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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/20/18> Thank you Steem Monsters… now listen up.

in #dailydose6 years ago

I think Steem Monsters is like the card games of the 80's and 90's where the kids collected them, traded them and I don't recall if there were games. I could be wrong, I was too busy raising 4 sons, working a fulltime job and farming to play many games. But my sons did. They were into collecting the various cards and such. Probably a more advanced version of us collecting sports cards. It still doesn't hold much interest for me. Must be my age and the fact that I live under a rock in Central America.

If I did have to have a card designed, it would have to have a beaver, of course, wearing a hard hat, coveralls, carrying a level in one hand and rolled up set of blueprints in the other, unlaced running shoes and a red bandanna hanging out of a back pocket, standing in front of a very large beaver dam.


I could picture you as a hard working beaver for sure. My youngest boy collected and traded Yugio cards , I think that is how it is spelled, but him and his friends would have duels with them, it was kind of like rock, paper, scissors except with cards. Each card had some sort of power associated with it if I remember right.
Thanks for participating and coming out from under the rock real regularly to read the daily dose.

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