What Does Good Karma Look Like On the Blockchain? Gold Foil Legendaries.

in #dlive6 years ago


Hi Friends!

One of my favorite things about this community is how generous and kind everyone is! If it's even possible - I would even say that the @steemmonsters crowd is probably one of the most generous corners of Steemit. I see people gifting each other booster packs and cards they need, or offering to give advice left and right. For something that most people would probably think would breed competitiveness, there has been an abundance of kindness instead.

Nothing wrong with being competitive, and I'm sure we'll see that come out more once the tournaments start, but I can't believe what a helpful and kind group of people have come around Steem Monsters.

I had the privilege of interviewing @aggreod all about Steem Monsters a while back - and I honestly think the this culture starts at the top. He chooses to embrace an abundance mindset and that is so visible with how he has structured building the game .

Two Examples of Good Karma on the Blockchain

In the last couple days, I've seen a few examples of different Steemains that have been seen good karma come around as a result of their generosity. These stories were just too good not to repeat!!

@goldmatters gives away 150 booster packs... then wins a gold foil legendary Selenia sky card.

Yeah you heard me right! He literally used the proceeds he made from the post to buy himself more booster packs after giving 150 booster packs to the lovely @nomadicsoul. Upon opneing those packs - he unveiled the most valuable card in the game! The current market value for this card ranges from $6500-$30,000. WOW!

@o07 gives a single booster pack to someone in his discord group... they open a gold foil frost giant.

If you are at all involved in Steem Monsters - then you probably already know the generous kind hearted soul that is @o07! He runs contests all the time on his channel giving away countless booster packs. In fact, he's going to be coming on board the Fan Fiction show that is hosted by @littlescribe and I to help cover Monster Tournaments and a new segment we will be unveiling called "Kids Corner" where we highlight kids Steem Monster art!

Needless to say... this guy is awesome and I'm sure @neddykelly probably lost his mind when opening such a valuable (around $2,000) card! I think this is another great example of good Karma because @o07 would have never felt inspired to share that booster pack if @neddykelly hadn't been an awesome and engaged member of his community.

Giving Away 6 Booster Packs

This is totally unplanned... in fact I thought of this after filming the video and so it is only mentioned in the text of this post! While on the topic of good karma - I want to pay it forward as well.

Leave a comment saying who you would love to give a booster pack to and why. Maybe they make your experience on steemit brighter, or maybe they are really trying to build out their deck and you know this would mean a lot to them. Tell me why you'd love to give them a booster pack and then I'll send one to EACH of you!

I'll leave this open for a few days and then I'll pick three comments and send out 6 packs!

Ok... this post has been SUPER fun. I hope you guys enjoyed hearing the awesome karma stories of @goldmatters and @o07 and I can't wait to read all of your comments!

XO, Lea



This is absolutely spot on, @coruscate! You're right! The whole steemmonsters culture is a generous and cooperative one. I feel like from the moment I even mentioned the word for the first time, I was pummeled with generosity and helpfulness, from @mattclarke and his advice on how the cards work, to @davemccoy and his help in trading, to @o07 and the three dragons he gave me, to several other random people who just took it upon themselves to drop me cards and kindness!

Not to mention the sheer joy I get from hosting the Fan Fiction show and highlighting all of the cool stuff the game offers, from art to music to live readings of the fiction. And the contests abound! There is no end of fun. You're right, I think it starts from the top with @aggroed and @yabapmatt.

I can't get over it. It is by far the most enjoyable community I've ever been in. And it's all on the steem blockchain! Can't wait for this puppy to grow.

Couldn't agree more!! This community is not only super generous... but FUN too! @o07's puppy gif below is awesome too. hahah makes me wish I had a little puppy to play with right now!

New house and puppy go together right?

Afraid not. 😞 We are actually renting an apartment - so that makes it a little harder. Our new landlords did say they would consider a small dog or cat though... sooo maybe!!

I’m also allergic to both cats and dogs... but I have this idea that I’d get used to them if I had one. 🤷‍♀️

Do you have any pets?

Hey there @coruscate! I'd love a booster pack since I've only just started getting into Steem Monsters. :)

I'd also love to see my good buddy and fellow Aussie @holoz0r get a free pack as well. It was this friendly individual who introduced me to Steem Monsters and got me slightly hooked on it.

Thanks for the mention @coruscate wow I didn't realise you could use so many tags in a post. Yeah @o07 is the man lol mind you the bloke don't mind a stiff whisky on the rocks lol.

I see your hard work is paying off with having @dtube behind you! I wish I stuck with steemit when I first arrived only problem I found back than was such a hate community and every comment was negative. A few years later and I'm back on steemit and I must say it's much better.

Thanks for the shout out mate!

Thanks for the shout out!

I’m looking forward to working with you and @littlescribe 🙂

We are building this community strong and it shows.


Couldn't agree more! Ps... I love the Monster gif of you and @mattclarke! Makes me smile every time!

You are Sooooo right @coruscate ! The @steemmonsters crowd is the most generous bunch I know, and am proud to be a member of! Such a fantastic post and video as always my friend. I follow all these awesome members @nomadicsoul , @goldmatters and @o07 which I just finished congratulating them before seeing this post, they really are awesome members of Steem Monsters and Steemit as well as you @coruscate ! keep up the great work and all that you do for this fantastic community! Upped and resteemed! 👹👿😄👍✌
☑👹 I would like to choose a new member to Steem Monsters and Steemit (June) who is struggling to buy Booster packs, has only been able to buy 3 boosters so far, and could really use a win right now: @trisquelwhare !
👹💕 Good Karma is great for the blockchain!👹💕

You are such an awesome member of the Steem Monster community Karen!! Let's be honest though... you are a great member of any community you decide to join because you are that AWESOME!!! :)

Also - I love the nomination for @trisquelwhare!! Love that guy!

Have a good day my friend!

Awe ! thanks so much for the kind reply @coruscate ! You are as well my friend! Have a great day as well !😀✌👌😍💕

Hey wow, thanks so much for the nomination @karenmckersie, and thanks for the mention here @coruscate. If it wasn't for your mention just now, I might have missed this entirely, as my notifications seem to be on the fritz again. 😒  I'm not sure what is going on, I use SteemPeak, SteemWorld, and GINAbot. You'd think one of them would have let me know about this post, particularly with Karen's mention of me above, and the post is tagged with #SteemMonsters, so GINAbot should have picked that up for me. But as soon as Lea mentioned me just now, I got a notification from SteemWorld about it. Very strange.

Anywhoo, back to this giveaway. I feel like I have come full circle here, as it was Lea who gave me the initial $5ˢᵗᵐ to buy my Starter Set  of SteemMonsters. I have bought a few packs since then, as Karen said, and I have also received quite a few packs as well, from others in the Monster community (particularly @clove71, who has been very generous and helpful). I'm also still giving away my Common  cards to new Steemians in my #payitforward. I really would appreciate winning another booster pack. Again, thanks for thinking of me.

@trisquelwhare I noticed the same thing I found my name here via reading the whole post lol. Apparently Gina bot didn't mention it for me. Dunno what's up with the blocks but yeah we all made it to the table in the end lol

Thanks for the reassurance, @neddykelly. I got notified immediately of your reply here, thanks to steemworld.org.

No worries, and I just recieved your confirmation as of now from Gina 17 mins late... I don't have steem world open on my mobile

Awe ! thanks for such an awesome reply @trisquelwhare ! sorry you missed my commnt, glad you caught it though now lol! Best of luck to you!I am also getting no notifications!😀✌👌💕

Thank you for the upvote @mattclarke ! 😊👍

Posted using Partiko Android

I think we should give @henryclarke a booster pack. He's @mattclarke's kid. He's totally interested in SteemMonsters, and we think he's spending his pocket steem on Steem Monsters. :)

The polisiosaur.
@henryclarke 29-8-18

Woah!! This is awesome work @henryclarke!! I wouldn't want to get pulled over by that car! :)

This could be a card.


aww what an AWESOME nomination!! Thanks @holoz0r!

Steemmonsters is taking off and the amount of contests and giveaways is fantastic.
@o07 is the man!
If you don't follow him you should. He has almost daily contests going and is really trying to give back to the Steem community.

He sent me a silver coin for crying out loud!
A friggin Darth Vader silver coin!

Whaaaa??? A Darth Vadar Silver coin? Epic. Seriously Epic. Or should we say legendary??

Thanks for the great nomination @doctorcrypto! @o07 definitely has lots of good karma coming his way! :)


@autofreak deserves a pack. He does nothing be be supportive and has such a positive attitude. He has taken it upon himself to educate the African youth about how gold can protect them from the inflation they face . I would love to see him find a gold legendary!

Awesome recommendation @goldmatters!! @autofreak is awesome and I always love interacting with him! :)

Hi! wow how awesome of you, a nice meaningful post! i started a little giveaway of my own yesterday, to giveaway 10 booster packs! but anyways, Rexxie is my favorite! idk why but his little arms just crack me up! hahahaha i hope his "bite" skill is awesome!

How awesome is it that @nomadicsoul won her gold legendary!!!

im proud to have commented on her first #introduceyourself posts and saw her account skyrocket! so awesome. There are so many giveaways going on, such a good time for everyone to socialize and follow each other and then when the Steem Monster battles come out, BATTLE IT OUT!

heres the link to my post for a 10 Steem Pack giveaway [https://steemit.com/contest/@procaptainjoe/steem-monsters-10-pack-giveaway] and thanks for letting me enter yours! Im so excited to see who will win this one.

If i could recommend anyone to get one Booster Pack it would be @philipkavan
He is struggling on funds lately, and i want him to understand that there are people out there that help each other, just keep your head up. i met him the other day on steemit and it seems like he really wants to play Steem Monsters and open a pack to get started but some people just dont have funds. He hasn't been around long, but i would love to show him that some people on steemit are kind like yourself and many many others and not to give up. But How awesome! thanks so much for giving him two opportunity's to start off his collection!

All the good karma. I'm sure a lot will come your way too!

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