take control of any situation in your dreams. PS. time moves way slower in dreams. ;)


I have started reading your posts when I wake up in the morning because they are usually the most interesting thing in my feed which is not so much a compliment as it is a simple observation. It is good stuff though and a great alternative to most of the crap I see on here when I am still half asleep and waiting for my espresso to finish brewing.

I found this post particularly interesting because I like dreaming a lot. That is probably a bit of an understatement because I am unsure if I ever fully 'wake up' to the extent most folks do and live my life in a sort of dreaming state which should not be confused with 'my life is a dream' or any other sentiment like that.

Something that I have always found interesting is that folks actually pursue becoming lucid in their dreams. I get it though and see why folks do it but for me my default dreaming state is lucidity and it took me nearly half my life to stop lucid dreaming every time I fell asleep. The thing is that I never quite got the sort of 'rest' that comes when both the mind and the body falls asleep so my brain (conscious mind) never actually shut off and life became one long continuous experience with not much in the way of breaks which is pretty damn overwhelming.

Eventually I drug that lucidity from my dreaming state into my waking state and kept it there where it now serves me rather well. I still occasionally dream lucidly but for the most part my dreams are just dreams (although they often give me a lot of insight) and I like it that way.

Lucidity is fun and all but really how would you feel if you could not turn it off? No reply necessary. Jut something to think about.

Cheers and in the words of James Dean "Dream as if you will live forever and live as if you will die today."

Most of my lucid dreams are very short and far apart. I've visited r/luciddreaming but lately I find it hard to use reddit a lot without thinking about the fact that my time there is not paid while here on Steem it is xD

Not as much as before, though. Upvoting comments is not as profitable, there are no more bidbots and it's hard to ensure votes like before.

I tried to write down my dreams a lot recently in order to dream again, but some inconveniences in my life made me stop writing, and now I'm going to sleep at 4 am. Very bad for both lucid dreaming and dreaming in general because I wake up before the dreaming even starts. Of yesterday's dream I can only remember lots of color palettes and a fake uncle who had blue eyes and was trying to make us believe that my ancestry is English (I'm Venezuelan).

I find it hard to write my dreams but it's the only tool I know that helps me remember them. I get stressed if I don't do it, I get anxious if I try to do it. Life's strange.

Shame you didn't recycle anything this summer!! >:( xD

Poor Robbie working his ass off

I trained myself also to have lucid dreams, but haven't had one for a while. I think it would be a good timing to get back into it now that I no longer have early getups for a job - I feel that has been an obstacle to really focus on it when the first thing in the morning is about rushing to work, doesn't give room to recall dreams well.

I had the most success when taking a nap after school for a few hours, sure I would only get back to sleep at 2-3 am and wake up a zombie the next day but those 2-3h were way more hours lucid. :p

Can't remember the last time I had a dream that I could remember the events that occurred in it like yours. I like the fact that in your dream, you had some of your qualities like drawing. Mine used to be so crazy and awkward like I would be dreaming of falling from cliffs I never climbed and owning 10,000 BTC I never bought. Weird dreams!!!

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I read about lucid dreaming years ago when I was a kid. I figured I would try it and it definitely works. You have to be in a mindset of knowing that you want to remember your dream and having pen/paper nearby. I might try it again to see I I can get in that state.

I had to laugh on this one :) Specially when your girlfriend calls you and asks you how could you lie and you wake up...Looks like that's too much pressure to handle, lol. I have same kind of dreaming experience - mostly do not know what the hell those dreams were about. But I think that depends also when you go to sleep and how many hours you sleep daily. I don't know if that's true but even the moon has a kind of effect on our quality of sleeping and also dreaming.

Dreams can be crazy, irrational things —- but they can also be premonitions, full of signs, if we can crack the code!

I tend to have a busy/hectic dream schedule. Here’s a meditation of mine, @acidyo, that I hope you enjoy about this strange capital of riches...



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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

How are you not negative rep yet, lol.

I personally like the idea but the audio quality is not very good. Why are people downvoting it so much? Is it impossible to stop it? Most bots have some feature where you can unsubscribe.

There's some bad history of the creator of it AFAIK.

Didn't know that. And I also didn't get it why SOME posts got that option and other didn't. Best thing would be to implement this function

The rep has actually gone up, somehow. It was at 0, like, 3 days ago. Some sweet baby boi out there really likes to suck this bots dirty butthole.

lol, maybe he's just trying to avoid Roko's basilisk.

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