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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/25/18> Saturday SBI is here again…3 more folks get a share.

in #dailydose6 years ago

Easiest job on earth might be TV weather person in Yuma, AZ. Smile, point, and say "Fair and Hot." Repeat tomorrow. The only real intellectual requirement is learning 57 synonyms for 'windy'. It's not windy like say, El Paso, but it is the single distinguishing weather feature on any given day. It's going to be dry and warm every single day, how the wind does is the ONLY variable.
The really outstanding weather peeps (who don't stay long in our small market) will predict clouds so people can go out to see the sunset. None of them get up early enough to see the REALLY outstanding sunrises we get most every day.

So, the consequence of all this is that most days this time of year riding a motorcycle is a lot like sitting in a convection oven. Pavement temps routinely get into the 170 F range and the hot wind will scour you like sandpaper. The only hope is to cover up and GO.

Thanks again for your commitment to SBI and passing it around to deserving individuals. I think real charity and good relations aren't done by institutions or governments but by everyday people. This qualifies in my book.

Saturday. I sorta remember how big a deal that was when I was 'working for the man'. Happy Saturday to you and your readers!


Thanks Tom. My guess is the majority of the weather people in Yuma are probably female, fairly young , and pretty attractive because it sounds like there isn't much reason to watch .
Riding a bike there I guess would be brutal with that heat and the reflective heat from the pavement.
As far as the SBI goes it is just my little part of trying to be a good member of the steemit community.

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