My Experience at a Race/Fun Ride!

in #cycling6 years ago


So today wasn't a race but a fun Race, you weren't required to actually Race, you were only required to enjoy the trails and your bike.

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Today Started quite Early for me, we woke up at about 4:30 am and we started getting ready, putting by bike on the bike rack and then we left at about 5:05, We drove half blind because we didn't actually know where to enter the place but luckily we got there first try and on time, we arrived just after the organizers so I got a chance to ask about the day and he told me that there was going to be test bikes, I was buzzing with joy because I love riding all sorts of different bikes!!

As soon as the bike gazebo arrived I went to look at what bikes they were offering for us to test, I noticed something that made me Go ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!!!, It was...... An E-Bike!!!!
I have never even seen an E-Bike in Real life, this makes me so exited to just finish the ride!


We all bunched up as a group of about 50 people and listened to the arrangements, They told us of how there was an A batch and a B batch, the A batch is obviously for all of the fast guys and the B was a more slow paced group, I decided to join the B batch because of all of the fun things we could do, yet my Friends and I still ended up catching up to the A batch XD XD XD, after about 45 minutes we had arrived back at the starting point and then we waited patiently to ride a test bike, unfortunately for us, one of my family friends wanted to take us on a little track to cool down, this wasn't a bad idea so we joined him, but as if I could wait any longer I raced to get to the end, when we arrived back at the start... the bikes were gone, other people had gone and taken them for a ride... UUUUHHHGGGGG!!

After a bit..... They arrived!!!, and we were the first people there to try them out!!! Both of my Friends have different cleats to what I have so I had to wait even longer till their pedals were installed, but eventually..... We were off!!!
It was such an amazing ride and quite frankly its actually not explainable unless you've actually ridden one for yourself. But all I can say is that you have to be ready for quick turns and even faster climbs, while riding the bike you feel like you are actually cheating because of how easy it is to do things!! Eventually the dreaded time came that our time with the bikes was done, it hurt my soul XD XD XD XD.

A prize giving was then done with a lucky draw, but because there wasn't many riders... eventually everyone got a prize!! I got a cap that looks really cool!

Incase you were wondering... There was only one bad injury that I know of, in the A batch there was an elderly man who had fallen off of his bike and broke his shoulder, I don't know if this is true but I did over hear it from one of the organizers...

It was now time to go I was packing up our family friend came past me and asked me if I wanted to go and ride 3km more for fun, As soon as he said fun I was amped to go and then just so happened to drag my friends into it aswell, we ended up riding around 12km and it wasn't anywhere near fun, it was all painful as we just rode uphills, as I got off my bike at where my mom was parked my legs felt like jelly and I could barely walk!! atleast it was time to go home where I would be able to rest, but as most of us cyclists know.... the worst part about going to a race is having to take off your bike when you get home... Now that I think of it, I still haven't done it... Ill do it as soon as I'm done here XD XD XD.

In the end of the day I can gladly say that I enjoyed myself so much and would do it any other day again, except for the last 12km.... All in All I probably rode about 45 - 50km today which is good considering my leg was broken just weeks before today XD XD XD

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One more thing, remember:

Thanks for reading my post, stay tuned for more posts like this ! be sure to check out my funny posts aswell which I try to post daily along with this one, UPVOTE THIS POST AND ALL MY OTHERS ASWELL, It really helps and \\\///,.-~´¨¯¨FOLLOW ME HERE´¨¯¨·~-.,** \\\///


They are moments of life that are always a memory and congratulations for the hat haha, and very good photos you have my friend support

Thanks man XD

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