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RE: The Alternative Lifestyle Show - Friday 25 May 2018 [recording]

in #dlive6 years ago

And here it is... me having mouth watering and cravings for freshly roasted macadamian nuts after @breezin description forever in blockchain ! LOL
No macadamian nuts and no mangos! sigh! ;-)

Thanks for the shout out with my song as well. Best regards. Pris


Well you could always come visit.... I will give you all the mangoes and nuts you want, you can pay me in song! LOL

Thank you for coming on the show Claudette. I'm totally envious of all your fruit and nut growing...

My pleasure was really fun - got so carried carried away with that, that I neglected all the important stuff I wanted to talk about... LOL
Guess I will just have to come on again at some stage a little bit more focused

You are welcome to come on the show again any time.

Host of the My Life in 8 Songs and The Alternative Lifestyle Show radio shows on MSP Waves.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

Yes those macadamian nuts and mangos sounded good. Alas I am never going to be able to grow them in Wales... unless global warnming really gets out of control !

Thank you again for allowing me to use your beautiful song.

I have a friend from Wales that managed to grow pineapple in his bathtub... you never know ;-)
Yes they sounded good... I was born in a tropical island, so I miss the mangoes :) sigh! Now they are super expensive... a luxury from time to time.

Pineapples would be good. Did he grow them inside his house?

Host of the My Life in 8 Songs and The Alternative Lifestyle Show radio shows on MSP Waves.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

Yes, in his bathtub lol

Did he still have room to take a bath...

Not very sure... LOL

Not very sure... LOL

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