DAD-Chronicals : Toxic summer plants - what your child should beware of

Toxic summer plants - what your child should beware of

For children, there is nothing better than being outside in the summer. Especially for city children holidays on the farm are the biggest. If your child is already ready to travel alone in nature, it should know the most famous poisonous plants.

You do not necessarily have to eat poisonous plants to be effective. Many plants already irritate the organism through body contact and can lead to skin irritation and other complaints. There is also a danger of being able to confuse similar plants. Talk to your child and show him the most important poisonous plants that grow here in the summer. If you suspect that your child has been poisoned by a plant, you should immediately go to the hospital or the nearest doctor.

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The poisonous herb often grows on screes and on roadsides and leads to hallucinations and heart problems.


The yew is a conifers, especially their bright red seeds can seduce children to snack. The poison, which is in the berries, but also in leaves and bark, leads to impaired consciousness and respiratory paralysis.


The Brugmansia can be found in many gardens as a potted plant. The white-greenish large flowers are reminiscent of trumpets. All parts of the plant are extremely poisonous and lead to disturbances of consciousness and in the worst case to heart failure.


The thimble is a well-known medicinal plant for heart disease. The leaves contain the poison, which can lead to cardiac arrhythmia, nausea, blurred vision and hallucinations.

Giant hogweed

The Giant Bear Claw spreads more and more in our latitudes for several years. Symptoms of intoxication occur by mere skin contact, redness and itching, blistering and burns occur.

lily of the valley

The lily of the valley can easily be confused by children with the aromatic wild garlic. It grows in forests, in the leaves and flowers, a poison that can lead to cardiac arrhythmia.


The datura is often grown as an ornamental plant, but always spreads wild again. The poisonous plant with the decorative white flowers causes changes in consciousness, fever and hallucinations.


The belladonna grows in our native forests in the summer and can easily be confused by children with sour cherries. The dark to black-red fruits are very poisonous and cause hallucinations and convulsions.
The most helpful for your child is to show him pictures of the plants in question.


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