Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/25/18> Saturday SBI is here again…3 more folks get a share.

in #dailydose6 years ago

Have I mentioned...its hot

I am glad this week is over, no need in recapping but it has been a long and hot one down here in south Texas. I don’t pay much attention to what the weather folks have to say at this time of year since all the days are generally the same. High temps in low 100’s and low temps in the low 80’s or high 70’s, no need to have the exact numbers since that would just be nitpicking in my book. I did see the local temperature yesterday on the bank in Victoria; it was at 102 at 5:30 PM. so just a bit of confirmation for you.

More Mustang Creek ...

Friday I stopped back at what is fast becoming my favorite BBQ place between Houston and Victoria, Mustang Creek BBQ. It gets better each time I go there as they had smoke ham to go along with all the other meats. I will also tell you I did discover one problem with the buffet, not so much with the buffet, but the consequences of eating too much at lunch from the buffet.
It is long drive back to Houston from there and I found myself needing a siesta after that lunch on Friday. It seems that a good BBQ meal triggers the body to just want to take a nap and relax, or at least it did on Friday. Thank goodness I filled that big Styrofoam cup all the way up with tea before I left there so I had something to sip on to keep me awake.

Steem Basic income time...

Here we go with the SBI give away for this week and the recipients this week are @papacrusher , @joechiappetta , & @crosheille . These three are all members of the @steemusa group that I belong too and I have been neglecting my fellow members over there for far too long recently so I decided to make sure I got a few of them covered this week.


@papacrusher has a fresh post up on growing up and to like who you are, that is great advice and so here is a link for that gem to read.


Since I put Papa’s latest up I think I will do the same for my other selections this week so @joechiappetta is next with his piece that he even created the art work to go along with it titled “Blockchain Bonnet Now in Style. He makes some goods points about trends, fads, and his socks from the 70’s.


Also we have one of the newest baby momma’s here on steemit, @crosheille, and she has some good old fashioned home remedy for you that is guaranteed to work, I am not going to tell you about but here is the link so you can find out for yourself, ear me now..
How is that new baby doing anyway Crosheille? Come back here and throw a picture so we can see that cute little darling.

These three fellow members of steemusa are this week’s choices for the Daily Dose weekly SBI give away, I hope you will hit those hot link buttons and give their blogs a visit.

Enjoy your Saturday and I will be back here tomorrow with another edition of the Daily Dose.

Until next time,


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nice! congrats to the lucky winners and its Hawttt here too wahhhh ... wind finally kicked up bot OMG it was bad today up here. stay cool Mr. cool daddy Pap! :)

yes, when the wind blows it is like sticking your face in a hot air hair blow dryer.

Congratulations to the winners! We're enjoying the last gasp of winter here, not looking forward to those steaming hot days!
Have a great weekend mr Papper :)

I will take the steaming hot days over winter every time if given the chance. While winters here are pretty mild we still do get too around freezing and below occasionally and that is not for me. You have a great weekend too.

I would not enjoy such freezing temperatures either!

Easiest job on earth might be TV weather person in Yuma, AZ. Smile, point, and say "Fair and Hot." Repeat tomorrow. The only real intellectual requirement is learning 57 synonyms for 'windy'. It's not windy like say, El Paso, but it is the single distinguishing weather feature on any given day. It's going to be dry and warm every single day, how the wind does is the ONLY variable.
The really outstanding weather peeps (who don't stay long in our small market) will predict clouds so people can go out to see the sunset. None of them get up early enough to see the REALLY outstanding sunrises we get most every day.

So, the consequence of all this is that most days this time of year riding a motorcycle is a lot like sitting in a convection oven. Pavement temps routinely get into the 170 F range and the hot wind will scour you like sandpaper. The only hope is to cover up and GO.

Thanks again for your commitment to SBI and passing it around to deserving individuals. I think real charity and good relations aren't done by institutions or governments but by everyday people. This qualifies in my book.

Saturday. I sorta remember how big a deal that was when I was 'working for the man'. Happy Saturday to you and your readers!

Thanks Tom. My guess is the majority of the weather people in Yuma are probably female, fairly young , and pretty attractive because it sounds like there isn't much reason to watch .
Riding a bike there I guess would be brutal with that heat and the reflective heat from the pavement.
As far as the SBI goes it is just my little part of trying to be a good member of the steemit community.

WOW I feel the heat in high 90s, 100s must be so hot I dont envy you those temps at all

The temps are hot but it isn't like we can't get out of it by going inside where there is AC to coll down for a while. Most cities even have "cooling shelters" for the homeless so they can get out of the heat during the day.

@sultnpapper In NYC they also have cooling centers for homeless during heat waves as well its a good thing they do

My oldest girl and her Girls Scout troop was at a homeless shelter today in downtown Houston. Their silver award community service project was to redecorate and spruce a meeting room at that shelter.

@sultnpapper that's a great thing they did :)

Great list of winners this week, @sultnpapper! It is great to find new people writing good content. Congratulations to the winners! It is hot and humid here. Expecting rain as this is the rainy season, but we seem to be in a mini-drought. I love smoked ham too! This place sounds so awesome. But I need the watch the eating until stuffed or I curl up in a ball and need a siesta!

Normally we get afternoon and evening thunderstorms this time of year but we haven't had a drop now in probably two weeks.
That ham was delicious, and the ribs with that home made rub are excellent. I think I ate 7 ribs plus all the other stuff.
Very good bunch of winners this week for sure, really liked those posts. Good talent floating around over in steemusa post promotion link drop.

Nice read. I leave an upvote for this article thumbsup

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