What's new pussycat?

in #curation6 years ago

whoa oh.png

I always thought that was an odd answer to a strange question...

Anyways, you may have (but probably didn't) notice I haven't really been commenting up a storm on everyone's posts recently, but that's because I've been working on a couple of little Steem projects. As part of my this but also because I really want this platform to succeed, and part of that success is the adoption by new people.

The reason I wrote this guy was to convince myself and others that this platform is worth our time and energy... and I've since realized it totally is, but as a rank newbie it's a daunting place.

It took me probably the first week to decide Steem wasn't a pyramid scheme, and the reason it took so long is because there is definitely an element of the rich getting richer here... but there is proof of new users doing well because:

1.) They create exceptionally amazing things
2.) They bring a huge audience with them
3.) They have the support of a whale straight up

For the rest of us though, it's a bit more of a struggle, and for super newbies who don't know anyone it's incredibly hard to sort through the noise...

So, what are you going to do about it?

A couple of things...

Thing Number 1

I'm helping @mikepm74 out with The Fresh Five . There is now a separate account called @thefreshfive that will be welcoming new users on their first day and inviting them to engage with the account. Those that do will then be highlighted in a post I'll do a few times a week.

If you're into curation rewards, then follow the curation trail of @thefreshfive via SteamAuto

@mikepm4 will then hit it a bit later with all his delegated SP.

The intention is to grab people's interest straight away, keep them engaged, give them a post reward in their first week and be welcoming and available to answer any questions.

Thing Number 2

As of yesterday I started as a @curie curator. Here is the latest Curie Weekly Update.

What even is a @curie Curator? Is it a kind of Quokka?


It should be!
No a @curie Curator is a dude or chick who mucks around the Steem Swamp looking for the unappreciated gold. The aim is to find peeps that have been producing hella greats but not getting any coin.

There are a number of curation systems out there, including @ocd and @quartor but @curie is the biggest.
Basically I'll be looking around all over the shop for excellent articles, submit them to @curie then a reviewer either approves or rejects it. If approved then post gets a huge payout but if rejected then I get a strike (of sorts). Too many strikes and I get kicked out for being a bloody drongo.


Easy... give meeeee the @curie upvote!

The point of the @curie vote is to find and recognize those people that are producing great work but just aren't getting any rewards for their efforts... it's to help struggling Steemians with a bit of a push and some recognition.

Okay, so each curator has their own style, but what I'll be looking for...

1.) An exclusive-to-Steem stand alone post that adds value to the reader.
2.) An incredibly well written post. Read over your article before you hit the post button.
3.) Articulate headings (use the '#' to create a H1 heading). Google 's web-crawlers love appropriate H1, H2, H3 headings.
4.) A post needs to have a value of under $10 and must be less than 24 hours old.
5.) Written by a user who has never received a @curie upvote before.
6.) Written by a user that rarely gets, if ever, big payouts.
7.) Written by a user that's, say, less than 56 Rep.
8.) If it's instructional, written with detailed steps that the reader can follow to create the thing.
9.) References source images (not just 'Images from Pintrest' but an exact hyperlink).
10.) Source material and references are in the footnotes.
11.) Nothing political, religious or about Steem/Steemit.
12.) Written in English.

I only get to submit a few entries a week at this early stage, and if I'm ace then I'll get a higher allocation of submissions. I think they only approve 25 or so a day (you can check Steemian) so they have to be really good, and not too samey as the other posts.

If you know someone that produces great articles but is super ignored, please link them below... if you know someone is close, send them my way and I'll try and help them get their posts over the line.

That was long! And worth it!

Why thank you...

Thing Number 3

I'll reporting sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many plagerists and just terrible, terrible Steemers to SteemCleaners using this form : https://steemcleaners.org/abuse-report/

They don't pay super well, but sometimes even a little bit is great.


That's too many cute animals for one post!

Okay, okay, sheesh.

If you find peeps whose post list looks like a Buzzfeed homepage and everything is stolen (grab some sentences and Google them) and no opinions are shared then report away. You might get some Steemcents in the process.

So, ah, that's it. Hit me with any questions or link any dudes or chicks that you think might be curie worthy. Exciting times!!



Ive been wondering how all this worked.. I don't qualify but I've resteemed for you.. some great info for everyone

Thanks SuperShell! That is so nice of you, thank you so much for the resteem.
I feel like I tricked you a little bit.... lured you in with cats and then hit you with boring IT stuff, so it really is lovely for you to resteem me.

Yeah, you're a bit too high level for @curie... but if you see anyone producing great stuff but struggling, please let me know.

congratulations man!!! good to see you being more part of this community.

Thanks dude! I'm really excited and super daunted all at the same time. It's a huge amount of work now... but I'm hoping once I get my processes sorted I get it all under control... it's all about hoping being about to work on Steem full time later this year.

i cant do that cause im slow on that. right now im trying to be a content creator and im just focusing on making good blogs AND vlogs. you should really check me out in February cause i got something big coming up.

you are doing a great work for minnows and newbies. keep it up @aussieninja

Thank yo so much Kamchore! I'm still a redfish myself (lower than minnow) but I'm working on it!

omg that last cat!! :P That's awesome Adam! Looks like you are doing a lot for the community and it's well appreciated :) go you! Also didn't know that tidbit about the headers

good-to-know !

I've been using it a little since I figured it out a week ago.. hahah but maybe ill continue and use it more!

Hahahahahaha, you're hilarious!

I'm glad you're excited!

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I dunno... I already love your posts so much and you haven't even been screaming headings at me... how will I cope with too much awesome?

Hahaha :) thanks!!! That’s really neat didn’t know you could do those types of fonts too

Another quality post. Where you ever curied?

I was... in my first week or second week.
The guidelines have been clarified a touch... it's not 'only one curie ever' but users that have never gotten any sort of big payout will definitely get preference.

If you notice anyone struggling in your travels, please let me know and I'll try and help 'em out.

That is brilliant! :D Well done on all your efforts and congrats on joining the curie team! :)

Thank you! I'm really excited... but it's so hard... and such an emotional rollercoaster... but it's good and I'm really excited to have the opportunity to find unearthed talent on the platform and give them that little push.

This is awesome, @aussieninja – thanks for directing me to it! I knew about @ocd but hadn't yet heard of @curie. Grateful to know about 'em! • I haven't even sort of had time to consider sniffing out plagiarists, yet I can imagine someday I'll enjoy that. • Also – if I'm assessing those guidelines correctly – I'm thinkin' that post I just made miiiight just make the curie grade. I'll cross my fingers and hope that you agree. ;)

Thanks @zipplyo. I'm so glad you had a look at this... your posts are absolutely top quality, especially your photos. Your post was so good, so professionally done and I so would have submitted it if it wasn't about Steem, which doesn't fit the curie-guidelines. I'll definitely keep my eye on you though!

Ahh...I seeeee. I had to read that line a few to times to get it. The *subject can't be about Steem or Steemit. Am I reading that right? Makes sense, of course. • Ah, well – I suspect I'll be adding a whole lot more in future. ;) Thanks for clarifying!

Oh yes, sorry, I really should have explained that more clearly...
Yes, the curie curation team isn't interested in curating posts about politics, religion or the platform itself... it's about bringing people to the platform with excellent and interesting original content.

No one outside of Steem is interested in reading lots of posts about Steemit, but they might be drawn here if their favourite topics are covered in detail.

Hope that helps! Thanks for being so interested in this process... I know it's a lot to take in.

It totally makes sense! I was just bleary-eyed and reading it wrong. • I appreciate the time you take to help a newbie like me feel welcome. It is a lot, but people like you make it less overwhelmingly so. ⭐️

Getting busy on the blockchain! Nice work!

Just following the examples set by the #teamaustralia elders dude!

That's amazing! I'm so glad that someone with the know-how is working on great improvements for the Steemit platform. I really don't even have a grasp of basic HTML, so my posts are just a step above train wreck as far as formatting goes, bahaha! I will do my best to get better at it though! Thanks for all your hard work!

Wait... is the 'know-how' guy me? Cos I feel like I'm totally stumbling through... but I've somehow managed to find some very helpful people that are willing to spend time on me to make me slightly less stumbly.

How are you feeling about the platform now? You're starting to get some consistent @dtube hits which I'm really excited about... part of the reason I went through the whole process was to look after my best starting buds (you, @pawsdog and @vitalmistake) but you're all crushing it. So that's very exciting.

I had no idea about @curie. Thanks for this great post @aussieninja! I remember seeing your page only about a month or so ago and here you are, already with a high reputation helping minnows. Great work!!

Hahaha, thank you. I rocked in around the last week of November, but I really do love this platform... I was really into Blogger back in the day, and never really got into Twitter or Insta.. I either say a lot or nothing... I'm just not good at sharp and concise.

You're very welcome.
You're definitely on my list because your posts are great and so much fun (most fun NYE post ever) but you've also had some decent payouts so I'll just need to time it right.

You've found the prefect platform for you then! Lots of writing and a good, supportive audience.

And haha thank you. I'll keep trying! :D

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