Natural Medicine Challenge - My Favorite Home Remedy

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago (edited)


I got really excited when I learned of the #naturalmedicine tag and how this initiative is supporting those who write quality original content about natural living and homemade cures. Since I joined Steemit back in 2016 encouraging natural living has been one of my goals. Today I’m excited to share with you my favorite home remedy that has worked well for my family.

There is so much beauty in garlic. Not only does it add superb flavor to our foods, it is also naturally antimicrobial, antiviral and antibacterial. Those little cloves of goodness help our bodies fight many types of infections...thus why you will never catch my home without it!


Garlic Oil for Ear Infections


This home remedy has saved us many trips to our family doctor. No need for antibiotics when you have garlic around. We have used this on 3 out of 5 of our children. With the powerful effects of garlic and the soothing of the olive oil and it’s ability to reduce inflammation it eases the pain of ear infection and speeds up the healing process. It works fast and so well that we only use it once or twice per incident. Usually our kids will tell us their ears are feeling better after the first application of the oil.

Before using garlic oil in the ear please make sure the eardrum has not ruptured. If this has happened you must keep the ear dry in order for it to heal on it’s own.



1 fresh clove garlic
1 - 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

small pot
rubber spatula




1 . Mince the clove garlic.


2 . Warm the olive oil in a pot over the stove.


3 . Add garlic to the oil and warm on low for 20 minutes to allow the beneficial properties to be released. Use the rubber spatula to move the garlic around occasionally.


4 . Remove from heat and strain the garlic. Let it sit and cool off until it’s a tolerable temperature to enter the ear.


5 . Add 2-3 drops of garlic oil to infected ear and seal with cotton. Grab the earlobe and begin gently stretching and massaging it to help the oil travel. Then place your finger in the indentation right under the ear and behind the jawbone and massage using a ''milking'' technique, also massage the lymph nodes in the throat area too.


I don’t like risking contamination of this oil so we make a new batch of it if not used up within 24 hours. You can store it in an amber bottle or a small glass container.


If you ever try this home remedy for ear infection I hope it works for you as great as it works for us. Thankfully we don’t have to use this often but it’s great to have a Natural alternative on hand when we need it.

Thank you to @naturalmedicine for this challenge and for being here to promote and support natural medicines!

Thank You for Reading!

All photos are my own and were taken with our Cannon EOS Rebel T6.












Logo/Banner created by @rigaronib!


Woo! Love your post - we've given you a wee upvote and hope it helps you continue to write such amazing posts.

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FABULOUS post! We will add you to the challenge round up for Week 1 and have resteemed your post

Thank you so much for the upvote and resteem! Your support is greatly appreciated. I have recently joined the Discord group ;D

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Wow, I wish I had known about this when my girls were little. They had constant ear was horrible. The antibiotics and eventual tubes in the ears was not fun. Thanks for sharing this...I'll remember if a grandchild has an ear ache! Great post thank you!

Oh wow! I wonder if this method would have worked for them. I have a niece that has to have those tubes in her ears too from frequent ear infections. It’s not fun at all. I’m glad you’ll have this remedy in mind for your grandchildren :)

Thanks so much for reading and supporting~

Wow! Another home remedy that I didn't know about! We eat a lot of garlic and I know about some of the healing properties, but I was not aware that you could use it in this manner. Thank you for sharing! :D x

I know!! I just love garlic and it’s many uses! I’m glad I could introduce you to one of them! Thanks so much for reading!!

Love it. Yeah garluc in oil can be dangerous if left, but perfect for an ear infection! Great home remedy!!

Right! I get nervous if it’s left out too long thus the reason I just make a new batch just in case ;)

Thank you so much!! I appreciate you stopping by to read and support~

It'd be pretty awful if you stopped the ear infection but contracted botulism instead ;) - but I did hear that if you soak the garlic in vinegar first this will stop those nasties getting into the oil.

Oh my gosh yikes I couldn’t even imagine...that would be so horrible. Oh really? That’s great to know! I’m not surprised because vinegar is another great one to have on hand because of its many benefits. Thanks for that tip ;D

Yeah, Mum and I did heaps of research as we wanted to preserve garlic in oil! And you know when you get good preserved in oil and there's garlic in it? It has to be done. Vinegar is the answer!!


Lil Pumpkin often has ear infections and/or inner ear pain (one this last week). I will be sure to check out this #naturalmedicine the next time we face this issue. Thanks for sharing!

Well I hope your sweet pumpkin doesn’t have any more infections but if so maybe this will work to help ease the pain naturally. I’m glad you read this. Thanks so much for your support :)

Thanks for sharing it makes sense. We use garlic often in our home but mostly by eating it, since we know of its remarkable health benefits. Hopefully our son doesn’t get an ear infection but if he does we will certainly give this a try.

Absolutely! Garlic is definitely a treasure to have around the house. I hope you never have to use this remedy but it’s always nice to have a healthy alternative on hand :)

Thanks for reading~

I am your post upvote@reasteemed

This is what I use when I am not breast feeding, garlic is such a wonderful remedy for so many things, I like to suck on a clove in the winter to keep colds and flus away xx

I love using garlic to keep the colds and flus away too! 😊

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