Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/20/18> Thank you Steem Monsters… now listen up.

in #dailydose6 years ago

Saturday night poker...

So the poker game on Saturday evening was sponsored by Steem Monsters and those folks have been sponsoring the Saturday evening tournament for a while now providing $20 SBD for each tournament. That poker game by the way is played over on Lucksacks.com , home of the Steem Poker Leagues, in case any of you were wondering. Thank you Steem Monsters for being a great and appreciated sponsor over there. Okay, now that I got the plug out of the way for Lucksacks.com let’s get back to discussing Steem Monsters.

A little history first...

I have always been attracted to card games ever since I was real young. I grew up in a family that held regular family card games for entertainment and family fellowship I guess you would say. Most of the card games I learned to play involved just a standard deck of playing cards. Fifty two cards in the deck, not counting the jokers, and each deck has the four standard suits; diamonds, hearts, clubs, and spades. The value on the cards went from 2 through 10 numerically and then the jack, queen, king, and last but not least the big daddy, the ace. The ace had the distinction of being the only card in the deck that could be used as a “high” value card or a “low” value card, when used low its value was one.

Mastered it at seven...

I believe I was about seven years old when I finally had mastered just how the numbers and suits thing all worked and from then on I have been a card player. Poker is my favorite game, those of you who have been around here know that isn’t any secret. The favorite game of mine is Texas Hold ‘Em poker, after that it really doesn’t make any difference to me what the poker game is, I will probably still play it but just not enjoy it as much as I do the hold ‘em game.

Now Steem Monsters...

I really have not paid any attention to this Steem Monsters so I did go take a look at their website and it just looks like another game that is similar to others card games in the past that have gone by other names. The only difference I see is that card ownership will be recorded on the block chain, other than that, you might be able to win some crypto currency when you play in the tournaments that they plan on conducting.

Why all the hype...

So just what is all the hype about? What will set this online card game apart from the others and make it a huge success? I don’t have the answers to those questions and I hope that someone reading this can explain it to me.

Why don't I recognize...

When I went and looked at the cards I will tell you that I was really disappointed, I didn’t recognize any of the names associated with the cards. I had figured that with the name “Steem Monsters” the cards would be based on actual people that are on Steemit.com in this reality.

Not even one...

I didn’t recognize even one name on a card, granted there are over a million accounts on steemit and there is no way I would know even a minuscule fraction of those names, but I thought I would at least see a Grumpy Cat card or a Bernie Sanders card and how about a card for Penguin Pablo ? There are a whole slew of other pretty well known folks on here I could list but you can come up with those just as easily as I so I won’t bother listing anymore, you get the picture. Well, just one more , Papa Pepper, how can you not have a card for him?

My disappointment...

So, my disappointment is being shared with you here and even though I do appreciate Steem Monsters supporting the poker, I can’t honestly say that I will ever buy a pack of their cards and get involved in their actual Steem Monsters game and tournaments.

I thought that the game would have cards that actually depicted real folks here on steemit and used caricature type drawings to express the personality of the person and their talents or whatever it is they happen to do or are known for on here.

Is this the next Crypto Kitties...

So I hope that I am wrong and there are cards such as I envisioned and I just didn’t see them for sale, as they do have some cards listed for sale right now. I would almost be willing to wager that this Steem Monsters game will be a flash in the pan just like those Crypto Kitties were a few months ago. They were the hottest rage for about all of three or maybe four weeks and then poof, you never heard another word about them, or at least I haven’t.

Not a gamer, trader or collector...

I will admit, I am not a gamer, trader, or collector of any game cards and don’t look to be anytime soon. I might take an interest in the game if they do decide to actually have the cards be representative of actual people on here at steemit.com, then I might be interested.

How about a card with your name...

If Steem Monsters did go that route and they made a card in your name what would that card look like? How would you see that depiction of you being? This should be a fun little thing to see just what folks envision their card to be like.

I'll go first...

I’ll start it off; first my card would be one that wouldn’t be in limited quantities for sure, you can find sult n papper just about anywhere and everywhere so my card would not be hard to come by.

An old crusty crustacean...

As for the caricature on the card it would probably be some crustacean, maybe an old lobster, and instead of having claws it would have a sult shaker on the end of one of its arms and a papper shaker on the other one. The shakers would read “sult” on the one on the left and the shirt I would be wearing would have big “N” on the front, yep the shaker on the right would read “papper”. The old lobster would have a mustache and goatee and it would be grey to almost white, since that is what I have right now and have had for quite some time.

Cowboy hat & boots...

It would also have a big cowboy hat on its head and a pair of cowboy boots on its feet, if lobsters have feet, even if they don’t, mine would; since that is pretty much the only thing I wear for footwear. It would probably be standing in front of big BBQ smoker waiting on the BBQ to be done.

So how about yours...

That is how I would see mine. Tell us how you see your Steem Monsters card looking.

Until next time,


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I do wonder how Steem monsters will pan out in the long run, I hope it doesn't die like crypto kitties, wait.. are the kitties dead?

Yes Alvin, crypto kitties died, which is kind of amazing since there are plenty of old ally cats that have survived a lot longer with a lot less. The best of my knowledge and guessing is that the countries that actually eat cat scarfed them all up when food was is short supply. The only person I have heard of that as any anymore is @bigtom13 and he has 13 he is willing to make someone a good deal on them. The don't take up much space and they keep well until ready to cook.

Well, I am going to want to start with a disclosure. I own crypto kitties. Fact of the matter is, I own 13 kitties. I'd make you a package deal for the lot if you'd like to hold them waiting on the second coming of the cats.

They did perform one valuable service. They exposed the brutal vulnerability of Etherum. Speed of Transaction, a problem that Steem hasn't shown. About the time I start thinking that maybe Steemit isn't doing well I can remember the kitties and it doesn't seem so bad :)

I got nothing on Steem Monsters. Like you, I'm not a collector or a gamer so I just never played. I do know that Agroed has a piece of that action and I like what I see from him,,,

Obviously, my card would have a Connie on it. Since it's a fantasy let's make it a RED one. Kawasaki didn't get around to a red one until 2014 and by then I was pretty attached to mine. It'd have a helmet and gloves and a jacket in the picture, along with a generic Buick in the background. For at least 20 years I have known that there is a Buick out there with my name engraved on the bumper. Haven't made the acquaintance yet, but I know it's there.

So. There it is. Disclosure and fantasy. Maybe I am a gamer after all. Happy Monday to you!

I saw your reply and I am trying to help you move your kitties I mentioned it to Alvin so he might be interested.
Surprised it Kawasaki so long to come out with a red one, they make a whole slew of red rides. The Buick is a scary thought, the good thing is the aren't a big seller, in fact I'm not sure if they even make them anymore, and they don't last all that long so your odds are getting better.
Maybe steem monsters will listen and actually put the people of steemit in their game instead of just wanting us to pay and play.

I'm not sure exactly why, but since the original Honda ST the makers have made sport touring bikes at the rate of one color per year. It's sort of nice in that you can look at the bike and tell the year. It's not exactly a 'mainstream' motorcycle category.

I started with the Buick thing during an earnest conversation with my mother. She expressed confidence in my ability to stay out of the hospital or the graveyard. As she was driving a Buick at the time it's how I chose that brand for the danger that I couldn't control. It became a bit of a family joke, and she asked about the Buicks just a couple of days before she died. And yes, General Motors still makes them. In China.

Please tell me all the bike makers don't use the same color on the same years, like 2018 is say blue and every damn makers uses blue that year. That would just suck to high heaven.
GM making them in China, is that the same GM the tax payers bailed out not that long ago? No, it couldn't be, that was an American company not a Chinese company.

Well, I have good news and bad. First the good news: The Japanese manufacturers don't collude on their 'one off' colors. They do however compete and there is some sort of 'reveal' ceremony from each. You see, Honda is known as "Big Red" so the other guys tend to stay away. Sorta :)

And the great American Motor Company Buick is made in China. It's listed as a partnership for GM. So yeah. We bailed them out.

Yes, I have heard Honda referred to as "Big Red" before. I use to sell Kawasaki utility vehicles , their "Mule" , back years ago and attended of handful of the national dealer meetings which were the North American "reveal" ceremonies. Those were quite a big deal to say the least.
Hadn't heard AMC in a long time with the reference to cars, I had a Javelin years ago that was an AMC model car.

I think Steem Monsters is like the card games of the 80's and 90's where the kids collected them, traded them and I don't recall if there were games. I could be wrong, I was too busy raising 4 sons, working a fulltime job and farming to play many games. But my sons did. They were into collecting the various cards and such. Probably a more advanced version of us collecting sports cards. It still doesn't hold much interest for me. Must be my age and the fact that I live under a rock in Central America.

If I did have to have a card designed, it would have to have a beaver, of course, wearing a hard hat, coveralls, carrying a level in one hand and rolled up set of blueprints in the other, unlaced running shoes and a red bandanna hanging out of a back pocket, standing in front of a very large beaver dam.

I could picture you as a hard working beaver for sure. My youngest boy collected and traded Yugio cards , I think that is how it is spelled, but him and his friends would have duels with them, it was kind of like rock, paper, scissors except with cards. Each card had some sort of power associated with it if I remember right.
Thanks for participating and coming out from under the rock real regularly to read the daily dose.

Wow someone should get on that crustacean drawing right away, that looks fun!

I think mine would be like an electric eel that looks all distorted because it is shifting in time. And all the surrounding objects would look all disoriented. Hmm yes something like that.

That eel needs the big horn rimmed black glasses too, that would do it, and maybe a pocket protector and a couple pens in it.

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I also have been vaguely interesting in Steem Monsters, but mostly I have found it a little confusing, and did not want to spend my SBD on that at the moment. Personally I am just too busy as it is to invest the time and energy to understand and really have fun with it.

I like the way you would design your card, haha! Sounds perfect!

So you aren't going to design your card for us, if not we might have to do it for you, how do you look in a bikini?

Oh geeze... LOL!
No... no bikini cards, haha. How bout a cute squid of some kind, to go with my screen name. ;)

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