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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/13/18> Good to be done… well almost done.

in #dailydose6 years ago

I like to keep things simple and straightforward. That is what I like about your posts,@sultnpapper. You keep it simple and straight to the point without beating around the bush.

Hate is too strong a word to use in this instance. Hate is to be used for a much more disastrous situation. In this case, I would use the word dislike. If there is anything I would say that I dislike about your blog is there are not enough photos of the places you visit. I know it is pretty difficult to have photos of things that pertain to lawyers letters or people's general stupidity.

All in all, I have to say I really enjoy your blog and I hope you keep posting here for many more years to come. I like someone who is not afraid to speak their minds. Too many folks pussyfoot around topics because they may offend someone.

So, @sultnpapper here's to you! 👍 👍🍾🥂


Thank you sweetie, and I like that you read the whole post too. Some folks didn't catch the topic or are just trying to avoid it.

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