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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/13/18> Good to be done… well almost done.

in #dailydose6 years ago

I'm a little late coming to the party mr Papper, but would like to say what I admire most is your honesty in your Daily Dose!
I love how you tackle issues people normally whisper about but are too afraid to talk about openly.
I love how you make us laugh with your tongue in cheek humour.
I love the word you invented - guzzbuck - not sure if I spelt it right, one or two z's? Sounds much more polite but polite it ain't ;)
I love the stories about your family, shows a daddy and husband who will fight the bitter fight to the end to protect them.
I love your generous spirit in the Saturday SBI giveaways where you put a lot of thought into giving out those rewards.
I'm also a conspiracy theorist so really enjoy those posts as well!
Love the BBQ reviews especially as you not only talk about food, but also give a little history about the town and the BBQ joints.
Hate - no I don't like that word and really there's nothing I hate about The Daily Dose, so keep them coming!
Thank you for being such a good friend.


The party never ends here so I am glad you joined in. Thanks for all the kind words Lizelle. As for the friendship, my thanks to you as well for friendship you have extended to me. If you hadn't been kind enough to find me when I made that error a long time back when I confused you and @simplylizelle none of this friendship would have ever come about.
Speaking of our other Lizelle , I need to check on her, since her move I have sort of lost touch since she hadn't been posting very frequently.
Thanks again.

@simplylizelle has been very quiet, she's not posting often, must check her out as she does have health problems.

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