Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/13/18> Good to be done… well almost done.

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

Conspiracy theorist nut job...

I am sure glad to have this anniversary stuff behind me now. I am also glad that I have finally been able to come out of the broom closet and confess to being a “conspiracy theorist nut job type person” as the media would call me if they even knew I existed, but trust me, you folks have had a year of me and that is the only part of my personality that hadn’t been previously fully exposed.

Is it a bad thing...

Most of you could have probably gathered that I might be one since I do focus a lot on government and law while I strongly encourage people to question things; but is that a bad thing to do? You know damn well it isn’t, yet so many people won’t do it for fear a being labeled as one.

It can get you...

There is a lot more to me than just chasing down conspiracy theories which is actually one of my least favorite things to do. There are plenty of things in the massive numbers of laws we have that could keep me busy for years to come just pointing those out. When you go down those rabbit holes chasing theories it can get you pretty dirty and honestly when you find things it can give you a sick feeling. So if you are headed in that direction at least you will have some idea what to expect.

Unfinished business...

There is on last piece of unfinished business to get out of the way and that is a contest to reward a couple of you in honor of our anniversary, it really isn’t mine, without you folks nothing would be possible for me on here so it is our anniversary.

I was blown away...

I must say that I was blown away that @zen-art had gone through all my posts in a short period of time and found all the mistakes, even ones that wouldn’t have been needed to win one of the prizes. I did the math and my error rate for the year was 0.0164383561643836 that is pretty damn good, less than 2% of what I posted was screwed up. Actually that is pretty remarkable given a lot of the time I struggled to stay awake to get it posted. So I am proud of that number.

Still need a contest...

But we still need a contest, and the only thing I can come up with is “What you like and what you hate.” That will be the contest; all you have to do is a simple answer that is less than two hundred words in the reply to this Daily Dose.

I won’t be the judge either on whom wins; it will be judged based on the number of upVotes each comment gets, not earnings on the comment, just simple votes. The comment getting the most votes will win 12 shares of SBI the runner up will get 8 shares of SBI. The contest ends when this Daily Dose finishes its seven day cycle.

200 words or less...

No need to re-steem or any of that other BS that other contests make you do as you know I hate rules. The only thing left to cover is the subject and that would be the Daily Dose; 200 words or less on “what you like and what you hate” about the Daily Dose of Sultnpapper.

This should be interesting and it may even change the Daily Dose in the future but more than likely it won’t, old dogs are hard to break of bad habits.

Let the fun begin.
Until next time,

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I will say that what I like about the daily dose is YOU. You put all of you out there, and maybe the fact that I am a closet conspiracy theorist is part of it, not that I am in the closet just that I put my theories there so I can get on with my life.

I like when you talk about local things, a mysterious elephant or a runaway church group or an unconstitutional roadblock or any of the other million daily things that make up this crazy adventure that we call life.

Don't get side tracked by national or global shenanigans, stay local, and stay true to you. Thank you for your daily dose!

Thanks friend I appreciate the good advice. I have been known to get side tracked but that is usually inside of a daily dose that is about one of the things you mentioned.

A little side tracked might even be some seasoning on the avocado, so to speak. I can handle that.

As long as its about you, its great. I'm sure you can relate, but when people start talking about how 'all of us feel' or what's good for 'everybody' (frankly even if I agree personally), or start using the royal we they think includes me, I usually stop subscribing.

I enjoy hearing how you feel and what you experience, but loathe hearing how I'm supposed to feel. Does that make sense?

It makes perfect sense. I try to encourage a person to think for themselves, each person is different , we should have different thoughts and see things differently. We all have different perspectives.
It is like witnesses to a car accident, not everyone is going to see the accident happening the same way because they view it from different physical or optical locations.
i always try to give my perspective and encourage dialog and invite people to express THEIR thought and ideas.
If I were to tell that my way is the only way I would be no different then the probably 90% of the people that teach school who teach you what to think rather than teach how to think.

I like to keep things simple and straightforward. That is what I like about your posts,@sultnpapper. You keep it simple and straight to the point without beating around the bush.

Hate is too strong a word to use in this instance. Hate is to be used for a much more disastrous situation. In this case, I would use the word dislike. If there is anything I would say that I dislike about your blog is there are not enough photos of the places you visit. I know it is pretty difficult to have photos of things that pertain to lawyers letters or people's general stupidity.

All in all, I have to say I really enjoy your blog and I hope you keep posting here for many more years to come. I like someone who is not afraid to speak their minds. Too many folks pussyfoot around topics because they may offend someone.

So, @sultnpapper here's to you! 👍 👍🍾🥂

Thank you sweetie, and I like that you read the whole post too. Some folks didn't catch the topic or are just trying to avoid it.

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 257 (9/14/18)

Awww happy Anniversary and YES! A fellow truth seeker (in lieu of “conspiracy theorist”) because guess what, most of what we have been feeling for years is true like the:

  • baby eaters (hate) but take the word hate lightly bc as you noticed im not a hater. we shall be avenged!

  • aliens (love) because they arent really alien they have been here before and are not scary

  • flouride (hate) and scientifically proven to cause alzheimers, dimentia and a ton of other “diseases”

  • chemtrails (hate) its a fact. the chems being blasted on our poor heads everyday combined with gmo food causes major health issues and sickness

  • global warming false info (hate) anythingto do with spreading false info i pretty much despise. this one in particular just frustrates me. gore ... really?

  • red and blue kachia/ blue star/ Planet X (love) time for judgement is upon us. this is going to be fun folks. hold onto your panties!

thats about all i have for now, figuered Id combine our fav topic of convo with your contest. although i opt out of the winnings bc id rather it go to a plank(ton). encouragement and all that jazz.

thank you for tagging me or i mightve missed this great post!

flying over and out,
eagle spirit

This is just like I imagined your reply to be, I must be psycho or psychic or something.

LOL! One of those things for sure! XD

eye rolls

you sound like woody harrelson btw .. :p

HEY!!! You should have mentioned that you asked about those mistakes. It seems like I am freak who goes over peoples posts looking for mistakes lol. I would not have done it if you have not mentioned it :) I am not a freak people, I promise, he made me do it 😁

Anyway... I always say, start with the negative and finish with the positive thing so the thing I hate about daily dose will be addressed first. Hate is a strong word, I do not hate anything or anyone. I am not sure I am even capable of it so I do not hate anything about your daily dose. As for what do I mind or would change - pictures! I like pictures so seeing at least one photo (not just the main one) in daily dose would make it even better.

The thing I love is your style of writing. It is easy to read and follow. Some posts I just scroll through and read the pieces of it but the daily dose is always interesting to read, almost like something you would find as a column in the newspaper. Keep up the good job!

Let's admit it, we are all a little "freak" to be here, but that is the beauty! :)

Yes, very true I did ask to find them, I was blown away in a good way that you cared enough to do it with nothing on the line to win. That had to take some time to do.
i appreciate that you don't hate I maybe should have used liked and disliked but there are some things I dislike and then there are some that dislike is just not a strong enough word to express the level of dislike I have for the thing.
Take for example gasoline prices, I like when gasoline prices are in the $2 a gallon range but when it gets up near $3 I dislike it , when it pushes near $4 I flat out hate it because it eats away at the family budget in big bites. Hate doesn't always have to be associated or directed at people which most people take it as being.
As for the pictures, I would like using more pictures but 98% of the pictures I use or more are my own photos, I don't want my future grand kids thinking I was to lazy to even take my own photos and just grabbed some from some free use site to fill up space. When it comes to pictures if I don't have one that is mine but absolutely need one to convey the thought I will and that is usually a chart or graph when I would do that.
I am glad you like the style I use because it is all I have when it comes to that, I am a good verbal story teller sitting at a table over a cup of coffee but this writing it down is a challenge for me. So I have to just make do with what I can.

ya you are kinda freaky lmaooooooooo omg that is hilarious but no i understood he asked you to help him and you found the mistakes. dont worry sweet Peet! 😂🤣😂😂💜

I have been away from my computer for two days, and I feel like I missed a bunch of stuff! Catching up now: Happy "belated" Anniversary!

Too many things I love in this world to write up in a short post. I am one of those people that adores billions of things because I appreciate what went into creating it. Of course, plants are my big love, but there are also so many others.

As for things I hate... other than avocados and mayonnaise, I try to keep the whole "hate" thing out of my vocabulary. There are many things that have aspects that I dislike (sometimes, dislike very, very, very strongly), but hate takes so much dang energy that I decided a few years back to do my best to eradicate it from my thinking. I am a naturally negative person, so the whole extreme emotion thing comes easily. If you let me at it, I will destroy something in less than 0.03 seconds. But is that who I really want to be?

Nowadays, when I get in a group that is going on and on about something, I find myself participating for a while, then feeling like crud. So I do my best to try to look for the positive. It is not always easy, but it can be done. I usually chalk most behaviors to ignorance--both my own for not understanding it or the other for not being exposed to anything different. And as for "stuff" I might hate, then I try to find some positive side I can connect to.

Except for avocados and mayonnaise... try as I may, I can't find a way to put them in my mouth and not gag. I accept that they are healthy and good and others love them, but keep them away from my food!

You remind me a lot of a young lady we have in our #thesteemengine group named @eaglespirit and I agree about avocados and mayonnaise for sure. Nice job on sharing your likes and hates. Thanks for the congrats too.

you are so very perceptive and thank you for the beautiful compliment. love mah Papp!! see you in Discord 🤗

Hate: violence, labels
Love: mountains, crypto, furry creatures, sticky toffee pud

Duly noted. Well under the word count for sure, no need to press the limits.

Yes - thought I'd better get to the point on this one :)

I haven’t decided if this is participatory or not, so don’t start counting words quite yet.

Like Petra, I believe in Kiss the Frog. If you know you have a frog to kiss today, do it first and the rest of the day will be easy.

I don’t know that I hate anything except for maybe hate. I have a pretty strong dislike for labels. It feels like somebody is putting me in a box and dismissing me when they label me. That just pisses me off.

I like a lot of stuff. I just wrote a post about the things I really like. Motorcycles, Sam, friends all hit big in that one. I’d guess in this context I’d have to say that I like the interaction and community that has grown up with Steemit. It’s really pretty exciting to me when I see people from all round the world reacting to one another with dignity and honesty. I’ve found some people here that are genuine friends in all aspects of the word. That is something worth liking.

I like getting my daily dose every morning.

Go ahead and count. I’ll play.

I am only going to count the words at the end of the day, not enough time this morning. I will be sure and catch your new trifecta post I enjoy your writing greatly.

FOR TSE: I love that you're here and posting ---> day after day after day. You're one of the regular stops as I make my appointed rounds. I'd miss you a lot if you weren't.

I hate that you're so bashful about giving opinions and saying exactly what you think. YOU may be psycho or psychic or whatever, but not all of us are. It's pure hell trying to figure out where you stand on a subject. I wish to God you'd fix that. I hate having to second-guess you on every damn thing. (There. I used the word "hate." So sue me.)

This is absolutely what the type of things I need to see from this contest. I will tell you that I will try and get better about these things you mentioned but that would just be seen as lip service to try and squeeze a spot on TDWS and I won't play that card.
Thanks for the great reply.

I'm a little late coming to the party mr Papper, but would like to say what I admire most is your honesty in your Daily Dose!
I love how you tackle issues people normally whisper about but are too afraid to talk about openly.
I love how you make us laugh with your tongue in cheek humour.
I love the word you invented - guzzbuck - not sure if I spelt it right, one or two z's? Sounds much more polite but polite it ain't ;)
I love the stories about your family, shows a daddy and husband who will fight the bitter fight to the end to protect them.
I love your generous spirit in the Saturday SBI giveaways where you put a lot of thought into giving out those rewards.
I'm also a conspiracy theorist so really enjoy those posts as well!
Love the BBQ reviews especially as you not only talk about food, but also give a little history about the town and the BBQ joints.
Hate - no I don't like that word and really there's nothing I hate about The Daily Dose, so keep them coming!
Thank you for being such a good friend.

The party never ends here so I am glad you joined in. Thanks for all the kind words Lizelle. As for the friendship, my thanks to you as well for friendship you have extended to me. If you hadn't been kind enough to find me when I made that error a long time back when I confused you and @simplylizelle none of this friendship would have ever come about.
Speaking of our other Lizelle , I need to check on her, since her move I have sort of lost touch since she hadn't been posting very frequently.
Thanks again.

@simplylizelle has been very quiet, she's not posting often, must check her out as she does have health problems.

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