First Ever Steem Video Dance Tutorial From Kate! Let's Learn to Dance Together!

in #dance8 years ago (edited)

Hi, Steemers!
My previous posts(1st, 2nd) were basically devoted to machine learning so you could think that I'm a nerd). But in my introduction I mentioned that I'm dancer and also promised to post dance tutorials in #KateDance rubric. And here you go! This is a FIRST EVER video dance tutorial on #Steemit. I worked hard on it and I hope that you will get some good vibes.

My new Steem T-Shirt

You will see choreography made up by me and its step by step analysis. It's not easy to grasp all the movements from the first view, so you can rewind and watch it again.

Some people think that dance is an easy thing for fun. But this is unfair. When you just start dancing, this can be really hard. It demands a lot of passion, discipline, energy and motivation.
I hope you’ll enjoy this video and I promise to become only better, because I really love what I do.

The name of audio track is "Neyo - nobody"

With Love,

#girlpower #dance #steemwatch


I was mesmerized by that shirt... What a way to catch attention!

@intelliguy, I have two of them. Can send you one if you'll record video with dance from this tutorial

That's a nice offer. But I have two left feet. :) However, in a future post, you could run a contest and to the person who copies the dance the best, they get a free shirt .. you might get a lot of interested people.

More of this please. Dat accent.

krishtopa is the 1st steem-made superstar. she's got it all.
smart, knowledgeable, kind, beautiful, can dance...maybe she can even sing?
a real asset and great ambassador for Steemit.
she's the opposite of the trash promoted by main stream media (kardashians and all that garbage).

@simoneighties, thank you for the compliments :)
You making me blush)

Nothing interesting. Previously, it was better in Steemit. Did not have boobs, shitty photos and junk's.

If you don't like the content or don't find it interesting then don't upvote it. Downvotes are meant for abuse, not disagreement. I think the post is very valuable for marketing reasons.

How many people , so many opinions. I also created promotional materials for Steemit. And many of them are used. Example: or
This works is not valuable for marketing reasons? P.S. My english is poor, excuse me for errors.

just so you know .. the steem banner designs, you referenced as your work here - are mainly based on my creations .. logo and background, as well as the tagline was coined by me .. ;)

Not that i've any problems with, but if u take a look here .. this is really unique contribution .. and makes fun to watch. My 2 sdc

BTW your shirt designs are good and are going into right direction, but i decided not to upvote this time, due the fact, you are complaining about other people content instead of working on getting your things polished .. You may should mind your own business.

Anyway - pls continue what u are doing .. and stop looking at others shoes .. then i will have a great time here .. i'd bet on - this said - STEEMon!

I think all of this don't makes sense. It is better to move on to other projects, where there is freedom of choice.


I love it when people flag stuff out of jealousy. .. -_-

Edited out of respect and love :)

We are all Admins here, with curating powers. But you are abusing your Admin privileges by flagging a post for other than reasons of steemit abuse.

That you disagree with a post is NOT a reason to flag it. Jealousy flagging because the poster's offering is "less artistic or worthy than your posts" is especially an abuse of your Admin/curating function.

Your subjective opinion that a poster seems to have spent only minutes on his/her post while others spend hours perfecting their posts but are paid nothing is NOT A REASON TO FLAG. It is a reason to not upvote. If many others do upvote, then the world does not see things the way you do. Accept that with humility.

That you disagree with a poster's ideas or viepoint is NOT A REASON TO FLAG. It is a reason to reply to the poster with your countering idea or viewpoint. Or start a whole new post with your ideas/viewpoints.

Those who upvote the post may see something in it that you don't (for instance the chance of bringing in large numbers of new users, or a way to fund a project they think will be highly beneficial for our community.

Do I have more than one account? Yes I do - as have many of us who have been investing time and money into this project since the beginning. (And in my case, have taken absolutely NOTHING out). I have very large time and money investments in in the steemit project.

I highly recommend that you remove your abusive flags on this post.
abarefootpoet, tgatellier, konstantin, somedude, acidsun, mrgoodlife

Instead of hijacking someone's post incase you might be wrong. Why not create your own story, and invite people over there so you can hash it out? I thought we dealt with this yesterday somewhat.

Look at your comment 12 hours ago :

Out of respect and honor for the artist herself, I edited my comment to direct our attention to her talent. Well done dancer, well done.

I even upvoted it, since you were taking the high road.

Where do you see "money transferring" ? Are you talking about curation rewards? That's how the system works. I see no direct wallet-to-wallet transfer recently. Please don't answer me here.. create your own conspiracy theory post instead on your own blog.

Thank you. I have serial downvoters for pointing this shit out

I understand you can be jealous or whatever. But insulting the girls appearance is really low.

Of course, she did. At least she worked for the upvotes and came with something original and put herself on the line. It is a good thing that a girl gets upvoted because she actually contributed something. I have seen girls getting money just because they were cute and that is something I don't like.

hey Krish!
awesome job with the video. you must be exhausted after shooting it!

thanks for promoting the platform

and everybody! remove the downflags ! NOW ! dont mis-use the downflag. this is unique content, even if you dont like it, downflag should be used for fraud, plagiarisms or other things..

Ying Yang twins and idk what language that is, but a pretty cool gif

This is Russian language. Bro :)
He said, "A good Russian accent)". In fact it is just Russian from Moscow.

Is this the first cryptocurrency backed by Russian strippers?

TL;DR: You bend with your hair. Hop, hop. And then you step, step.

After, you need to do one trick. This is a butterfly. Hop. And after that, you just spin with your hair, hop, hop. Get down slow. Nobody, nobody, Eeek!

And you just UPVOTE. HOP, HOP!

haha. It seems that you already passed this tutorial and learned everything. Well done

Hope user @metrox is paying attention in Switzerland.

He better step up his dance game, 'cuz new girl is in town & she's on fire. Hop!

Sweet moves. You got my attention! You deserve every penny here.

Thank you. You should try to learn this dance)

I think I will stick to step class. That is the most coordination I can muster... and it's a great way to meet girls!

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