Steemit Communities Vs Facebook Groups

in #community7 years ago (edited)


Imagine the excitement that Facebook users will feel when they find out they could potentially get paid for ranting about dog poo, bad drivers, what shopkeeper said what and why you shouldn't go to a particular restaurant. And other people in their own locality might upvote, add to or collaborate on their stories and make them some money (or help raise money for their local community).

I must admit I'm not a huge fan of participating in these type of groups as an 'innocent' comment can be hacked to pieces and pulled apart by judgemental people with nothing better to do before the moderators step in to delete or diffuse the situation. Steemit can be like that too if you get sucked into the drama.

I'm one of these morbid people who will only take a look if there is a lot of fire engines about, or if an area is cordoned off as I have to find out why and the answer is inevitably on these groups.


What does this have to do with Steemit?

Well, thanks to @pennsif for her latest post, as I found out about Steemit's plans for communities, where:

Two types of communities will exist:

communities into which anyone in the world can post (where community founders (or their delegated moderators) can decide, post-hoc, which posts to hide from view) or;

communities in which only community founders’ (or their delegated authors’) posts will appear.


And this is rumored to happen later this year.


(1) Communities into which anyone in the world can post (where community founders (or their delegated moderators) can decide, post-hoc, which posts to hide from view)

This is essentially how the local Facebook groups are run now. I know the moderator of one the local ones quite well (well actually we have two groups the non-offensive one and the one where Peter (name changed to protect real identity) can put all his sexist jokes, without offending the more sensitive souls.

Although I could see some interesting use of flagging and downvoting potentially being an issue, should this type of group venture onto Steemit, but if there was a common goal, like a town event to support - it could work okay on this front.


(2) Communities in which only community founders’ (or their delegated authors’) posts will appear.

It would mean great things for local charities as fundraising would be a matter if regular posting and creating popular posts would mean that town events could be partially or even funded using Steemit (and with whole local communities on Steemit, this could really be the case, as an upvote is even better than a donations, as it doesn't come out of the proverbial pocket.

I can see this working well for Bexhill and Hastings Wildlife Rescue, as they post about the animals they save. They do have rather strong views on fox hunting and cruelty to seagulls, but they would have a really entertaining channel.

Hmm, I don't have time to do this for them, but I must let them know about Steemit, as one of their 'fans' would surely manage a Steemit account for them. Their group page also got hacked last summer, something that wouldn't happen on Steemit, if they were careful with their master code.

And for fundraising for actual specific events...

For example this year in my town the Roaring 20s event is not going ahead due to lack of funding (and last year Bexhill broke the world record of largest number of people doing the Charleston dance at this event) and they are always asking for donations to make sure the Fireworks night goes off with a bang and Christmas lights too (not go off with a bang in that case, but to switch on time would be a good start).

You could have whole communities based on these fundraising requirements, as more and more people will start to see the potential of Steemit and ensure its growth.



And Facebook meant the end of @pennsif's social media community project (Will this take Steem to the moon?)

So let's make sure Steemit stamps on Facebook.

Because Steemit can and it has so much more potential, no other reason...

Roll on Steemit Communities...


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I think such communities are already slowly growing and emerging here on Steemit and since Steemit has a great potential for growth, I think the second type wherein the founders can only post will flourish well here.

Yes, the first type does look like a lot of 'policing' would be required.

Yes a lot of policing I think because people tend to get off the track quite easily which isn't good for the overall development and growth of the community.

@Hopehugs, thanks for sharing about Steemit communities. I have heard a little bit of buzz about this new development. I appreciate you helping me understand even more.

I really appreciate your statement about how this types of communities can be used to fund online organizations and events.

It sounds a lot like a combination of Steemit and Discord. I look forward to seeing the end results.

Yes I meant to include a paragraph about the benefits this could this could mean for Discord groups and particularly the curation side of things.

Thank you for the mention @hopehuggs.

I do think Communities / Local Comunities will mark a breakthrough point with the steem blockchain.

They will open massive doors for more mainstream adoption.

The tricky bit might be how well the infrastructure, and the existing steem residents, will adapt to and cope with the 'incomers'...

It was you @pennsif that inspired me to write this post. It will be a breakthrough I think for local communities and make Steemit more mainstream.

I guess with a lot a newcomers and these communities things could get quite cliquey.

Thank you @hopehuggs. Yes the potential for cliqueness is the one thing that worries me about the steemit inc proposed community structure.

Who is going to decide who runs each community?

Of course if you don't like how a community is run you can go off and set up your own!

That will not be so bad for a generic topic such as gardening, but in the context of a geographical community it might be rather confusing if the TownX has five different steem communities.

Will consensus be reached? Or will it need elections....

Slippery slopes might begin to appear.

I guess that will depend on the people that come to a certain extent. Steemit politics , not an area I want to delve into.

Indeed. Yes something I stay well away from.

They are still missing too much its just about that time they need to shift here

I guess they need more people first, before they roll something like this out.

While I think communities would be a good thing on steemit, we sort of have that going on already in the forms of "groups" be it writer groups, curation groups, photography etc. So are they going to do these communities exclusively where you would have to be a member of a community or would these be in addition to what is already in place?
I enjoy the steemit platform the way it is, I would hate to think that I would be left with the decision to have to be a member of a community in order to be active on here. Plus the fact that someone would then be in charge of determining whether or not what I decide to write is worthy of being seen by others.
Surely they won't go the route of mandatory, would they?

It would be just an additional option. It wouldn't take over what it is already set up. This is working - they just want/need to add more feathers to their bow.

I thought that would more than likely be the case but you never know what people may think now a days when they are running these type of things.
Sometimes the "bow" can get pretty gaudy looking when you keep piling feathers on it.

True, it can get too heavy, even though the feathers are light

That is really cool that this is rolling out this year. I like the idea that these types of posts could replace Facebook groups. The fundraising is a great idea. It doesn't just have to members of the community upvoting, but any Steemit member who likes the idea can do it. I would upvote Christmas lights and fireworks for your community, although my tiny upvote might not give you much. Each little bit counts though in that case. I wonder if they would be able to make the posts be 100% SBD payout then instead of having to wait to get to the actual funds. Great post! :)

100% SBD payout would indeed be an interesting option and one that everyone would like, but I suppose if everyone did that they'd be nothing going back in. I don't know if they could implement that one for charitable causes/events, without it being abused.

Right, that does make sense. There does need to be some going back in. I could see people saying it was for charity and then pulling it out for personal use... Hm.

Hey nice stuff here @hopehuggs as usual. We are definitely going to see a stampede of facebookers making their way over to steemit once they hear about what is actually going on here... especially with some of the new steemit ads being implemented on youTube, and other commonly used sites around the search engine. As far as I'm concerned, the panic will be real once everyone realized they are so 'late...' But, not really bc steemit will be a transformative social media platform for years on end.. Great stuff, Respect from @conradsuperb

We are certainly lucky to be amongst the early adopters.

Agreed... SP which is what I so desire to acquire is going to be much more difficult to get once the SBD to steem exchange rate shoots well above 1, so obtaining as much SP now is the best alternative to this in my opinion

In general, and in my experience, people stick to their networks. The ones who come here are mostly money-oriented (but will leave again once they realize how hard it is to get any without sponsoring the bot coders or sucking up to the whales), while the ones who leave facebook for free speech go to - animal rights posts are hated on social, animals must look nice - people don't want boring or negative stuff, they want easy entertainment, inspirational quotes and good news. Don't worry, be happy. That is the current state, sorry if I sound disenchanting but social is my job and I've been doing it for years ;)
However communities will be a great addition to this place because this place is like an empty parking lot with a few cars passing by far, far away... communities would certainly create a focus of interest and connect like-minded people. Maybe with the monetary incentive, that will create a dynamic other networks are lacking - in other networks, communities usually go stale very fast or turn int ranty echo chambers.

Time will tell. That is what is so great about Steemit, it pushes new boundaries and frontiers.

Finally video :))) great to see you.

The first of many.

I'm excited about the possibility of Steemit communities such as the latter, although the former would be good, too. But one where founders and delegated authors post would essentially operate like publications. I've been thinking about how to run a multi-author blog on Steem, and that might just be the answer.

One option in the meantime is to have an steemit account, where you can share the posting code with the other authors and manually distribute any earnings.

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