OrphEus, a dance opera - the stand-out of the whole Arts Festival for me.

in #dance6 years ago

Maybe a little premature to say that, as we still have one show to go, but I can’t imagine anything topping this.

Ok, so has anybody heard of Michael Parmenter? I’d put him in the top 5 ever of New Zealand choreographers. We’ve seen some amazing works by him before, so OrphEus was top of our list of must see shows, this festival.

But first – to digress for a moment – if you haven’t spotted my contest post on 10 truths and a lie, go and check it out. There are still some excellent possibilities that nobody has voted for yet.

The story has two parts. The first part covers Orpheus marrying Eurydice, and then going away to travel with the Argonauts. As their harpist, he keeps their rowing rhythm constant, but also provides a distraction when the Sirens try to lure them away. He returns from a successful voyage to find his wife dead.

In the second half, he travels to the Underworld to try and bring Eurydice back, although he is ultimately unsuccessful.

Image source – OrphEus website

There were a number of elements that made this show so special. First, the music. The musicians were baroque trio Latitude 37]( https://www.latitude37baroque.com/) and four other baroque musicians. The combination of harpsichord, baroque violin, viola da gamba and traverso flute was compelling and beautiful.

Here’s a piece by Latitude 37 from Youtube. Although the piece of music is a different style, it will give you a little bit of an idea of their sound.

They were accompanied by vocalists Aaron Sheehan (a renowned American tenor), Nicholas Tolputt (Countertenor, a bit like a male alto), Jayne Tankersley (Soprano), William King (Baritone) & Sid Chand (Support Tenor).

Here are some Youtubes of some of them, so you can see how excellent they are:

Aaron Sheehan:

Nicholas Tolputt:

I couldn’t find Jayne Tankersley on her own, but she’s the blonde in this group:

Are you impressed? We haven’t even got to the dancing yet. Before that I have to mention the other soundscapes by AV and Sound Director David Downes. Again, excellent, and perfect for the mood of certain scenes.

But, oh the dancing. Contemporary is my favourite form of dance, and Michael Parmenter is such an artist. The fluidity, athleticism and emotion he brings to the genre is simply flawless. In this production, the combination of the baroque music, the classical vocals and contemporary movement come together to create something truly special.

This first trailer has Parmenter talking about his vision for OrphEus, but you also see some dancers rehearsing.

This trailer gives an insight into some of the design elements

In this trailer, you can see that as well as the highly trained main dance corps, there is a movement chorus for each city, which incorporates a much more diverse group into the work, to make it richer.

This short clip shows Orpheus and Eurydice in rehearsal

This is the sort of show you could see more than once and get something new from every time. By the time we left the auditorium, several curtain calls later, my arms were sore from clapping so enthusiastically.

Oh and, we were seated in the same row as the great man himself, so when he squeezed past on his way to his seat, I was a little star struck!

Thanks for reading and watching

Videos from Youtube.

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Wow!! I know about classical dance little bit. But I love it very much. It is not only dance but also peace of mind, beautiful exercise. I have watched every video and are still watching. Thanks for sharing the videos.

Although they are just little bits, they give an idea of how lovely it was.

Awww wow, I LOVE CONTEMPORARY @kiwideb. Next time I'm in NZ I'm going to have to see if I can pick up a show! I really loved Wellington's culture but not so much the wind -_- :)

Did I know you'd been here? Maybe you told me and I forgot. Yes, the wind can be a bit trying sometimes. But it keeps the Aucklanders away ;-) No offense to the Auckland Steemians, they are of course welcome in Welly any time.

I was thinking (and could be wrong) that we came together here over my posting about NZ some time ago! I have been there twice but only to Wellington once and very briefly to see Weta and some other landmarks before taking the ferry as the wind just about killed me ;)

Hahaha that's so cute, you guys are so territorial over there ;) I'm coming back at the end of the year, if I make it to Wellington again I'll let you know, it tends to call me in with all of its happening stuff going on! <3

Oh maybe that is how we met, I don't remember now. But oh yes, you must come and see us at the end of the year.

I'll let you know, I usually fly into Christchurch- that's where I've got some projects happening but I have a hunch I'll be up your way soon and will definitely let you know!

@kiwideb Now I must explore your list haha.

Baroque music is fabulous .. this post is filled with fun for me to explore.

BTW: I started following you back in 2016, if you look you joined one month before me. Somehow I lost you.

I remember your beautiful dress at the bottom of your post. Well sorry for the letter. LOL
So glad we are hooked up again. 🎈 We are all like balloons drifting around in Steemit.

Your name is so familiar, I see you all over the place and I thought I was following you too. But I see I wasn't. Rectified now! Balloons is a great analogy.

Great post, nice to see Latitude 37. They are friends of ours!

Oh, how cool! I see you're a violinist. But you're not baroque as well, are you? I imagine it's an interesting life travelling to play, but maybe not very restful.

Yes, I'm a baroque violin/viola and viola d'amore. It's a strange life, combining the freelancer life with a creative life. Lots of travelling and lots of uncertainty about the future, but I can't complain! It is rewarding and lots of fun in between the darker times!

Oh, you are baroque. Wouldn't that have been a hoot, if you had been playing here with them, then found yourself in my post?

I haven't been to NZ but I do occasionally find myself in Australia! Maybe there is still time for that to happen!

Yes @kiwideb. I am impressed. I have always been interested in dance but could never get my body to follow:)

Ooh, ooh, another opportunity for some laughter! Put on some music for the class and all do abstract, free flow dancing. You don't need to be any good, just have fun and laugh a lot. I would love to come and do that with you!

Sounds wild. If I'm ever in kiwi land I will give you a call.

It sounds like a magical experience. That Nicholas guy looks a little like a young Tom Cruise.

Oh yes, he does rather. I wonder if they will tour with it. Three shows in Auckland and 2 in Wellington are nowhere near enough for the work that went into it. Maybe they will come to a town near you one day.

Amazing photos and videos of the rehearsal. Thanks for posting in the #classical-music tag and helping our community grow!

Please let any classical musicians or classical music lovers that you know to subscribe to @classical-music, and to start using the #classical-music hashtag, so we can try and grow our community! Join us at our Dischord: https://discord.gg/ppVmmgt

I think you would have thoroughly enjoyed the juxtaposition of classical music with contemporary dance.

Yes, I've seen it done a few times. Sometimes it works really well, sometimes a little less well...

Oh I wish I could have seen this - the music and dance together must have been wonderful to watch :)

Yes, it truly was wonderful.

I am very impressed, and expected to find the whole choreography at the end of your post. 😐

I do hope that some day a video of it is available for the whole world to see.

The story of Orpheus is quite interesting..
Good review.. I was imagening all things..
Yeah i seen that post but its a difficult thing actually to choose one.. Its a hard thing to choose correct one

Yes, it is hard. I've looked at other people's lists and they're all hard too! But just guess and you will have a chance. If you don't guess, you have no chance. I hope someone wins. I was actually going to nominate you for the challenge, and that's when I realised I hadn't seen you for ages, so didn't. Then I was happy to see you post again.

Yeah you are absoloutely right..
Ok see you there on other post..

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