Oct 8 - Steemit Ramble - Notes on My Favourite Reads

in #curation8 years ago

There is something so peaceful about the early morning hours. I mean the hours before daybreak, when I know I can immerse myself in something and not be disturbed except by my felines seeking attention.

The phone will not ring and it is unlikely that anyone will message me on Facebook. It’s an excellent time of day to engage in reading, writing or just thinking and planning.

Onward to today’s rambling

Using Scrivener to Write Posts for Steemit.com

I do all my writing in Scrivener. I have really come to like the program even though I likely only use a portion of its ability. I’ve learned enough Markdown to just apply the tags as I write which is very easy once you get on to it. I prefer using Markdown to HTML which I’ve done a lot of over the years.

@irenepsmith is clearly a much more proficient user of Scrivener than I am and writes a good post about the pros and cons of it.

Positivity Challenge #2 Update 07/10/2016

This update has six more entries and the links to read them. Just a couple more days before Positivity Challenge #3 arrives. Take a look at the posts, upvote them, leave comments and consider writing your own entry.

The blockchain conversation prism

@paxmagnus talks about the blockchain now in relation to the web of twenty years ago. I can remember trying to talk to people about this thing called the web and how it could change our lives. Eyes rolled and I soon learned the look of bemused tolerance that she was going on about “it” again. I mention Steemit at times these days but I know from experience that any attempt to discuss the blockchain will be met with the same reaction I got 20 years ago.

Take heart, it will only take a few years and everyone will be talking about it like it has always been around. Just like they do the web now.

To the 169 authors I follow.

@mattclarke has written a post that every writer on Steemit needs to heed. You produce poor product at your peril. Other people will shift away from you to find those who produce the product they wish to see.

The links I include in the Steemit Ramble are just a portion of the posts I look at in a day. Many I don’t get past the first paragraph or two before deciding to click away. That is assuming the writer knows what a paragraph is and the post is actually split into them. Others, I get to the end of the post and then wonder what the point was of what I just read.

You might love your stuff, but you’re not your audience. That goes for me as well. If I don’t provide a post worth reading, followers are going to move on.

Why I promote positivity

@lifeisawesome writes about why he promotes positivity even in the face of some of the ridicule he receives. Positivity isn’t some magical cure, it has been proven that our energy goes where our attention goes. If we focus our attention on the negative, we’ll see and experience more negativity. So, he’s working on the opposite. Some have a hard time accepting that. As always, check out the comments as well as the article.

My new job as a Steemit writer and blogger - An ongoing journey

@cloh76 writes about wanting to transition to Steemit as her full time job. Right now, its a dream. Dreams are just dreams unless you work towards them and and she’s working towards this dream. Read how she’s doing it.

Where Did 2016 Go? And How to Make the Most out of 2017

It’s that time of year again, some of us are starting to look at the year past and think about what they want in the year to come. @slayer has a look and shares it with us. He’s got some good ideas, but like any idea, they are only ideas until they become real.

JUST WRITE! Not every post has to be a masterpiece

@stevescoins writes about his writing process, or sometimes lack of process, and how it can lead him to produce the unexpected. If you want every post to be a masterpiece before you’ll post it, then you will post less and less. Sometimes, good enough is good enough. You can always improve on the next post.

Past, Present, and Future - A Personal Roadmap (56K Steem Power, ~1000 Followers, 90 Blogposts, and 5 Pounds Later)

@kevinwong reflects on his time on Steemit since June, in part, by looking at his past and how it brought him to Steemit in the first place. He looks at the potential it holds for him and his work on the Curie project.

Wrap-up on Day 31

Today was an interesting day exploring around Steemit. It seemed like a lot of chaff was posted today, it took some exploring to find posts I enjoyed. Some days are like that and it seems Saturday’s are often the day when that is most common.

But that is okay, it’s one day out of seven :)

Supporting and Upvoting

Let’s not forget folks. I’m sharing these posts not only because I like them. I’d really like to see them get support and upvoting. I know some of the posts have done okay by the time I post my ramble, but some really could use the support and upvoting.

Subscribing to My Posts

In addition to following me on Steemit, which I really appreciate. If you want to be sure to know about every post, you can subscribe at my other blog. I’ll send you an email when I post.

Until Tomorrow — Just Steem on

If you like this, please follow me and upvote the post.

If you’d like to see the other days I’ve posted, just visit my profile

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Thanks for the shout-out! I'm glad that section resonated with you. :)

my pleasure, it was interesting reading. :) keep up the good work

Thank you for featuring me in your article! I'll try my best to make the list every time ;)

Much appreciated! I really really like that you understand my posts to the fullest!

Tips hat in appreciation

Thank you! :)

I'm just glad when I get it as the author intended :)

Hi @shadowspub - I'm playing around with an idea. May I know how you go about your daily business figuring out which posts to include in your daily publishing?

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