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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/13/18> Good to be done… well almost done.

in #dailydose6 years ago

Awww happy Anniversary and YES! A fellow truth seeker (in lieu of “conspiracy theorist”) because guess what, most of what we have been feeling for years is true like the:

  • baby eaters (hate) but take the word hate lightly bc as you noticed im not a hater. we shall be avenged!

  • aliens (love) because they arent really alien they have been here before and are not scary

  • flouride (hate) and scientifically proven to cause alzheimers, dimentia and a ton of other “diseases”

  • chemtrails (hate) its a fact. the chems being blasted on our poor heads everyday combined with gmo food causes major health issues and sickness

  • global warming false info (hate) anythingto do with spreading false info i pretty much despise. this one in particular just frustrates me. gore ... really?

  • red and blue kachia/ blue star/ Planet X (love) time for judgement is upon us. this is going to be fun folks. hold onto your panties!

thats about all i have for now, figuered Id combine our fav topic of convo with your contest. although i opt out of the winnings bc id rather it go to a plank(ton). encouragement and all that jazz.

thank you for tagging me or i mightve missed this great post!

flying over and out,
eagle spirit


This is just like I imagined your reply to be, I must be psycho or psychic or something.

LOL! One of those things for sure! XD

eye rolls

you sound like woody harrelson btw .. :p

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