The Inbox Runneth Over -- Issue #5 -- a curated list of casual pieces, fun features and other tidbits and treats

in #curation7 years ago (edited)


The Inbox Runneth Over

is a private curation project begun by @enchantedspirit to honor the exceptional posts she finds in her Steemit travels. The content here will feature a good number of posts from The Steem Engine group in Discord. Their customary post is titled The Daily Whistle Stops.

@enchantedspirit is the curator there, and in that work she finds quite a few posts that are casual, interesting, well-written, helpful or just fun to experience (sometimes writers, sometimes musicians, sometimes artists), but because they are up against such stiff competition that day in submissions to The Steem Engine they can't be included in The Daily Whistle Stops. They also tend to be short, easy to read, easy to digest ... or maybe they just offer something special.

So, she brings them here and finds them a home -- because they deserve more than just a quiet decline and death ... an experience that is already all too common in Steemit. (I know I don't need to tell you that, but it's true!) Sometimes, there may be outside content, too ... from other intriguing people she follows. Sweet little "feature story" experiences and fun artistic moments of all kinds have their place in life -- and on Steemit, too. Please stop in and visit these guys ... and if you enjoy their work, show them you care.

I ... and they ... thank you more than you'll ever know.

You can find The Daily Whistle Stops at @thesteemengine -- and there is information there and here at the bottom of this post telling you how to apply to join. There is also another curation project run by both @enchantedspirit and @catweasel on his blog. It's called The Magnificent Seven and it, too, features exceptional content we find on our Steemit journey. Each of these projects has its own theme, tone and focus. You will find things in both that are worth your time and effort -- and excellent new people to follow. I offer all these suggestions with pride. I know they will enrich your day.


Life ... Always An Adventure

I promised you @bitdollar would be back today with more in his series on understanding how your brain works and maximizing its performance. I have no idea what he has in store next, but it will probably also be exciting. Life ... as I said, always an adventure.


How to Control Your Brain to Maximize Your Performance


And speaking of adventures, every day with @awakentolife is a romp through a new wonderland. How he manages to simply contain himself is sometimes a wonder all its own. Whether he's playing professional basketball ... or weeding through the post-promotion in The STEEM Engine's Discord server, he's a force to reckon with.

He also finds time to pause, remember, evaluate and take stock of himself. Talk about knowing how to maximize performance. Today, he wrote his insights down ... and is eager to share them with you. Step into his world -- and enjoy his company.


My Life's Journey
Coming to the realization
I have changed as a person
Lesson of Life



When I think of Panama, I think of military bases and huge ships making their painful way through the locks of the canal. Beyond that I think, "jungles, swamps, bad roads and full of mosquitoes." But I feel the same way about Florida. What do I know.

@apanamamama dispels some of those notions here. At least she tries -- with some nice snapshots of what it really looks like in Panama. Lots of green hills. And dirty dishes. Those are just a fact of life. Anywhere.


A Quick Snapshot of Life Today in Panama


@hopehuggs is one of our most interesting members. She has her fingers in a lot of pies, but it's sometimes hard to know what she is thinking. (As compared to me where there's rarely any doubt.) Today, she has some things to share about the future, Steemit, communities and Facebook groups (spit, spit, spit). What she wrote is interesting to read.

She also included a video (so you can see who she is and what she looks like). Maybe you can get it to play. I couldn't ... but I freely admit our internet here can be worse than in some third world countries. dTube videos always start-and-stop-start-and-stop until finally, I just give up. I hope you have better luck, but what she wrote is worth the trip anyway. Give it a shot.


Steemit Communities Vs Facebook Groups


Whenever @eaglespirit sits down to post she whips up something nice. Here she's saying nice things about some people she knows -- and you may know some, too. If not, maybe they're worth meeting. Start yourself a list. If she gets their descriptions as close as she did mine, you have something good to go on.

Unfortunately, @catweasel has managed to bamboozle her into thinking he has charm and wit. I don't know where on earth that came from. His evil twin must have gotten online and posted something. I'll have to look. He likes fooling people. Don't go near this guy. Note that on your list. (This has been a Public Service Announcement.)


Sending Out Some Love


A Lot of Artsy Stuff

You know @derosnec. If you don't, you should. She's a singer, an artist, a writer, a videographer. She's got so much talent she's given me a complex. So that's all I'm going to say about her now. If you missed out on her recent offerings, find her blog and fill in the gaps. Here's she's telling you how she made the magic happen. She's a commanding presence. Make sure you're ready for what you'll find.


Making the Music Video
Criminal (Panopticon), Part 2
Breaking Down the Shots



@naquoya. I'm still trying to figure out this guy. He writes interesting stuff. His themes are often strange and a little spooky. And sad. They reveal a lot about a writer's soul. That may not be his intention ... but it's how it always happens. With good writing anyway.

He pulled out something from the past today and shared it. He says he's not been feeling well. There's a lot of flu going around this winter. I told @catweasel if he dragged home The Dreaded Lurgy from any of his excursions it was going to cost him. I hope that threat is vague enough to make him worry ... and wash his hands frequently ... and use his peroxide spray. I don't have time for his mischief anymore.

Image Source

A Trip Down Memory Lane
My First 'Internet' Published Story



@flashfiction. His name says it all. Whole stories ... like a static electric spark. Stop in here a second. That's all it takes. You'll be amazed. (Then go back and read some more.)




The Curator's Colleagues

Here are even more fine curation posts ...
various collections of hand-selected articles
from other curators in our membership.

The STEEM Engine Express Podcasts

The Daily Qurator

Steemit Ramble

The @mitneb Curation Trail Project

The Magnificent Seven

The Inbox Runneth Over


The author of this list of curated posts by members of The STEEM Engine is @enchantedspirit whose mostly metaphysical writing can be found on her own blog.




Thank you, my amazing friend, for picking my post in your amazing curations post. I truly appreciate it. You are doing an outstanding job and I am sure like me many Steemians appreciate your hard work. :)

Sending you a big hug, yours truly,


I'm glad I have a place where I can put good work -- and I'm equally glad there's good work to go here. There's only "so many" I can put in TDWS each time. And the thought that the rest of it (for whatever reason it didn't fit) going home hungry was just too much.

I know what a challenge it is to write consistently -- and how discouraging Steemit's atmosphere can be when you feel unvalued and invisible. I hope this helps dissolve some of that psychological hurdle. That's the intention, anyway.

Sending you a big hug back. None of us get enough of those!

And, we are giving a lot to the people who are not seen. At least we do our best and in the future, we will be able to do even more. I am sure of it. Which gave me an amazing idea right now to help out even more. I will send you a message on discord. :)

Be warned: if/when I'm famous, I'm going to be blaming you for helping to create the biggest ego-filled Leo head ever. ;)

You Leos are the bane of my existence. I think you all are fabulous ... and not a one of you will correct me. (Seriously, I watch you guys in action and think, "My God, it must be wonderful to have confidence and an ego like that." I do seriously envy you.)

Oh no another Leo 🤣🤣🤣
“Bane of your existence.” Heeehheeeee
Confidence and ego 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
xx 🦅

I was looking all over for this last night, just found it in the post office. 🤣
Great post and thank you for the mention. These also help a lot in finding people to upvote!
So appreciate your hard work and great writing. The intros are hilarious and that alone is worth finding your curations . xx🦅

I think if you share my rather eclectic tastes in reading, this is a good way to find interesting posts. I am always looking for good people to follow -- people who can write and have something to say. They are distressingly rare.

And especially now that life is so full of many different things -- some necessary, some fun, some simply time-consuming -- as they all are -- having a place to go where you find good ideas, helpful information, amusing articles and interesting people to follow is almost a necessity.

It's a real service -- like book and movie reviews. The one catch is, as I said, you have to share my tastes. Otherwise, I'm useless to you.

You could never be useless to me, thankfully I have the same tastes! :)
I miss chatting with you, I have been pretty busy just keeping up with Replies lately and trying to squeeze in my writing.
I finally became a Spiritual Mod in a woman's group, so if you find good spiritual posts I will be sharing those with the group! Actually, I really need to start sharing your Astrology posts ... well ..
at least mostly ... in july and august .. just sayin ... LOL

I am seeing the rarity in good posts more and more .. it is very distressing. BTW, do I have your permission to share your astrology posts in a spiritual group? :)

Thanks for including my Panama post. Panama is FULL of horrible roads, so you have that one right. One of the selling points of our home was that it has a paved road in the neighborhood off of a main paved road off of the main paved road!! We have friends who live off of roads I would not want to drive every day. Well, pretty much all our friends do. I guess you get used to it, but it's not fun. Dirt, rocks and bumps. We don't mind the few potholes we have to dodge getting to our neighborhood. ;)

That sounds like our road in NM when we first moved here. 4 miles of dirt road once you left the pavement, often washboard bumpy, rocks, places where the rain had washed a little gully, blind curves, one lane, the occasional cow ... or deer ... or rabbit. The posted speed sign said 25 mph, which was a joke. Some days 3 mph was too fast.

It was nearly 10 years before the snowplows would even come out here in the winter. And 9 years before I had a phone. I had animals and horses to tend to -- and I have made it to the barn through snow up to my waist so I could refill their water and break the ice out with a hammer.

I've killed rattlesnakes. I've shoveled myself out to the road through snow. I've chopped wood for the woodstove, because our first month's electric bill here (in October 1981) was $300 ... and the shock of that about killed me. I've hammered up a barn wall that got kicked down at 3 in the morning ... in the dark, in the cold. I've learned how to change a tire where you can't just "call Triple A." I've learned how to start my car from a dead battery by plugging it into the house. I've learned how to unfreeze a well.

I've learned more about being self-sufficient than virtually anyone I know. Because for those 9 years, if I got in bad trouble, there was NO ONE around to help me -- and no way to phone for help. The nearest neighbor was prohibitively far away, even in good weather and with a clear road if I had to walk.

When I think back on those years, I marvel at my own courage. I don't think I would be able to do that again now. (Or maybe I'd just have more sense than to try.)

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