Learning to Draw | State of Progress | Day #7

in #drawing6 years ago

Welcome to another installment of my artist apprentice diary.

My first drawing out of class

Well, the time has come to have the courage to dare to draw something at home. Far from the indications of my teacher, inspiring me in the reality that I have in front of me and trying to do my best.

My intention with drawing is not to achieve hyperrealism, far from it. What I intend is to be able to express with the simplest possible lines, a figure, a posture, a movement. To be able to capture on paper a reality that any person can recognize when they see it.


This is what I tried the other day at home. After having drawn [my first human figure] (https://steemit.com/drawing/@trenz/learning-to-draw-or-state-of-progress-or-day-6) I wanted to continue experimenting.

On this occasion I think the result is quite disproportionate, and the face has no resemblance to the real model, but even so, I am very happy with the result. I felt very happy drawing it and I felt again that the drawing fills me much more than I could ever have imagined.


It is again a pleasure to share my little steps with you. And I also find it an interesting job to go publishing every drawing I do for some day in the future to see what my progress was.

Thank you for joining me on this wonderful path.

Here you can find the previous days:
Day #1 Day #2 Day #3 Day #4 Day #5 Day #6

An original post by @trenz


Tienes calidad, tiene un gran potenciar en tus manos te felicito.

Tú crees? Gracias, pero yo me veo muy lejos. Seguiré practicando ;)
Un saludo.

La practica hace al maestro, Vas por buen camino hermano.

Yo no dibujaba nada y no sabía que si sabía hacer retratos realistas



Y por lo que veo, el bosquejo a mano alzada se te da dando muy bien.

Wow! tú sí que sabes lo que haces. Excelentes dibujos, muy buenos.

Eso fue gracias a la practica, y tu vas en buen camino hermano

Muchísimas gracias por los ánimos, realmente me empujan a seguir adelante.
Un saludo.

Si, definitivamente si se parece a la modelo :)

Yo creo que no se parece, pero se hace lo que se puede ;)

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