DAD-Chronicals : Love is the basis - education from the heart

in #dad-chronicals6 years ago (edited)

Love is the basis - education from the heart

Of course, you love your children - but do you show that too? Do you educate your child lovingly or rather with rigor and authority? Are you able to set limits and show them to your child again and again with love?

The current educational debates can easily create uncertainties here. On the one hand consistency, discipline and limits are important, on the other hand a child should get affectionate attention from his parents without being pampered however. Since many of today's parents are still educated differently, it is often difficult to reconcile love and consequence.

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One of the most common educational mistakes

Children need to be constantly guided and guided, only to see what is good and what is wrong, to learn the rules of behavior towards others, and to develop into full members of society. This view is still prevalent today and can be seen everywhere where parents and children are in public together. Of course it is right, a child has to learn a lot, but parents often forget that toddlers learn almost exclusively by imitation and try anyway. They need support in order for them to dare to move freely and to take the risk of making a mistake. This support they gain in the first place through the love of the parents. A child who feels loved and accepted is courageous, knowing that nothing bad can happen to him, and if so, the parents are there to save it.

Children need love and security

Violence in education has fatal consequences for the child. A hostile behavior of the parents and physical punishment create fear, the feeling of not being loved and feelings of guilt. "I am not right." This insight is felt in children who are carelessly educated and leads to withdrawal, mistrust and a lack of self-esteem. And not only the child suffers a damage. The adult knows well that his behavior is inappropriate and withdraws emotionally, so as not to feel his own feelings of guilt. He also loses his compassion for his child, for others, and continues a style of education that he probably already experienced as a child.

Show love

How do you show a child that you love it? There are basically five ways to explain a love to a child (Gary Chapman). It is best to use them all, every day:

  • Body contact: Caress and kiss your child several times a day or make friends with him if you both like it better.

  • Gifts: These are not big or expensive gifts, but the little things. Show your child a beautiful stone and give it to him. Behind it is a ritual: I give you something, you can keep it.

  • Time for two: children love their parents and want to be with them. Especially appreciate the time that only belongs to them. Take your time - just for your child. Play with him, read something, go outside. The duration is less important than the intensity.

  • Protection and Help: Be there when your child needs you, but leave it alone when you feel it can cope. Your child needs your safety and feels your love when you realize that it needs help and then give it support.

  • Praise: A serious praise keeps your child moving in his development, and at the same time it senses your attention and love. They are important to him and are happy with him.

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Education with love

Where there is love and trust between parent and child, education is usually no big deal anymore. Obedience usually follows almost by itself. Because a child wants to please, it wants to be loved and does a lot to achieve that goal. It is important that the required basic trust exists and that praise has a significantly higher share in the educational work than criticism or even punishment. The feeling of love arises when a child feels that the parents like it and are positive about it, even if it does not behave properly or makes a mistake.

By the way: to love his child does not have to do with pampering. Love and time for the child does not make it dependent and demanding, but on the contrary, it ensures that a child ventures out into the world because it knows there is a place where it feels protected and loved.


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This is a great post. It is most important to show love to the child. It creates so much good for them. They feel more confident, more strong, that they can achieve anything and they will grow and thrive to do more in life.

When it is held back, so are the children. With my life's history, I can say that I am proof of that and I am working hard so that my children do not have it the same way as I did and hope that they can go through life with wings of gold.

One thing to be careful with children is the words we use when correcting them. Kids can be easily hurt through words at such a young age as they dont always understand sarcasm and expressions. They know things for what it is they way they see it through their years of experience and not ours.

Fantastic job pointing out the best of ways to be with our children!

thx for your great Feedback... in days like these i feel it more than before thats why i choosed this content to write about...

Such important messages to be sharing. We all want what is best for our kids and fail to realize that the majority of that is the time we spend with them and environment we create for them.

hey .. Thank you for your Feedback, yes you re right most People forget money isnt make lucky, many presents dont form a good kid... We need to spend more times for our kids again to change it again into a place we all want to have... we had nice times with Respect and stuff... but the Marketeconomy took this we need mostly all work day and night to pay all for our kids... but we loose the time with em.... thats harsh.... it needs to turn around again.... Dear Marketeconomy stop your way to have more and more... Human need more than money and wasted time...

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