RV Bathroom Remodel :: Part 4 :: The Final Part

in #diy6 years ago (edited)

Original bathroom, prior to doing anything in particular.

One does not simply remodel a bathroom. It's a long, terrible journey filled with moistness, odd smells, and physical contortions heretofore previously unknown.

I embarked on a remodel of my RV bathroom starting last month. Post one, two, and three offer more information than you care to know.

The overall project was to replace the plastic toilet with a more suitable ceramic throne, replace the old counter top, replace the yellow plastic sink and cheesy old faucet, and replace the shower door/frame which had long since disintegrated into a flopping mass of plastic.

After much research and buying of parts on Ebay and Amazon, and much subsequent work, the bathroom is....mostly finished. As any DIYer knows, most projects are kind of always in a state of mostly finished. Mostly because there's always something more to be done.

Specifically, I still need to cover up the pipe-and-hose stuff behind the toilet. I'm leaving it open for now so I can keep an eye on any potential leaks.

Toilet is in! I have not yet christened it, but I soon will. Sink and countertop fit in nicely.

The hardest part here (other than cutting the laminate slab down to size) was finding the appropriate wall gasket to use around the perimeter.

Motherflaggin' shower door! I've yet to use the shower in the RV, but at least the shower door is no longer some flappy wreck of plastic that has to be zip-tied to itself so it doesn't fall over and impale a hapless toilet-user.

All in all, it turned out well. I will be using it for a 3 day weekend trip this weekend to North Dakota. Assuming I'm not covered in poop and pee when I return, I will count it a success.

Images by @negativer

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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://negativerealm.com/rv-bathroom-remodel-part-4-the-final-part/


Motherflaggin' ... I am going to steal that:):):) Nice work, Neg, and enjoy that trip to North Dakota:)

Thanks! I'm hoping I can find a few things to take photos of in North Dakota that I can make a post from. I'm not sure there's anything worth looking at there though.

"...most projects are kind of always in a state of mostly finished."


"I'm leaving it open for now so I can keep an eye on any potential leaks."

Hahahahahahaha! :D

Tell me, does the wife buy this pathetic bit of sophistry?

Best of luck with the maiden voyage... ;)



Ha, you got me. I'm pretty sure there's no leaks at this point, but I'm leaving that space behind the toilet open because...I'm waiting to be inspired by a clever use of that dead space. I was thinking of build a small storage area (maybe for toilet paper or whatever) that could also be tall enough to act as a small shelf behind the toilet.

An excess of ideas is what stops me from completing any project. Once you officially complete it then all those little pending ideas have nowhere to go.

"An excess of ideas is what stops me from completing any project."

Wow, truth in a nutshell... So many decisions, branching paths...

That's why you have to iterate. Next time you do the project, you do it better/differently.

Next time you do the project, you do it better/differently.

Or....OR....I could just not do it at all. Seems the low road is always easier :)

(but what would be the fun in that?)

I have done bathroom DIY work in a house before, but for some reason doing the same in an RV seems more intimidating. Looks like you did good work. I hope no leaks

RV is definitely more intimidating. You can't just throw a bunch of 2x4s at it and nail it together. Gotta consider weight and puncturing the thin walls and all that.

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