Why I promote positivity

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Listen, I've read the jokes about me on here and saw the humour, and whilst I laughed at most them, and others not so much, I feel I'm due you an explanation as to how I've came to the premise of thinking that being positive is such a critical element to a healthy and fruitful life. Because you guys are my audience and I owe it to you!

There's a common perception everywhere that those that teach positivity don't know what the fuck they are actually talking about. And it's true, most, or if not all of the people that sit there and tell you to 'be positive' are talking out their arseholes, they really are. How can you, right? Because you can't just 'be positive' out of the blue, and only you are an expert of you.

And no matter how many awesome stories, or lovely little bullet-pointed checklists on how to overcome the shit in your life I write I'm still never going to understand the struggle that it is every day for you, nor will I ever pretend to.

I know though that I've walked a very dark path during my life, one that was fuelled with addiction, womanization, objectification, manipulation, stealing, extortion, shit man, I could go on forever. But the hard fact is that I've been in deep dark places before, some of you would go holy shit that's bad, others would say pah, that's nothing.

I set up a local charity last year with a colleague that I connected with over the internet, lovely chappy he was, and some of the stories he would tell me about his childhood and the system sent shivvery white fear down my spine. I know I whine about my life, but this dude made my childhood look like a bed of fluffy roses. And here he was trying to make the best of his life in the best way he could. He was at a good place in his life. And we made a good bash at it. He had looked at his life and swapped his focus.

And it's what I try to do with my writing. It's really not a case "oh, my life is awesome right now, why can't you be awesome too?" - truth is it took me ten years of continually looking inwardly for the cracks and trying to find a solution to my fucked-up-ness, and, it's not been an easy journey, lots of tears and dashed dreams and switched hopes. I'm continually breaking myself and rearranging those pieces.

And I know that a few paragraphs from me isn't going to change a lifetime of continually falling into turds everywhere you step, it's just not. Because life just doesn't merit that. You can't get up one day and say, "Hell, I'm awesome! I rule!" because after you say that I bet you a million dollars that life will throw all that shit back in your face as soon as you start to think about it.

But I hope it makes you think.

If I just encourage one person to think from what I write then I'll be a happy man. One person. Read something and think, holy shit, that's me. Maybe I should think more about this. 

It's how life went for me.

I met a lovely man about 12 years ago, and he's still a friend now. He always thought I had more potential to do great with my life than I already was doing with it, but I was closed to suggestion. Wouldn't have it. Really wouldn't. But we both got lucky one day.

I had fallen for a girl who I found out was just using me to get what she wanted, it was always the case with me at that point in my life.

"I'm such a nice guy - why won't these girls date me"

And he said - here, read this book. 

And that book, it literally changed my outlook on life.

And a couple of months later I had the pivotal moment that spurred all that I had learned into action, getting help, looking inwardly, et al.

So I don't come to you like, "Oh, my life is great now, yours should be too" because my life is far from perfect, hah. (We have so many troubles going on!)

I come to you as - please read this, if you can relate, have a think about it! And that's all I ask :) I don't pretend to be a guru on anything, and my reputation on Steemit is no reflection on authority on any subject whatsoever, and neither is anyone else for that matter.

I see you guys as my audience, and as far as I'm concerned you guys are far more important than what I have to say,

And that also brings me to the point if anyone wants to see me write on something, just ask. I've had a request from @travelista so far, yet she never got back if it was helpful, or not - please do :)

But for now, I have to go get dinner,

Please be well :)


That is unfortunate that people are making fun of you... I think you offer a lot of positive messages that can help a lot of people. Keep on keepin on my friend! :)

Thank you. I like that you said that! As I said above though, I thought we needed an explanation on why I think this way!

And if they are making fun of me that means I'm creating thought! Hah. And that's what I want ;)

Feelings can be contagious. If I am going to be contagious, if I am going to affect others, how do I want to affect them? What kind of impact do I want to have on them?

I too have found great value in hearing other people's stories of struggle and how they overcame it and how they see the world when they are in a better place. It doesn't always help but it does help and it has played a big role into shaping how I am.

There are people who may see it as bragging because they are in so much pain they cannot possibly see another sharing their joy as anything other than an attack, perhaps because they feel they are under attack often.

People feel the preasure of expectations on them, even the expectation that they should be happy, and fight these expectations knowing that the likelihood is they won't be satisfied pursuing the illusion that is expectation. And they are right, expectations can be rather painful, but hope is life.

Expectations and hope are not the same.

Oh that was beautiful. Really beautiful what you said there, friend. I'm going to follow you - you definitely know your shit! lol

Thanks! I know my shit because I've been through shit and have taken the time to listen to other people's shit which is as important as my own and related to my own too. Thanks for sharing and stay positive! :)

is a real shame to hear this today, it was not that we had evolved? beautiful words that you used in this post congratulations

Thank you - it's fine. I'm not worried about naysayers - only that I thought an explanation was needed! Chin up friend :)

@lifeisawesome, we all need some change and positive is the only way to be. Stay awesome from @runridefly

Thank you. I thought the community needed an explanation anyway. As for the jokers, I take them in my stride :) - most of them were actually a hilarious take on me lol - but it had me thinking, perhaps I should just tell people why I abide by positivity :)

Great Great insight about positive!
making fun of you? brush it off.
Keep on posting

Thanks man! :)

Thanks for posting:)

No problemo :)


You promote positivity because it is the easiest tag line, the cheapest marketing bullshit hype one can promote in order to elevate their image.

Wisful thinking idiots are everywhere ready to buy the hype but in reality that is the problem. Positive thinking is the problem to people's lifes.

After seeing you posting bullshit, shitpost after shitpost with the same bullshit vibe over and over and over again, I decided to write a post explaining how this crap philosophy is actually the problem today. Motivational thinkers, fake smiles, "believe in yourself" all that murica-fuck yeah crap do not apply to reality my friend— and there is a massive well of evidence for those who dare to open a book rather than get stupified in front of a Tony Robins crap mentality.

...and from whom? a shilled whale account. its like Bill Gates quote "if you are born poor if your fault, if you die poor it is", while there are thousands of children dying everyday from hunger. Westerners have their head so far up their ass they can't fathom how the rest of the world is. and you...you are the fancy flashy sign promoting this crap.

stay tuned

@lifeisawesome Let him who is perfect cast the first stone....or whatever...screw the people! WE ARE THE PEOPLE! I don't care what people think of me. Never have and never will. We all have a dark side and as we get older we tend to get more positive in life. We just have to take it one day at a time....

We are the people!!!

Hells bells, I have never seen any of these jokes but maybe because I try not to dwell on the negative too. Keep being positive as I am sure you will!!

Hah! - I will - yet I still feel an explanation was needed :)

@lifeisawesome those people who are making fun at you - they should read what @ericvancewalton's The Mean Old Lady On The Porch

Don't let them discourage you ... You're doing a great job spreading positivity. PERIOD. Haters gonna hate potatoes gonna potate ~
Positive pips are gonna resonate. PERIOD!
I agree with @carlidos - and just like what Taylor Swift's song says - shake it off <3

Oh I love this positive note - thank you :)

You might wanna want to read this

Positive Thinking Is Overrated

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