DAD-Chronicals : Top 10 - What parents of teenagers are most afraid of

Top 10 - What parents of teenagers are most afraid of

Of course, we want our children to become independent, self-confident individuals who go their own way in life, develop their own interests and prevail - but not against us! Some things that are important for teens or that are part of individual development drive parents to their sweaty forehead.

Hand on the heart, you sometimes get dizzy when you think about what your child could get excited about as a teenager, who brings it home, or what it spends his time with. Some demands a lot of tolerance from the parents, others may just remind us of ourselves when we were teenagers.


10 The own child is more bawdy than it was at the same age.

9 Your own kid does not go to parties on Saturday, but sits at his desk to find a prime number with more than 4 million digits or to reach the 300th level in World of Warcraft.

8 Your own child has 2,000 Facebook friends, but none in real life.

7 Your child wants to quit school and collect new experiences in the big city with "cool guys".

6 Your son is gay and introduces the new friend, who immediately accuses you of not taking up the new situation happily.

5 The son / daughter documenting her rejection of the "capitalist exploiting system" with the destruction of her parents' car.

4 In the garden are suddenly man-sized perennials with jagged leaves and from the room of the son / daughter come strange smelling puffs of smoke.

3 The son / daughter comes from the first vacation without parents with a big tattoo, preferably in the face, home.

2 Your child has had his hair shaved, is wearing Springerstiegel and is very enthusiastic about the events of radical right-wing groups.

1The daughter becomes pregnant

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Did I forget something else? Then I'm looking forward to your additions.


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