Artificial Intelligence: What will it be like?

in #discussion6 years ago

Two Possibilities.
The obligatory

We're all gonna DIE


The Sorcerer’s Apprentice: Is AI an existential threat to humanity?
The author of the article says yes.

TL;DR millenial summary

  • AI will replace most jobs. Human labor becomes worthless, the biggest devaluation in history. Democracy will crumble as people lost their negotiating power. Consciousness will spontaneously emerge in AI by Darwinian evolution, not by human engineering. Superintelligence will surpass the human and replace our species — in this millenium.

The Author makes some assumptions

  • Today - Unintended consequences:
  • Within 100 years - most Jobs will be replaced:
  • Hundred years from now - AI develops consciousness:
  • Augmenting our bodies:
  • Why don’t we stop it?

To which I reply
EVERYTHING has unintended consequences. No one can do just ONE THING. Everything you do does that. It's called the ButterFly Effect. so that point is invalid.

In the next two bullet points he speaks of the future. If he said next month...or next year he might be (somewhat) accurate. Five years from now? Not so much. Lookit how our world has changed in the last five. Ten, Twenty? No chance of accurately predicting it. A hundred years is pure fantasy. So those arguments are invalid.

As far as Augmenting our bodies is concerned, it's happening RIGHT NOW (I've posted about it) So that's pretty much a done deal.

STOP IT? It is to laugh. Might as well try to sweep back the tide. How'd that work out for King Canute?

SO my opinion of this point of view is that it's wrong_.


On the flip side

Why AI Will Bring an Explosion of New Jobs

in other news...water is wet

Well DUH!

at least this guy is a bit more realistic in his predictions...a little bit. He compares AI to bitcoin.

What Will Bitcoin Look Like in Twenty Years

In other words...we don't really know. What did Bitcoin look like twenty years AGO?

Wasn't one. Didn't exist. No one saw it coming.

You reckon there will be other stuff that makes BIG changes in the way we live that hasn't been invented yet?

The author thinks there will be..he makes a comparison with Biological life and mentions the Cambrian Explosion

and he also says.


In my opinion the first article is wrong. Wishful thinking in a bad way..there's a boogie man in closet kinda thing.

The second article is MORE correct.

Read them yourself, follow the links and read them too...then let's have a conversation about it.


Prediction is difficult - especially of the future... (Bohr) 😊 @peekbit

😅 👍🏼

😅 👍🏼

It puts the human in control and on top of the food chain. AI will change this for the first time in history and forever.

assumption right off the bat to start, not good. Why would AI need to even be part of the food chain? Like some robot is going to want to eat a humanburger with feta cheese on top and tittie tots? I don't think so.

Why compare AI as an invention they see as dangerous ie: steam machine, railroad, the airplane, and electricity, none of these even came close to a potential of killing millions and millions of people, they do but not in the context he is presenting, (once again an assumption and misleading comparison) ...* were deemed dangerous falls short and is unfortunately misleading.*... he should have used the Atomic Bomb as an example.

Never before our intelligence as core defining and distinguishing attribute as a human and thus our leading role on the planet has been challenged.

I have no college or university education and that sentence to me is complete gibberish, so if some can put that in an understandable to a high school grad, I would appreciate it.

I think I am done commenting on his post. Now will read the rest and add a final conclusion.

I could not finish Wolf Garbe post. The MS chatbot was not AI, the Tesla Auto drive is not AI, at best they are only Programed Intelligence. They were programed with parameters that they can not deviate from. They do not think they respond. AI, Artificial Intelligence, is capable of thinking. of forming its own thoughts and acting on those thoughts. There is no AI, and it is now where near ready for prime time, or any time soon.

I guess I was just not in the mood to read the second one, I read a little bit, but both of them seem to have an issue with what is AI. I guess a lot of people have that problem. Is automation AI? Really if so then Henry Ford was the first to maximize AI in his time. So AI has been around a long long time if they are seeing and view AI as Programed Automation.

AI, when we get it will be a blessing in disguise. True AI, not Programmed Intelligence, not programed Automation.

Anything created by humans is flawed. The fear of unattended consequences are as predictable as the sun rise. When we finally design or develop something that wipes us out we will get what we deserve for a lack of wisdom and insufferable arrogance.

hmmmm...dunno about the 'wiped out' part.

Everitt, you don't know me but I see you are a fair-minded person who doesn't put up with people using "hate speech" mantras to silence others. I am SO sorry to jump into this thread without addressing it, atm...though it looks fascinating, and I will get back to it...but would you please look here and advise?:

Thanks so much, brother!

You're welcome.
I followed the link.
I don't have an opinion on that subject.

Okay. Thanks so much for taking a look. I truly, truly appreciate it. But surely what I have written is not "hate speech" here?

no idea.
some people consider 'have a good day' to be hate speech.

Ain't that the truth. Love the way you think, man. Thanks for replying...

you're welcome.

Everitt, you don't know me but I see you are a fair-minded person

😂😂 - an old timer texan?....mmmm
(only joking, couldn't resist)

I just read your is not racist in the slightest mate, don't stress it.

Economic osmosis dictates that poorer countries will always try to find wealth from richer countries, one way or another.
The influx is for economic reason - bollocks to the 'community' and all that - it's about making a few dollars a day so that can live.
With the honest content writers comes the scammers to.

Don't apologize for not being racist.
...and never try to use logic and reason to a lefty SJW's.
Mental illness sees no logic, only hate and bullying at any opportunity - to try and show some kind of superiority.
(because they feel so worthless inside, they are stupid enough to think virtue signalling helps.)

Thanks, man. I do appreciate you kind words of support.

just sayin' it, as i see it.

Getting to know that about you..

Fascinating thread! Personally, I don't think we have the ability (and are never likely to) to develop full-blown AI in the sense that most of the dystopian commentators view it. We have been trying to create life in the laboratory for a hundred years, and I don't think we'll ever accomplish that either.

Yes, the jobs we have now may be replaced by bots eventually, but I think there are likely to always be new types of jobs layered on top of that which will still require actual human intelligence. I am no Luddite and I am not afraid of progress, but I don't see "AI" ever truly threatening humanity.

I don't see "AI" ever truly threatening humanity
me neither. Even if it existed why would it want to?
it's needs and goals would not intersect with humans.

Right on, and if it is thoroughly designed and built by humans, it would necessarily be programmed (and learned/taught) to serve and suit humanity.

The opposite assumptions make for a great sci-fi/horror theme, I have to admit, though.

Always the job has had evolution replace it

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Superintelligence will surpass the human and replace our species — in this millenium.
It should be millennium instead of millenium.

The right or wrong of the opposing opinions depends on your perspective.
Since the currently powerful companies support antihuman and government control ideology programmers, we are certainly headed for a "Dark age". I don't know about the rest of the world, but the upcoming generation in this country doesn't seem to be able to deal with the reality of life as it is, let alone massive job obsolescence due to new technologies.
In the long run, new technologies do create better jobs for those able to adapt. Hopefully AI will advance technology fast enough before the worlds governments convince us to destroy ourselves at war.

we are certainly headed for a "Dark age".
The facts don't support that assertion.

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