DMT And Extra-Dimensional Beings: What Gives?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #dmt7 years ago

Hello, hello again! :D

So, I'm not much into drugs and such. My experience with them is surely less than your average college student.

But one thing I've been curious about ever since I heard about it is DMT


What is it?


N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N,N-DMT) is a tryptamine molecule which occurs in many plants and animals. It can be consumed as a powerful psychedelic drug and has historically been prepared by various cultures for ritual and healing purposes. Rick Strassman labeled it "the spirit molecule".

If you haven't seen The Spirit Molecule and want to know more about DMT:

But there has apparently been an increasingly popular field of research dedicated to the potential likelihood that the "hallucinations" experienced while under the influence of DMT might actually be more real than we would expect.

Here is Joe Rogan taking to author and researcher Graham Hancock about it:

The theory of dormant senses

There are animals that have lost the ability to use their eyes because they lived in dark places where their survival wasn't predicated on the use of vision, and so they evolved other senses to be more powerful and lost their ability to see.

These animals cannot perceive an element of reality (sight), and yet survive perfectly well within their local environments and never know the difference.

Well... what if there was a whole other element or dimension of reality surrounding us that we simply don't have the sense-perceiver to recognize? Either we don't have the organs, or they've become increasingly vestigial, like our tailbones being a vestigial of a tail appendage from long, long ago in our evolutionary history.

What some are starting to consider is that the substance DMT actually triggers or enhances a dormant sense -- a 6th sense -- that allows us a glimpse of a real world that we don't normally see, with its own set of dimensional rules and inhabitants.


DMT Beings

Most people who trip on DMT report interactions with beings, and if we are to understand what Graham is saying... reports of these beings, how they behave and what they say, are becoming increasingly frequent and increasingly unified.

In other words: more people are seeing more beings, and what the beings are saying are the same thing across random samplings of participants (that means that many people are being tested without contact with each other and reporting the same things).


Could this all just be random chance, or is there something more to it?

Are we on the verge of reopening our third-eye (pineal gland) on a global scale?

Tell me what you think. And if you've had an experience with DMT I would really like to hear about it.


Follow me @shayne


Hey there @shayne !

DMT is a topic close to my heart

I personally have around 100 smoked DMT/Changa experiences yet I still struggle to define the entities or spaces I encounter.

My personal experiences range from entities made out of light/energy to jester's & elfs. One time on a jungle spice* trip I was transported to a futuristic Egyptian looking place with bright neon colors and Anubis looking "people" walking around that seemed to be aware but not bothered by my presence.

futuristic_egypt_by_spacerogue-daht5v2 (1).jpg
This reminds me a bit ^
The space had brighter colors though and the setting was more of a busy city place.

*(Jungle spice is the non N,N-DMT alkaloids left over after a Mimosa root bark extraction. It contains DMT-n-oxide, 5-MeO-DMT & 5-OH-DMT (also known as Bufotenin from toads etc))

There is a new study coming up soon on prolonged exposure to DMT where I hope there might show up some interesting subjective experiences.
In essence they are gonna hook people up to IV DMT for a longer time period.

"Using techniques borrowed from anesthesiology, the method will regulate the amount of DMT in the body and, more important, the brain."

Very interesting stuff!!

You know, I heard another guy saying he met a sort of space-jester being. It reminded him of the guy from nightmare before Christmas except colorful.

That prolonged exposure experiment sounds promising.

Thank so much!

Curious as to where you came across “jungle spice” - if by chance squeezes within legal boundaries and might be available online by chance...?

Hey there @rok-sivante

In Norway where I'm from its illegal. I think in most places it would be regulated the same as DMT. Personally I got it from someone I know that was extracting DMT from Mimosa Hostilis root bark. This is one of the most common pathways to extract DMT, so if you find someone that does that chances are high they could hook you up with jungle spice.

Lately a lot of people have started to use Acacia as the plant to extract the DMT from, if that would be the case with whatever source you find they wont be able to help you with it as the Acacia extraction does not yield the same "biproducts"

~ @xtetrahedron

ok, this just set me on the quest to find some Mimosa Hostilis Bark... :-D

The last time I smoked DMT was 13 years ago.

I was chronically ill at the time, and not really sure what I was doing with my life or where I was heading.

And so, I thought to myself, why not perform a ritual with this and see what I learn?

It was profound, more profound than previous experiences with it, predominantly because I entered into the space with a clear intention, and entered with reverence and ritual.

DMT can be found in Australia, processed from a wide variety of native Acacia trees. This was the source of mine.
In the ritual, an ancestral Dreaming spirit – in the form of an indigenous Warundjeri Warrior-Shaman morphed out of the trees and shrubbery and began to have a healing conversation with me.

He then eventually transformed into the figure of the Greek Goddess Athens, who continued to lesson me on what needed to happen.

She then placed her hands on my throat and it erupted into blue light.

My chronic illness at that time was Graves Disease, and auto-immune hyperthyroid disorder. I had a pronounced enlarged goitre (enlargement of the the thyroid gland) and was so sick I was on sickness benefits, unable to work. My TSH, T4, T3, and ATAB’s were consistently through the roof.

A few days after this ritual, undergoing my fortnightly blood tests, the test results revealed for the first time a shift back towards normal levels.

I walked away from the ritual with a sense of purpose for the direction I needed to take, and I am where I am today because of that specific experience.

It doesn’t matter to me whether the experience happened ‘objectively’ or whether it was the way my subjective consciousness re-patterned and re-ordered itself. The fact remains that it was a pivotal, life-changing moment.


Intention is always key with anypsychedelic experience.

Very cool experience. I’ve often heard that straight DMT rarely has as powerful and transformative effect as ayahuasca, often being more like a quick trip rather than deeply-impactful alchemical journey. Definitely inspires me to get ahold of some and get to work with it... :-)

Very interesting anecdotal evidence! I know Stan Grof was quite into clinical study and this is something I think we need much more of; one would think India's universities​ would be all over these phenomena​ but I'm not seeing that they are. William James, The Varieties of Religious Experience, is still a very useful resource. One of my Gnostic leanings is an idiosyncratic nondual version which of course is quite rare as Gnosticism historically is premised on dualistic metaphysics. Peace:)

Familiar with deep, deep ancient pre-Taoist cosmology? Like, the I Ching paradigm (foundations of Taoism predating by something in the order of 1200-1700 years).

It’s a kind of ‘tripartite, non-dualistic dualism’.

Fascinating account... wow.

It's interesting that you entered into it with a respect for the ritual that goes along with it. I feel like that is significant somehow.

I’d been in the US the previous year, spent the summer on a Rez learning all about ritual and reverence, so it felt right.

I’m starting to feel the medicine call again, to go do some visioning. I’m feeling like I’m in a similar place existentially (but nothing wrong with my health this time), so feel like I need to do some deeep journeying.

I've never done DMT but I've done pretty well every other entheogen extensively. I have never encountered E.T. beings as of yet, but I've multiple experiences with angelic beings which I now call Archons. I'm not saying E.T. isn't here as many describe the Greys and Reptilians and I don't discount wholesale their experiences. Coincidentally, E.T. phenom in modern times started the year we found the Gnostic Nag Hammadi​ texts-1947 I believe. Coincidence?
I've also become a firm​ believer in panpsychism​ and believe the universe is endowed by multiple types of intelligence whether​ macro or micro. As much as I'm a firm believer in the processes of logic and reason I find those faculties don't eradicate spiritual 'hypothesis'. The dub, though, is spiritual narratives​ have to be coherent otherwise they are most likely ethnic and cultural/geographic myth. So, there may be spiritual truth but it's not found in​ the control mechanisms of The Archons​, IMO....

Have you read the Gnostic texts that account for the reptilian and gray ETs, along with instructions on what to do if you encounter them?

The Greco-Roman Gnostics had some very interesting practices and writings.

Oh, here it is:

Physical descriptions of Archons occur in several Gnostic codices.

Two types are clearly identified:

  • a neonate or embryonic type
  • a draconic or reptilian type

Obviously, these descriptions fit the Greys and Reptilians of contemporary reports to a T. Or I should say, to an ET.

Science-tism love to say such things are just hallucinations: drugs, near death experiences, meditation, ... and so most people just write it off, right up until you either really look into it, or do it yourself. Its not that the stories are eerily similar, is that they are hundreds of people all trying to describe the same thing.

Indeed. I used to be that way myself when I was a hard atheist. I have sense matured and grown past that hard view of reality -- it turns out it wasn't flexible enough for me.

they are hundreds of people all trying to describe the same thing.


I've done DMT. While I'm not going to throw my hat onto the extra senses peg, i will say that it allows me to process things in a completely different way. Which can be helpful in getting over difficult

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I had it explained once, that it might not even be so much that it’s actual “beings” or entities, in the sense that they might be experienced, so much as that’s our consciousness’ way of translating the pure information being tapped into -that “they” may appear as a construct of our own imaginations, a consequence of the process of extracting raw intelligence into a form with which there appears some more graspable or comprehendable form to which we may relate to.

Of course, that’s just one angle from which to look at it.

Any way it goes, DMT is an experience, alright... 😎

Well, that makes me think about how colors don't "actually" exist; it's rather our brains interpreting the relationship of light and temperature and such.

Does that mean color doesn't exist? Interesting to think about.

Kinda - it’s more an abstraction than something tangible - a label given to the conscious experience of how certain sensory input is translated...

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