
if people are in desperate situations I didn't think they'd be able to be online.

See my comment. "Desperate" is relative. The pics he showed ?? Nah.. starving street kids are not on steemit.
However , yes there are people who live in shacks or apartments withiyt running water that have access to mobile phones or cyber cafes..

However, they aren't scammers. They are just like us.

howdy there @limabeing! very clever username I like that..your comment makes
perfect sense, thank you for that and the vote. I don't know any feminists let alone a wandering one so glad to meet you and God bless!

Lol gnight jonboy. :P

yes Ma'am you too @limabeing God bless you and yours!


you are still very novice. you can contact me, let's discuss. plus, poor isn't always in money terms


there is a discord link underneath all of my posts



I come from one of those nations you are talking about but... okay, guess what? I do know how to cite where the pictures I use on my posts are from. But okay, going back to your point, mental shortcuts like that or the kind of mentality you have leads nowhere else than wrong judgement or generalized ideas that are ultimately wrong. Steemit and gifteconomy is a sandbox of a world that has no boundaries. A very beautiful thing. If you don't get it that way, Steemit should not adjust at all to you. This idea can prosper without little men that don't believe in it. You have a wonderful day and bless your heart.

This is an interesting way of looking at the platform's state of affairs. I've been thinking of ways to generate the data for new sign-ups based on locations, but haven't figured out a statistically credible way of extracting such information. You've inspired me to keep thinking.

The countries you've mentioned have some of the finest promoters of Steemit. The influx of new sign-ups is our fault. Our motivation however is far from scamming, my promotion effort for example's been funded from my own pocket, and what I make off of Steemit is locked in Steem Power to support the platform, and the people we bring into Steemit.

Not sure how long you've been in the crypto space, but it may help put things into perspective to read about where the biggest scams in crypto happened.

It is an important to aim at a balance of sign-ups. The platform ought to maintain a symbiotic relationship between content creators, and curators ( those who are willing to put in the time, and those who are willing to bring the cash). As a published author I am sure you can help with that (if you're willing). Start with your family and friends, then your community.

There are people from the UK who are targeting investors for their promotion efforts, the CEO did a tour in Korea where there are crypto whales. Both the UK promo team (non-Steemit Inc. employees), and the CEO are certainly not bothered by the volume of sign-ups from the locations you've mentioned. To some extent, they are supportive of people promoting the platform in those same locations.

Also, you mentioned that you are fairly new in the platform. I suggest reading the white paper at your most convenient time, and do a search for the word "abuse". You will find it interesting, as I have when I've read it for the first time.

The community has developed ways to combat abuse, which by the way is not exclusive for the countries you've mentioned.

I've been in the platform for over 10 months now, and I am still learning new things everyday, so I can certainly understand why the things you've mentioned in your post may come up to be concerning for you.

I wish you all the best in helping the platform strike that balance. If you need any help I am also @steemitph in discord and Steem Chat.


Agree. I've written a post about Steemit's NOT being easy money here It will Take Time & You Can't do it Alone after being in the platform for three months. I know what you mean about Nigeria, I was working for PayPal between 2005 to 2011 and oh were some Nigerian scams headaches. Some of the most reputable Steemian like you now know are from there though.

Terry acts like no whale (although his effective SP, and his good heart show him as one), but I am sure you too are whale to him.

I hate reading boring stuff myself, and it is easier to form opinions about how things SHOULD be as I wrote here When You See Only A Portion of the "Truth", You Form an "Opinion".


Sometimes, our heads will spin in circles as we try to make sense of utter nonsense. Up is down, love is hate and together is alone. The people being judged are not the ones to be blamed. It's the one who’s judging them. It is very important to hold off until we know all facts. Instead of judging, let's try to help them. One love.


I saw a lot of people from the countries you mentioned, they have better thinking than yours.


Youre new so youre not aware of Steemit history or the fact the biggest scam scandal on Steemit was from a white guy in the USA.

So lets disperse the myth that scams come from poor countries. Its a personality thing, not a nationality thing.

Perhaps you should retract this if you truly dont mean insult.

I would have to say that at least half of our new members, at present, are coming from these five areas. That is not so good...for anyone...or for our site reputation.

"Not so good?"

For someone who's barely been on the platform how did you come by that conclusion?

Its not their location that determines if they are good for the platform. It's the quality of their contribution that ultimately determines that, and their reputation score and Steem Power will reflect that.

Furthermore, again, you're new, so I'm guessing youre not aware of the efforts these countries go to to actively promote Steemit before you decided to write this highly offensive piece wondering why sign ups from those countries are so high.

That said, I've yet to see actual proof of that, but will not be surprised if it is fact as I am aware of all the recruitment efforts.

Also, as someone who is Filipino Australian I'm in a unique position to comment regarding Steemit promotion and the fact is, Aussies just arent interested and it's not for lack of trying either.

Have you heard of Steemit meet ups and recruitment in your area? Were you introduced to the platform in that way? I'm willing to bet No.

In my time here, heavily involved with a lot of the region groups and communities on Steemit, I've barely seen Steemit meet ups or promo-steem efforts in the USA. Perhaps you should be focusing on that.

Ps. I am most certainly offended. Please educate yourself before you start singling out countries.

I am not implying you are insulting. I am stating, based on what I have read that you ARE insulting.


Hello there. I am from the Philippines and I am glad and grateful that I was able to discover this wonderful platform. As a response to your fear that Steemit it is being overrun by citizens of poor nations that seeks to scam people is unfounded. Scamming is not a monopoly of poor countries IMHO. What you are seeing is mass adaptation of citizens of these countries that believes in the platform. Diversity will bring more value in to the platform. This is also the effect of strong community builders in the aforementioned countries. While there might be spammers and scammers coming from these countries insinuating that the influx of these "Poor" countries will increase such bad actors in the platform is silly and Insulting.

I am merely pointing out that more than HALF of all newbies here are coming from these five nations, representing less than 2% of the world's population. That is statistically significant, and deserves explanation.

@mepatriot. This is not about poverty issues my friend. This is about how active the community is and the opportunity that Steemit gives. I think that's the main reason why a lot of account signups happened despite of the lack of understanding on what really powers Steemit. Ideally, blockchain technology and cryptocurrency is still on its infancy stage in these countries.

I have to tell you, poverty does not directly mean ignorance. Don't you know that a lot of Filipinos are top contributors of Utopian, a lot were upvoted by @curie because of how wonderful their posts were created, etc etc.

I don't recall calling anyone ignorant. I am just searching for reasons for this predominant signup activity from these specific locations.

My apologies for not being able to read carefully on your blog.

Mainly because we build communities and one of our main goal is to spread Steemit. So we promote and invite as much as we can, which theoretically can help the platform, something everyone should be doing. Calling people desperate doesn't have a nice ring to it and stereotyping people based on where they are from should have disappeared years back.

Helping is helping. It doesn't matter who you help. Rich helping the rich. Poor helping the poor. Rich helping the poor. Poor helping the rich. It's a positive thing that any website should be proud of really.

Also, this is a decentralized platform so anyone is free to sign up. If everyone from the third world signs up first then that's great, they'd be early adapters, good contributors to this platform. Steemit owes it to these people why they can boast their numbers.

No one here gives a damn how dirt poor someone is as long as they can contribute and prove thei worth. I'm dirt poor really. I live in the third world and my pay could be 5-10% of yours only. XD Also I don't see that many people begging for charity, if there are then it's not for themselves but rather to give back and pay it forward.

The kindest person I know is a Nigerian based in the Philippines and he has a really deep sense of understanding and helpfulness. Also, you got our country's name wrong.

Thanks for reading. Btw you're misusing the introduceyourself tag (based on the norm, cause this isn't an introduction post).


I did not say or imply that you said he wasn't kind. I just said that he's the kindest and he's Nigerian, just setting him as an example. He's basically one of the main reason why there's lots of sign ups from Nigeria and Philippines (it could also extend to those other nations you mentioned) because he constantly promotes Steemit. I guess, the answer to your main question why there's so many signups from a certain place is because people promote Steemit because they believe in it and the good that it can do. And people here are too competitive to not build communities.

Btw, I just based it on minimum wage, US has around 7 usd per hour. We get less than 10usd per day.


"money, money, money", as Abba would say...

I have to tell you, poverty does not directly mean ignorance doesn't mean that in the slightest.

...And poor people in poorer nations are clever enough to work out that by making a few dollars a day here , it can change their lives.
All power to them.

While no one has yet been willing to really challenge my point that we have a problem in terms of new membership distribution, many are willing to call me a racist for merely pointing out a fact. For the life of me, I don't know how discussing that we have a preponderance of new membership from certain countries makes me a racist-- especially when I have several close minority friends and have no racist inklings in my entire body or soul. But they seem to equate noticing that these countries are in poorer sections of the world with a "hate crime," or something.

Not that the poverty element is that important, really. I would be nearly as concerned if five richer countries were so vastly over-represented among our new memberships, although that would dent the likelihood that the real racists inside the beltway and many corporate boardrooms (where decisions are made about things like finance capital, major banking/wealth-creating ventures, what startups are worth supporting and/or commenting upon favorably, etc.)..i.e. many people who have already calling Steemit a "scam," etc.,...would be as likely to do so.

It's getting so bad in here now, that people are trying to tell me that Nigeria is not (fairly or unfairly) known as a haven for scammers, and that the countries I have called "poor" aren't really poor but rich. They are attacking my minor premise because they have no argument against my major premise. In other words, because anybody can go to the "introduceyourself" tag and see for themselves that I am telling the truth about my major premise (dominant distribution from a few places) they will instead attack my minor premise (that these places happen to be among the poorest in the world.)

While it is true that Venezuela has the potential to be a rich nation, the Communist policies there have made for a hyper inflation that has impoverished all but the very top percentages of people in the government. Venezuela currently ranks 125th in per capita income, but that study is a bit dated, and the distribution of wealth is so heavily skewed against the majority of the people, that they are probably as poor in purchasing power as the poorest nations on Earth.


Indonesia ranks one spot ahead of Venezuela (#124) but the poverty by region there is very unevenly distributed. As it turns out, Aceh is 5th poorest among all of Indonesia's provinces with a per capita income of just $2,011, which would rank the province far, far lower, were it a country.


The Phillipines come in at #152, Nigeria at #163, and Bangladesh at #176.

Now, rather than shooting the messenger, can we not work together to find out the reasons for this uneven distribution of new members, and work to improve the situation? Steemit is NOT a scam, but any casual observer who hasn't been here and seen what this platform is capable of would be supported in the worldwide court of public opinion (except for among the worst of the race baiters among us) in saying our current new membership distribution looks like we are preying on the poor in some sort of "get-rich-quick" scheme. NOT TRUE, I know. But we aren't the ones who have to be convinced of Steemit's potential, and we aren't the ones making influential judgment calls about the various cryptocurreny options and talking to potential investors on a regular basis.

Flagging because I explained why the membership numbers are up for those regions yet you want to keep grandstanding.

Your question was answered. You just dont want to listen and instead insist on going down this route.

At this point Im more concerned that there are people like yourself joining the platform, giving all of us a bad name.

Flagging is for:

Disagreement on rewards
Fraud or Plagiarism
Hate Speech or Internet Trolling
Intentional miss-categorized content or Spam

Which are you claiming?

I already told you. Again youre not reading. Im starting to think you dont really want to know the answer and just want attention.

This is not the way to get attention on Steemit.

Your "reason" is not mentioned as a justification for downvoting. So, I will ask one more time...under which category of the ALLOWABLE REASONS FOR DOWNVOTING ARE YOU DOWNVOTING?

P.S. Just because someone chooses to not accept your explanations does NOT mean they haven't read them.

You can ask all day long mate. Go for your life! Have fun with that!

Oh, I am. But, for the record, you have not answered the question as to why you are downvoting me.

And fyi newbie

What are the valid reasons for downvoting?
Users are allowed to downvote for any reason that they want. There are many users in the community who recommend only using the downvote on posts that are abusive. It is up to you if you want to follow this etiquette.

What is the difference between a downvote and a flag?
With the current implementation, there is no difference between a downvote and a flag. They are treated the same at the blockchain level.

Add this to your reading list

You will notice that I have not downvoted you. I do not downvote for differences of opinion. You go right ahead and keep violating the site's etiquette. That's not for me. Thanks for the link.

Youre a great troll! Well done! Good luck to you.

Thanks. Same to you. I really hold no ill will toward you (or anyone else on this blog post,) and am sorry you took offense when none was intended.

Word of advice. Take a good long look at yourself. There is a serious problem if you can't see you are offending a lot of people.

You may not agree, but the fact remains.

Your action has resulted in a lot of comments protesting your words. Yet you remain defiant and cannot see the negative impact you made.

This is not the essence of Steemit. For someone so new, you need to watch and learn about the platform and the people before you start posting about things you know nothing about.


... that you posit views is great. You have a mind and you are using it.

You acknowledge that you are addressing a "newbie" - and condescendingly repeat this on various occasions. And yet you do not appear interested in exhibiting the level of patience that such an acknowledgment entails.

You have chosen to be offended by the words of this individual, (whose words I have heard to similar effect over the months from far more experienced and connected users than both you and I, incidentally (and I frankly never got involved on either side of such discussions before now).

You certainly have a choice to be outraged at his/their views - but one thing that I notice, in spite of reading all your responses on this thread, is a notable lack of a true counter to his views. The closest was noting that there are recruitment/ meetups for your zone. I would have hoped to see a counterpoint on his suggestion that having users from some parts of the World is somehow a bad thing.

As in, you have chosen to express outrage at his view but have not posited any point of substance to counter that view.

If I might have missed such substance then do kindly point it out include a keyphrase (such as "posited substance to counter") so anybody can simply Ctrl+F the essential post that I would thereby have missed.

My point. Shaming a user ("newbie" or otherwise) for having a view is not going to change that person's views. Such can be called a lot of things but "a victory of perspective" is not one of them.

In order to achieve such (which based upon the energy with which you have 'addressed' the user, suggests that you do wish for such) I would recommend posing very valid counterpoints to punch holes in the perspective (as differing from the user, who is not your enemy unless you choose such to be so... and to designate such to be so from the comfort of a higher reputation score and vote weight, is little different in principle from choices given at gunpoint.

Of course, I presume that you are actually interested in taking the higher ground.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I didnt see any point in countering. I have read other peoples comments on this thread and agree with their points and my counter would only echo their sentiments.

My comment's aim was to provide an answer as to why there are more sign ups from those regions. I believe that was the root of his question.

Yes I made the choice to take offense. From where I am sitting he is highly offensive.

We all make choices. Just like he made the choice to write this post the way he did, and just like you made the choice to reply to me.

I'm not here to change anyone's mind about anything. I'm here to let him know I don't agree with his views and the way in which he chooses to persist with the matter. Just like youre here letting me know you dont agree with my ways.

There is no victory here.

Instead I remain appalled. The countries he named are some of the countries that need our support the most. Yet they are painted in this way.

Is this good for Steemit? Who knows? But Steemit could mean real, lasting change for those countries.

P.S. You'll notice that the only people who are equating the poverty of those regions with race are the detractors who have no real facts at all except their innate biases.

What? Like yourself?

Again.. better check yourself. Better yet. Just stop.

Please just stop. If you cant see you are offending soo many races here then youre either the biggest idiot I've ever encounted or you're trolling.

Im going to take your replies as a YES you are trolling.

You need to stop and check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Threat noted.

Threat, suggestion, advice.. its all up to you how you want to see things. That much has been clear throughout this post.

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