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RE: DMT And Extra-Dimensional Beings: What Gives?

in #dmt7 years ago

I had it explained once, that it might not even be so much that it’s actual “beings” or entities, in the sense that they might be experienced, so much as that’s our consciousness’ way of translating the pure information being tapped into -that “they” may appear as a construct of our own imaginations, a consequence of the process of extracting raw intelligence into a form with which there appears some more graspable or comprehendable form to which we may relate to.

Of course, that’s just one angle from which to look at it.

Any way it goes, DMT is an experience, alright... 😎


Well, that makes me think about how colors don't "actually" exist; it's rather our brains interpreting the relationship of light and temperature and such.

Does that mean color doesn't exist? Interesting to think about.

Kinda - it’s more an abstraction than something tangible - a label given to the conscious experience of how certain sensory input is translated...

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