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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/13/18> Good to be done… well almost done.

in #dailydose6 years ago

I will say that what I like about the daily dose is YOU. You put all of you out there, and maybe the fact that I am a closet conspiracy theorist is part of it, not that I am in the closet just that I put my theories there so I can get on with my life.

I like when you talk about local things, a mysterious elephant or a runaway church group or an unconstitutional roadblock or any of the other million daily things that make up this crazy adventure that we call life.

Don't get side tracked by national or global shenanigans, stay local, and stay true to you. Thank you for your daily dose!


Thanks friend I appreciate the good advice. I have been known to get side tracked but that is usually inside of a daily dose that is about one of the things you mentioned.

A little side tracked might even be some seasoning on the avocado, so to speak. I can handle that.

As long as its about you, its great. I'm sure you can relate, but when people start talking about how 'all of us feel' or what's good for 'everybody' (frankly even if I agree personally), or start using the royal we they think includes me, I usually stop subscribing.

I enjoy hearing how you feel and what you experience, but loathe hearing how I'm supposed to feel. Does that make sense?

It makes perfect sense. I try to encourage a person to think for themselves, each person is different , we should have different thoughts and see things differently. We all have different perspectives.
It is like witnesses to a car accident, not everyone is going to see the accident happening the same way because they view it from different physical or optical locations.
i always try to give my perspective and encourage dialog and invite people to express THEIR thought and ideas.
If I were to tell that my way is the only way I would be no different then the probably 90% of the people that teach school who teach you what to think rather than teach how to think.

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