The Daily Sneak 26 February 2018

in #curation6 years ago

Welcome to The Daily Sneak!!!

Come for the crypto, stay for the community!

You can earn up to 5 SBD per accepted submission for guest curating The Daily Sneak. Submission requirements are published at the bottom of each edition of The Daily Sneak.

Today's curation is provided by @josephsavage. He is the project manager for @steembasicincome and the resident editor for The Daily Sneak. @josephsavage is trying to make Steem a more rewarding place for fresh new content!

Homework Must Fall!

In this post, @sweetpea talks about a new movement to get rid of homework for kids. I have previously worked as a tutor, and I think that most students think of homework from a perspective of "how quickly can I get this done," rather than "what lessons can I learn from this." I agree with @sweetpea's conclusions, but you should read the article to consider her arguments for yourself!

How To Start A Book Club For Kids

With the call to end homework fresh in our minds, how will kids enhance their learning? Maybe by actually engaging in something they find interesting? @silverwhale shares some excellent tips on how to start a children's book club, with great things to keep in mind in order for it to be a success!

Book Give Away #2

And speaking of children's books... @metzli is doing a children's book giveaway! Enter to win one of 7 different book choices, and to influence the direction taken in future book giveaways. Even if you're not interested in winning, stop by to support the giveaway and keep the ball rolling for future giveaways!

Work on your reputation to be successful in Steemit

Now transitioning to education for grownups... or how to improve your Steem experience! @hanen talks about the importance of reputation and provides several basic tips on how to improve your reputation. I hope that everyone that posts very basic "nice posts, thank for advice" responses to this curation digest will click through and read the tips!

Muxxybot Curation #62

Let's get meta! @muxxybot is a curation journal that highlights a handful of quality articles every day... Sound a little familiar? We didn't know about this project before, but obviously highlighting quality articles is something we care a lot about! We don't think of them as competitors, but rather as another group working independently toward shared goals! If you love reading actual curated content instead of the stream of bot-promoted crap that fills up your trending page... Add this curation journal to your subscription list!


Each of these highlighted articles receives full upvotes and resteems from @sneakyninja, along with additional upvotes from our curation trail. As an added bonus, @sneakyninja sponsors featured writers for Steem Basic Income!

Announcing Curation Trail

The Daily Sneak is pleased to announce our new curation trail! We have been thinking hard about how to boost the reward we give to featured authors while maintaining a sustainable program. We have been investing a lot in post promotion to power up the account more quickly, but there is only so much one person can do!

Now you can support The Daily Sneak in rewarding the great content that we find. If you appreciate The Daily Sneak and the content that we highlight, consider following our curation trail on SteemAuto!

As a reward to help kick things off with our curation trail, every Steemian that chooses to follow our trail will be sponsored by @josephsavage for 1 share in SteemBasicIncome! Thank you so much to everyone that has already joined!

Submission Requirements

On to the submission requirements for The Daily Sneak:

  1. You can choose from 2 to 5 articles for your entry. Submissions with only one selected article will be ignored.
  2. All articles chosen for curation need to have been published within the last 5 days before your entry. It may take time for me to publish your curation, and curated articles need to be within the reward window when your submission is published.
  3. You cannot submit your own post for curation. Selections from nsfw will not be accepted.
  4. Selected posts should have less than $50 in total rewards and have not previously been curated by The Daily Sneak.
  5. We try to spread the love around, so while selections from authors that have been highlighted before are welcome, they might not be included if the author's last inclusion was recent. Similarly, if you include two articles from the same author in one submission, we will typically highlight only one of the two.
  6. Be sure to include your personal bio for me to introduce you to readers, and make sure that each selection has commentary. This can be just a few sentences about why you think the selection is worth our attention, or what is great about it - something that will make people want to click through the headline and check out the actual article. English is preferred, but other languages will be considered as long as English translation is included.
  7. Please use this web form to submit your entry.
  8. Including image links to the source article is not required (and we prefer to leave some mystery if photography is highlighted and the article has only one photo.) However, we like to include images in The Daily Sneak, and not including any image links may decrease the likelihood of your submissions being published.

If you include more than 2 articles in your submission and not all are approved for publication, your submission may still be published into an edition of The Daily Sneak, as long as at least 2 articles are approved. This could happen for several different reasons. If you are unsure why an article was cut, please review the submission guidelines again. If you are still unsure, feel free to ask politely why it was cut.

Submission Reward

A brief biography of each guest curator will be included in the edition that uses their submission. In addition, each guest curator will receive 1 SBD for each article from their submission that is highlighted in The Daily Sneak. That's up to 5 SBD for each accepted submission!

Right now @sneakyninja's upvote is not worth as much as we are paying for guest curation. Why do we pay so much for guest curation? We believe that quality curation is very important to Steem. Paying our curators well encourages them to spend more time reviewing content and picking out the best pieces!

Banner headline sourced from Pixabay. All other images are sourced from the curated articles. Published commentary about articles are the !originalworks personal opinions of the guest curators, and may not represent the opinions of The Daily Sneak or its editor. USD earnings of guest curators are based on market price of SBD at time of publication. SBD prices are subject to change.


You are so meta!

I will be submitting one this afternoon, I got into discord but have to change some account setting to be able to chat with anyone, I will be working on that, look out for me ;p

Cool, I'll watch for that!

Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
The resteem was paid by @josephsavage
Curious? Read @resteembot's introduction post
Check out the great posts I already resteemed.

ResteemBot's Maker is Looking for Work.

You just planted 1.99 tree(s)!

Thanks to @josephsavage

We have planted already 6069.28 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 20683.76
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 59708.78
ETH 3185.76
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.45