How I Manually Curate and -- An Announcement That Pays

in #curation7 years ago

A few days ago I was reading @katrina-ariel’s post My Thoughts On Manual Curation and it occurred to me that it’s been a while since I wrote about how I go about curating for the Steemit Ramble.

Manually curating means the curator reads through a ton of posts. Out of necessity I’ve formed a bit of a process as I go through posts looking for the gems I want to add to a Ramble post.

Inverted Triangle

I have some friends who are journalists and over the years I’ve written articles for publication. My journalist friends taught me a long time ago to write an inverted triangle. My most important points come first in the article and then narrow down to the less important details.

There are times when the subject demands the opposite, to build up to the most important point. In those cases, your article has to pull the reader through it so they actually want to wait for the important point.


In many instances, the headline alone gets the post discarded. If the person doesn’t care enough about the content of the post to write a headline to catch my attention, my interest lowers. At that point, those first few words better make up for the headline lack.

Having said that, don’t try to put up a catchy headline and then not deliver the goods. If that first paragraph doesn’t give me some indication the post actually is about the headline, I move on.


Having pulled me past the headline into the post there are several factors which will keep me there or lead me to click on to the next in line.


The goal is to make the post a pleasant experience for your reader. You don’t want them to be so irritated at navigating your sloppy formatting they just give up when you may have had some really good content.

Reading is for pleasure, don’t torture your reader in any manner. As a curator, I’m one of your readers.

Text Alignment

In most cases, your text should be left-aligned. There are times that you’ll want to centre text. Like for example, formatting poetry or lyrics. If you present me with paragraphs of centred text, I’ll move on. It’s irritating trying to read centred text.


What I was taught in school was to use a paragraph to present a related argument. In the days of reading only on paper, that would work. The eyes reading on a screen are not so comfortable with large paragraphs of text.

For reading on a screen, you should adopt what the newspapers tend to do. Short paragraphs that draw the reader through the article. Don’t do a paragraph per sentence, that just gets annoying

Long blocks of text is annoying to read on the screen. The writing has to be extraordinary to hold my attention. Most posts with long blocks of texts aka long paragraphs, rarely, if ever hold my attention.

White Space

White space on the screen is your friend. If you’ve already conquered the concept of left aligned text and short relevant paragraphs, make sure you put a blank line between those paragraphs. The momentary break from text actually is easier on the eyes.

The Content Material

Now, having already taken in the mechanics of your content, my attention will be drawn to what you are actually creating. Here my evaluation turns to the content material.

Writing Flow

If I find myself wandering off to other thoughts while reading the post, I pull myself back once or twice. I’ll ask myself if I’m too distracted to read this post or if this post is just not written to hold my attention. If it’s the latter, I move on.

The goal with your content is getting and holding the readers attention. You want them to desire to continue through the post. You’re either informing them or entertaining them.

The Writing

The smoother the writing is, the better. I know this is an international site and I don’t want to just discard the posts of those struggling with English. I also don’t want to put myself through torture to read and comprehend what the writer is trying to say.

So, my compromise point is, if I can get the gist of what the writer is saying, I’ll try to hang in there reading it. If it is too much of a struggle, I’m moving on.

If I have to spend too much time translating the English to actual English, then I’m doing the work and not the reading.

If you quote from other sources, name the source. You need to be careful not to cross the line from fair use of material as part of your longer piece and just copy/pasting someone else’s work.

If I discover that your post is someone else’s work, I not only wont curate it, I may very well report it to places like @submarine or @steemcleaners. Don’t plagiarize, it’s theft. Write your own posts and own the intellectual property.

The Subject

Not everyone is going to be interested in your subject. That’s a given. Your goal though is to write your content so it conveys the message you are trying to convey.

When I finish reading a post, I need to be able to formulate in a sentence or two what the post is about. If I finish a post and am still wondering what it was about, I just wasted my time. Don’t waste the reader’s time.


Pictures should add to the value of the content. They should make me understand the content even more. They should be placed in a way which helps draw me through the post.

They should also be properly sourced and you should have the rights to them. If they are your pictures, say so. If they aren’t, say where you got them. Not every picture on the Internet is yours to use.

Audio & Visual

I rarely listen to or watch videos in posts. There are ways to get me to. Most importantly, the audio or visual needs to be produced by you. You need to also write enough material to get my interest in actually listening to or watching it.

How Do I Find Posts?

I have several ways of finding posts. The first is right in the Steemit Ramble discord. I have a channel there for people to nominate other people’s quality posts.

Posts from PYPT which don’t make it into the report will be considered for the Ramble.

I’ve recently implemented a rule where posts in most channels have to be introduced. It’s a big help when the nominator can articulate to me why the post is being nominated. I take that into account as I review the post for potential inclusion in the Ramble.

I often will look at posts in other channels on the Ramble. They too have to be introduced. The ones with good intros will get my attention before any others.

Posts on other discords will sometimes catch my attention. I have Ginabot configured to cover some topics I particularly like and I have another source setup to provide me with a range of topic feeds.

And Finally — The Announcement

If you’ve read this far, you now have a pretty good idea of what I’m looking for and also where I’m finding the posts.

I’ve decided to start rewarding those who take the time to make thoughtful decisions on nominating posts in the nominate-someone-post channel. I have been crediting those I use with the nomination and using their intro as part of the writeup. That will continue.

Now, I’m going to start sharing a portion of the posts proceeds with the nominators. Payments will be sent when the post pays out.

I should disclose that posts from PYPT put in the nomination channel, are rarely considered unless the nominator is the person who presented the post.

I do encourage people to present other people’s posts as well as their own on PYPT. Especially when doing so introduces us to someone who is new on the platform. Those are good posts to put in the nomination channel as they help to encourage new people on the platform who are doing good work.

Keep up the good work building the platform with excellent content.

steemit ramble

Until Next Time — Just Steem on

If you like this, please follow me and upvote the post.

If you’d like to see the other days I’ve posted, just visit my profile


The topic reminded me a short exchange I had with one of the top witnesses:
I claimed that 9 months ago, you could vote a certain number of times before your VP started to decrease.
He claimed that "it never worked that way".
He joined before I did.
Who remembers it the way it was?

The witness is right but likely could have explained it to you better. Every vote you make will decrease your voting power.

Always has been that way. What is different is that currently you can vote 10 times at 100% each day and have your VP back to full strength the following day.

Prior to hardfork 19 you had 40 votes at 100% daily. When the reward curve was changed to linear the number of full votes dropped. The amount your vote was worth moved up so, in order to vote at the same value as previously, you lowered the percentage of your vote.

With 40 votes in a day, it would seem like your VP wasn't dropping as it would drop a smaller amount on each vote at 100%. It was dropping though.

I still fail to comprehend it.
I remember that my bar at showed 100%, I casted votes, and it kept showing 100% until a certain amount of votes was reached, either 5 or 10 or 20.
Do I remember it correctly?
And I think I refer to what was before HF18.

This comment has received a 50.00 % upvote from @steemdiffuser thanks to: @stimialiti. Steem on my friend!

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This comment has received a 90.91 % upvote from @steemdiffuser thanks to: @stimialiti. Steem on my friend!

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Resteemed and upvoted by the MAP-AAKOM community.

Thank you for this!!!! I'll be trying to implement these tools in my serious writing! (but i'm such a goofball that most people come to my posts to get a laugh on my less-than-serious writing) hahahaha

Thanks for writing this so thoroughly and clearly!!! I appreciate you!!!
p.s. and how generous for you to share rewards like that!!! :)

you have your own unique style @dreemsteem and one to be appreciated. You also have a giving heart with the Treasure Hunt you are doing. Keep on being you.. or should I suggest that not tell you? :)

hahahahahaha you read my post today!!!!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL oh my gosh that's the best comment ever!!!!!!! :) you warm my heart :)

Great great comment. Sometimes we write better than we think! Following YOU @dreemsteem!

awwww thanks! well - if you go to my blog, don't be confused by all the pirate speak.... hehehe. just join me pirate crew ferrrr some treasure, arghhhh!!!! the author of this post (Shadows) believed in my little contest enough to put up some of her own treasure as the prize!!!!

its really fun ;) come join us. and if you see posts about detox - don't think that they're "healthy" posts. they're really just funny "what not to do on a detox." posts and "you want me to put this coffee WHERE?!?!?!" posts hehehe nice to meet you! leave me a comment on any of my posts to make me giggle ;)

Sounds like fun!

If I can make it to PYPT today, I'm going to pimp the story I posted a couple of days ago that has a treasure hunt inside it, inspired by you @dreeemsteem. I may do more like it. It was so fun. I'm off to see your new post.

Nice job!!!!! Love to see when an idea catches fire!!!! Treasure hunts unite! hehehehe I can't wait to hear about it tonight!!! hope to see you there :)

Definitely cannot join tonight. I'm aiming for the daytime one, if work schedule allows. (Book club night.) But have fun! The mini treasure hunt in my post was just a clue thing within the post, by the way. I was trying to give people a reason to read the whole thing and look for something in particular!

I love your treasure hunts. They are much more ambitious than what I attempted! And I hope no one duplicates your method exactly. It's so clever. I kind of hope you get to own it. :-)

awwwwwwww hehehe well thanks! @shadowspub has been extremely supportive and helpful. I'm sure it would be 2 people fighting over a penny if I did it on my own. hahahaha I'm so grateful that she believes in it - and me! :)

and yes! I've seen that before... i think it's a FANTASTIC way to get people to engage!!!! I saw one person hide a silver round in his post. and the person that found the "strange note" inside the quote got it! hahahaha love that kind of thing!!! we all have the ability to help people engage more. you know? it just takes a teeny bit extra. hehehe I'm so glad that you're part of the (r)evolution ;) enjoy your book club night! i'll miss your competitive energy hehehehe - but next time??? :)

Love it! Yes, I want to join you in the revolution! Here’s to more sharing and caring and less selfish behavior!

Ah ah ah.... Careful with that word. Hehehe
Revolutions are messy..

We want a (r) evolution

Great Tips Thanks For Sharing! You've got a new follower!

thank you... I'm glad you found it helpful

You're Welcome! Thanks For Being A Blessing!

I do all my own manual curating on steemit as well. I read hundreds of posts a week whether for myself, for my community, muxxybot or @qurator. I find some of the most interesting people and information on the platform.

That is awesome. RESPECT. Sometimes I get great ideas for posts like that!

For sure @goldendawne there are some great people on the platform and always interesting to find them.

I agree. I come across such amazing people and so many interesting/inspiring/moving posts here! Thank you for your curation efforts as well, @goldendawne. Steemit needs ALL the curators. ;)

Thanks for the post @shadowspub. I was curious, this is a person I know on the platform, who I think personally, which I'm a little biased he's also a really nice helpful guy here on steemit but this post I thought was remarkable. Unfortunately it has landed on the steemit totally hidden post file. I was curious if there is any way those at qurator could keep an eye on this guy, he does a stellar job in opinion. By the way, the person has no idea I am sending this it would be cool if some time you could shock the heck out of him and bring some of his writing to the light at your wonderful publication on steemit. Thanks keep the great work as always!

I've added the post to my reading queue that is open at the moment. Qurator is a service so they don't actually go curating like I do and some of the other curation projects. ... the best way to grow on Steemit is to not only produce good content but to network in comments and in the chats. Come on over and join us tomorrow for one of the Pimp Your Post Thursday sessions.

Cool will do. Not my post but I do not think he will mind if pimp it out a little, thanks!

@cryptkeeper17 .. I had a look at the post. The content is good but remember what I said up above about centered text? That applies. The other thing I noticed and to me it's huge. The writer gave the when, but never actually answered the where. The only way I knew where the earthquake took place was I looked up Oamaru and found it was in New Zealand. .. I've upvoted though and will be looking for more from him. thanks for the headsup

Wow that is great and extremely fast in reply @shadowspub, thank you very much for the reply. I thought that might be an issue, I will pass on the advice for sure. Thanks again for the great work you do, and stellar service of getting back to me right away, i am very impressed!

Lovely, I must say.
Inverted triangle is very cunny, why? Some people that curates prefer the writer to start his post with high intensity in order to catch their attention, while others prefer an intense ending, so its really confusing getting the whales attention. I just joined this wonderful discord on Sunday, and I'm loving my stay so far. Nice work @shadowspub

Don't try to get the attention of whales. I'm serious on that. If you write well and build a following the votes will come from all levels on the platform. Whale votes are nice but there is a lot of demand for them. You want votes where people will come back to your posts because they like what you produce and will share with others.

Write well, network well and help build the platform. You will grow.

Thanks @shadowspub for this great advice

Hello @shadowspub . I must say you sure do practice what you preach as this piece was such a delightful, easy, and enjoyable read. 👍

Just excellent !!

I might have to make it over to your Discord channel. Sounds very intriguing, and I do enjoy curating and finding top quality Posts from my fellow Steemians.

I think this Post would absolutely qualify in that respect :)

P.S. FYI, your Title totally was magnetic. It's why I opened this blog post to begin with. In all due respect , I hadn't heard of you. So thank you for presenting a Title that drew me in so I could find you :) ( that would be a good case study in of itself lol)

upvote follow bunny.gif

well nice to meet you @robertandrew and I'm glad you found the post to be of interest.

Thank you ShadowsPub. This is not only helpful insight into your curation process. But helpful info in general for publishers, authors, and creatives.

Absolutely brilliant article. Definitely bookmark worthy. Thank you for this.

thank you @iamnotageek ... glad you found it helpful enough for a bookmark

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