Is Steem a Ponzi scheme?

in #minnowsupport7 years ago (edited)

My entire first week on the Steemit platform was a little bit stressful. I had found this amazing new world full of super-smart creative people who all seemed to be making money doing the thing I wanted to do... I was happy to do the work, I was happy to socialize, build relationships, network and basically make a heap of friends... but I wasn't happy to do that if it all turned out to be a Ponzi scheme.

I didn't want to put in a heap of time, only to find that the new kids can never break into the clique, and can only make $0.01 dollars at a time while more established users were raking in the dough.

So, I've put together this little FAQ of all my early first-week questions.

I hope this helps any doubts new users may have.


It's really not.


Firstly, for those that don’t know… a whale on Steemit is someone who has a lot of Steem Power. Steem Power is the determining factor on how much weight someone has on this platform.

See, a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin is mined. Dudes, chicks, companies and clouds set up their computers to run continuously churning through ‘problems’ and verifying transactions. Each coin that is mined, ie, discovered, goes into circulation where it can be traded or used as currency.


Steem is also mined… but once it is mined by someone’s computer, it needs to be verified by a witness. The miner gets to keep 70% of the Steem mined, and 30% goes into the reward pool for articles and comments that are awesome.

That 30% is distributed by upvotes…. but not all upvotes are equal, else people would create 10 trillion fake accounts to upvote their content.

No, upvotes are weighted by how much Steem Power a person has. Steem Power can be gotten in 2 different ways;
1.) through purchasing Steem cryptocurrency and then powering that up or
2.) as a reward for awesome articles and comments paid out in 7 days.


That’s not really true… there are quite a few whales that reward good content by newer people in order to grow the platform. There is also a heap of initiatives to help newer users reach a wider audience, like the MSP, Curie and OCD

Secondly though, can you really blame them?

I’ve definitely gravitated towards the people that started around the same time as me, they’re my new friends and I really like them. I like a few of them so much that I’ve set up an autovote so that I upvote all their new posts… because I like them as people, want to support them and trust that they’ll continue producing quality gold in post form.
The people that have become whales have probably been around for 2 years, in a tiny close-knit community that was ignored right up until Bitcoin exploded, and now everyone wants a piece of the action. There’s no reason for a whale to upvote you unless you’re providing something amazing or they like you.

Think of it this way… if you had a shop, you wouldn’t expect to sell all your stock just because you made them, you’d expect to sell them because people liked/needed your products.


Okay, how many basketballers want to play for the NBA? Like, millions, yeah?


Those millions don’t all get in because they really want to, the players who get signed up to a team do so because either they are super exceptional, or have been grinding away for years and proven their dedication or they know the right people…

One spectacular play doesn’t get you the contract, you’ve got to prove yourself man… people need to know you’re the real deal before they invest in you.


I’m pretty concerned about your education…

Okay, they didn’t just find JLaw off the street and hand her the leading role in Hunger Games, she’d been acting all through her teenage years to prove she could handle the investment the producers were making into her.

Now she’s the highest paid female actor because of all the work she’s put in, her good-natured character, her hilarity, and a ton of luck.


That's enough of that.


Okay, settle down weirdo.


Isn’t that life though… you spend time on Facey and Insta and Twitter and have never made a cent while those companies have made so much money off you, so if you make no money on here I bet you’ve made some friends or read, watched, listened to some good quality content for free.


That’s not true either, at the very least you could sell the Steem for the market price, and if we’ve all done a great job here you should at least make a profit… if not with time spent, at least in pure Fiat cashmoney.


It’s not, people can make money on the Steem Blockchain without ever paying a cent.
@pawsdog is conducting his own experiment to prove this exact point.
A Ponzi scheme relies on money from new users to pay old users… it requires a constant influx of new people. The people at the top get the money (which trickles down to keep motivation high) and the people at the lowest level always lose out.

pyramid scheme.jpg
Pyramid Source Article

You’ll see it in situations where companies take you on as a sales person or direct marketer but make you purchase the stock yourself to sell to your friends…. Or in the Crypto world, at places like BitConnect. In my opinion the BitConnect business model doesn’t at all seem sustainable… so they must be paying interest out of the new money coming in and getting locked away, or they make it incredibly hard to get the paper profits out.

I was worried that Steem was a Ponzi scheme (also known as a Pyramid scheme) where new users could never make any money regardless of the quality of their work because the people with all the influence were only looking after their own.

While of course this is true to an extent, there is absolutely nothing to prevent me from investing $1000 or $10,000 or $100,000 into the platform and taking control of the rewards pool myself. Whales have already invested a lot into the platform, but we can grab some control if we want to enough… that’s not possible in a Pyramid scheme…. The people at the bottom can never ever win.

Newbies can spent no money at all and still make $100 in their first week. That’s amazing! It does require some skill and effort, some luck or knowing the right people.


It doesn’t cost me anything to upvote your work.
Not only does it not cost me anything, but if I upvote something that other people also like, then I get a small reward for that. Of course, you have a limited number of votes so that people can’t spent their days upvoting absolutely everything in the hopes of hitting something popular.
The only thing my upvote costs me is the opportunity cost of placing that upvote somewhere betterer. So, that’s why I would never upvote something rubbishy that someone has chucked up with no effort. There’s so much on this platform that I would never upvote even though a huge amount of effort goes into it, purely because it doesn’t interest me. I’m a jerk like that.


Ahhh, what….?
Pretty sure I covered this already, but alrighty..
The money comes from the miners, it gets confirmed by the Witnesses and awarded by the people with Steem Power. Miners get 70%, everyone else gets a share of that 30%.
The monetary value at the bottom of a post or comment is not USD, it’s Steam Dollars which at the time of writing is worth $10 USD per SBD.


Steemit now is like trying to start out on YouTube now.
YouTube has creators with millions of subscribers but either skill or luck got them those subscribers. If I make a video and a famous YouTuber mentions it, that’ll rocket me to a decent subscriber base.
If I write an article, post a video or song and a whale resteems it then rocket rocket rocket time.
There are millions of videos on YouTube that are amazing that I’ll never know about. Videos that are significantly better than those produced by popular YouTubers, but thems the breaks.

Unlike YouTube however, pure popularity (by Whales, then Dolphins, etc) dictates if someone gets paid. YouTube’s Adpocolypse (advertisers all suddenly pulled out so YouTube freaked out and demonetized lots of videos… destroying the income of many creators) highlights the problem of having one company control the financials.


Absolutely. The miners, witnesses, developers and Steem-powered Steemians are all different people with different motivations, experiences, and alliances.

If some crazy Billionaire suddenly bought up all the possible Steem so they could influence absolutely everything, then someone would create a new platform and we’d all move across to something less Billionaire-biased. Steemit only has value if we all use the platform. If we power down and sell out then the Steem power the Billionaire owns is suddenly absolutely worthless.

It'd be a shame, but it’s not out of the question.


Facebook has value because all our friends and family are on it… I’ve now been on it for over a decade and I rarely check on it anymore…I used to use Instagram a lot, but again I’ve gotten bored with it because Steemit has a lot more meat to it. Once Steemit has some really great mobile apps then I think it’ll explode.
My partner reads Facebook every night, and mainly ends up reading articles her friends post links to… it’s not really what Facebook is for, and she has to deal with a lot of ads to get the gems of interest.
Facebook makes money by offering targeted ads based on your information… Steemit doesn’t have your information


Eventually all new Bloggers and Wordpress kids will start on Steemit. Most current bloggers have their own setups, but they don’t make money per post. They just make money selling products, courses or advertising space. I envisage that eventually Bloggers will sell their products directly on Steemit, or at the very least, blog on Steemit and then send any potential buyers to their sales portal.

Most are hardcore about collecting e-mail addresses, and this is mainly because an e-mail results in more sales…. Steemit should make this an unnecessary hassle.

At the moment, Bloggers have to drive traffic to their websites, via Facebook or e-mail and then sell sell sell to make a living…. I’ve read that most Bloggers spend 10/20% of their time actually writing posts, the thing they enjoy, and the rest marketing and spruiking their content.

While Steemit won’t prevent Bloggers from selling products or courses, they might find that they just don’t need to once they start making enough per post.


Okay, now I see that you're starting to get it. Steem is like a pole dancer... you have to be strong yet graceful, tough but fun and most of all you have to keep at it until you're amazing. Just like my young friend @polebird

Image of polebird


Ugh.. if spammers keep just linking videos... maybe.
No, Steem is very different to YouTube, in my opinion it has an opportunity to be more intelligent than YouTube, a place where discussion and conversation are paramount and pithy, hurtful comments die out.

Steem can be a one stop shop for everything... it can take the best parts of Facebook, YouTube, Blogger, Amazon, eBay and allow people to create a living talking directly to their fans.

Remember a few months ago when everyone was going nuts for Rick and Morty Season 3 episodes?

rick and morty google.png

Obviously, the company that owns the rights took down anyone that hosted entire episodes on YouTube… and I imagine at some point that’ll tackle those videos on random cartoon websites.

Think about this as a user… you could try and watch it on YouTube (they were being shown Live on YouTube where they would just play episodes back to back to back… but you couldn’t skip forward or back, so you had to sit through episodes you might have seen… or come in half-way through an episode you didn’t)… anyway, a user could choose YouTube where the quality might be questionable… they could purchase it from YouTube, iTunes or Amazon Video… or, they could watch it absolutely free on Steemit… the only cost being an upvote.

The creators of Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 7 would get their money instantly, and possibly more importantly, they’d get the influence to upvote projects they care about.

Money is nice, but power is the real motivation.

Imagine a movie getting released to the entire world at the same time… not costing the consumers anything financial and the makers potentially making back their costs that same day.
Consumers would love the no commercials aspect.


A writer could release a novel paragraph by paragraph and get paid for each post... instead of taking a year to write the book, then edit, publish and distribute.

Marketing and promotion is pretty much self-contained. A company could spend their entire marketing budget on buying Steem to convert to Steem Power and uptick their own projects to get them on the Trending pages.

Imagine how well a new Tesla product will do if Elon Musk was able to award $10,000 upvotes for articles that shone a positive light on that product. Everyone in the world would write an article in the hope of getting a piece of that pie…. Google would be smashed with positive reviews.

The benefit to a company CEO or Billionaire is that once they’ve invested a large chuck of cash into Steem Power, that influence stays with them forever (until someone else buys more) allowing them reuse their influence for each new product/project.

It does sound horrible that a dodgy horrible Billionaire type could buy people’s words… but the consumer wins out too… You don’t have to follow anyone on Steemit, and unless someone in your Feed resteems something then you shouldn’t have to hear about it. You’re not being advertised to like you are on other platforms… eventually an honest review might make more money from everyone else upvoting even if you miss out on that huge payout from a corporate/CEO upvote.

It does sound like the political silos would increase within Steemit, unless people choose to get their news from an unbiased source. There might also be the continuation of the problem where media outlets rush to be the first to get news out, without adequately checking first… but again, users can choose to ignore outlets that turn out to be factually incorrect.


I know Kendall Kardashian is huge on Instagram… but I don’t have to follow her. Kendall does make a ton of money from advertisers and sponsored content. Would Kendall need to make such deals and potentially disenchant her followers when she could instead make thousands just being her?

She might aim for that upvote or resteem from Pepsi but at least that’d be available for all to see.

Instagram however, smashes me with sponsored content that I keep thinking are my friends posts and it’s annoying. At least with Steemit I’d only be annoyed by my friends.

I can see a situation where a company releases a new product, and instead of printing out paper instructions they put them on Steemit, effectively making back their costs for the effort. The downside is that if information in those instructions change, a whole new instruction page needs to be published… posts cannot be edited after a few days.
This might make it tricky for users to find the latest and correct information… especially if Google picked up the first instruction page because it was more popular. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Wikipedia and websites all allow content to be deleted even years later. Steemit doesn’t allow this which might be problematic in the future.
People have been fired from their jobs for tweets and Facebook statuses… and those can be deleted… could people truly adopt a system where their words last forever…?

The initial Deadpool movie was dead in the water… the studio had no interest in producing it, until a short clip was leaked to the public… Fans went crazy and once the studio realized the demand was crazy-high then they provided the funds… which was a fraction of what a normal blockbuster would cost… making Deadpool one of the most profitable movies of all time.

With Steemit, the producers could have released that clip directly on Steemit, which could have funded the whole movie. This will work once the userbase of Steemit increases substantially.


You're asking so many random questions, but since you asked...

Cost of an item is the same for you and me regardless of location… as someone who lived in a country where everything (including digital products) were marked up because it’s so far away from every other country, this is amazing. See Australia sue everyone here or check how digital games are priced entirely different in Australia because it's so far away -


Not at all... I think there are some very real threats to Steem, but it does seem like the developers are doing everything they can to resolve the various issues.... and any developer can get involved and make their own application or front-end.

Threats to Steemit

  • The general public just doesn’t embrace it
  • Facebook creating their own version of Steem
  • Competitors using Litecoin instead of their own token
  • It’s too messy to be useful
  • Process of cashing out is too cumbersome for people to bother with
  • Not enough money in the daily Steemit pool to make it worth it for blockbuster films
  • People don’t know when they’re being advertised to
  • If all users only chase corporate upvotes it might be horrible
  • Too much misinformation (unsure of official sources)
  • Adoption is low because content isn’t different/special enough
  • Fake news outlets, porn and billionaires control the total award pool
  • Only people producing quality get paid and the masses leave because it got too hard
  • Companies create their own Steemit variations so they can control the content. We end up with trillions of Steemit-lite platforms.
  • People just consume the content for free without ever creating a Steemit account and voting.
  • People may not like the fact they can’t delete or edit their content after 7 days.


I’d personally like to see a favourite friends list. My feed is a bit unruly at the moment and needs some heavy-handed muting/unfriending, but even so, I’d like to be able to check on my favourite peeps by clicking on their name.
Facebook is good for seeing what your friends are up to… Twitter is good for seeing what famous people are angry about and Instagram is good for seeing what pretty people are being photographed next to.

I think Steemit would need something to allow users to easily flick between their friends and then general stuff they’re interested in. Reddit doesn’t do this at all, it’s purely content based, but I think Steemit is a bit more personable and friendly


That's fine... you are totally welcome to ask a trillion questions on this platform, because, quite frankly, everyone here is listening... and that's amazing.

Please let me know if I've got anything wrong in here... I'm still very much learning. I'm happy to edit this document as we go.

Thanks for reading!


Good writeup!

I agree that steem has the potential to be so much more than FB/IG/reddit -- but its ambiguity might be part of one of its shortcomings right now. At the vrry least, it seems to light a fire under peoples asses to speak up and try contributing / creating, which in itself is a victory. People spend a lot of time just observing, and creating could help people grow.

I've already found myself training better, doing more and basically trying to live a more interesting life since I jumped on the Steem train. I've made more plans because they'll help create content, but these plans also totally improve my life... so I think there is a lot of benefits over the Facey's and Instas. Those social media platforms are so good at the short little snippets of a manicured life... while Steem is excellent for longer, more indepth and thoughtful posts - which is something I really think we need more of. No more soundbites!

I agree- some kind of way make it more friendly and work on a bit. doesn't share well with big photo (snap shot), load, or work very well overall. I do not have the answers and I am not complaining. I find myself more on Steemit these days than facebook. It gets better as I go along. Get to meet nice smart people like you!

It really is a bit mean for us to compare a super-brand new beta platform with others that have been continuously building for over a decade. I hope gets there... mainly because I want to use it to put in tiny little clips for posts that don't make sense on YouTube by themselves. To date I've had zero success with it... but hopefully soon...

If they can make Steemit easy like Coinbase and personally friendly like Facebook it will take off to other galaxies and beyond! Steemit is genius- we know that. I'm glad to be here and thankful to the people who created and are working on this platform. @Steemit

It's definitely exciting getting in on the ground floor.

That's an excellent point... it is so hard to get money into Steem. Coinbase takes like 9 day for a transaction these days (my bank doesn't do online wire transfers) and Bittrex is being a jerk.. I can't imagine any of my Facebook friends working out the system currently...

But once that coinbasey interface gets here... it's going to be amazing.

Indeed! Exciting to watch! Yeah- lol- I can't really imagine the majority of my facebook friends figuring it out either. It is a learning curve- See how cool these little gifs are.... Well- I had to go learn about copying image addresses (vs. uploading) in order to get rolling along here at Steemit. Thank you for making me learn @Steemit. :)

Great piece. You have a really engaging style.
I like seeing you start to get some traction here.

Thank you!
I'm only here because you and a couple of other established users helped me out and were so generous with your efforts. I really did need that little nudge to let me know I could break into the clique.

It must be weird for you guys... how many newbies that you support actually stick around? I feel like only half of my friends from that first week are still here... but thank you so much for your support. I like seeing me get some traction too. It's super exciting!

The ones who disappear often come back in time. All you can do is your best :)

Aww, this was fun to read. Mainly because i first found you in a taskmaster post asking questions, trying to understand it all. Then we get to this, where you grok it. <3

Hahahaha, this might be the best compliment I've ever received!
All I wanted out of this week was to totally grok something... yes... nailed it!

Thank you, and thank you for the time you've spent answering my questions... the generosity of the peeps with all the knowledges has been so great. If we keep it up mass-adoption could be in our very new future.

I'm not sure the mining thing is quite correct? But you'll hav eto check with someone that actually knows how this place works XD

Nice writeup for the newer plankton, and yep I'd start getting concerned by the person who could only understand very specific analogies too XD

I actually still have my own blog that everything gets posted to, I don't make any money off it unlike here, but I have it because it's mine, unlike here :) I'm a bit odd in that regard but statistically unlikely to be the only one ;D

And the next thing to explain will be how all the front ends use the same blockchain ;D


Thank you... yes, it looks like my understanding was not great... but that's the beauty of the edit-button. I'll fill my brain up with the bits and then rework that section.. try and get some accuracy in there.

I've still got my own blog too... because it took me so long to get on the first page of Google and I'm not willing to give it up... and it's a better menu interface for people looking for specific information... but Steem has my heart.

Great idea!! I can totally chuck something in to confuse things further... if plankton aren't confused then they clearly aren't paying attention.

Thanks so much for reading my words, it's always very exciting to see our little goat buddies on my posts.

Great post! I started out thinking there was no way I'd read the whole thing and before you know it, I was finished. You have a great engaging writing style, while being quirky enough to keep me guessing. Good stuff!

Hahaha, thank you! I was aiming for scientifically-sophisticated and brutally-succinct but I've definitely take quirky and engaging! Thanks!

I honestly can't believe a platform exists where people read my words. It's pretty nutso!

Yeah, definitely meant it as a compliment. Mostly where you had the "oh I only relate to xyz analogy" type things were really funny/quirky.

Hahaha, would you believe I wrote this whole post to mainly use that...

You took a very roundabout way of doing it, but I can dig it!

I think Steemit has a rollout plan to cover all of the areas that people are used to getting with their other social medias. Their first phase was to attract those interested in actually building the physical bones of the site. These people who became the whales, were able to work out the kinks and bring some cohesion to everything.

DTube, while still kind of a dumpster fire in my opinion, was the next logical step, as a visual platform is important to compete with YouTube and Facebook video (which is kind of a joke, but I digress.)

The type of people being drawn to Steemit as of right now however, are those interested (for the most part) in producing great content and high-level content. I mean this in the least insulting way possible, but I think Steemit has deliberately avoided making the site easier to navigate for the "masses" until it has a lot of solid content and creators that would more easily attract people who want more erm..."simplicity" to their social media platform.

AKA, the type of people following the Kardashians (I know, really huge stereotype, but it's to make a point) would have ZERO interest in Steemit the way it stands right now, and that's good, because they wouldn't necessarily be contributing quality content in the same way that many creators do at the moment.

I think when the time is right, Steemit Devs will release other subsidiaries (Like DTube) for people to link to, and/or incorporate them right into the Steemit blog, but they will be more user-friendly and frankly more simple to navigate than the Beta currently is for the masses at large.

I have my eye on a few different up and coming sites. I think Steemit is the most solid moving forward, and I don't necessarily think it's a Ponzi scheme, but I also don't quite understand how it is fully blockchain. The other sites I have visited require a physical download to your computer, which I thought was a major part of blockchain technology, ya know, everyone shares a piece. It doesn't bother me much, I think what worries me most is the higher probability of a cyber attack. It would royally suck to make a ton of money on here and have it robbed. This is what blockchain is supposed to protect you from, but can't be 100% effective without being 100% blockchain.

Anyway, this was a GREAT and insightful post. Love your candor and humor! I look forward to more posts like this! (Though I do also love your ANW stuff too!)

OMG... I'm learning so much..
Was one of the sites you looked at Yours - it looked like it had promise... and I wonder if them using Litecoin instead helps... but I couldn't actually find any content on there without creating an account, which is surely not ideal. I didn't spend long on it.

There is a phone app SteepShot that also sits on the Steem blockchain and acts as an Instagram type thing... so we still might see mass adoption through different avenues. It'll definitely be interesting to see how it all pans out.

Thank you! I know far less about this than ANW... but I learnt so much in writing this... AND it looks like I need to update some of my wrongness, so I'm learning heaps more even after it's posted... that doesn't happen on YouTube...

@aussieninja Very impress with your post. Interesting points made from different angles. I have made a similar suggestion regarding a 'following /friends' track system. You never know what's next.. the mod are always quick on their feet to improve the community. See you at the top friend :)
Best wishes to you always !

Yeah, I don't feel that anything I've suggested here would be too hard to implement.

Thank you so much! I still can't believe people are reading my words. Thank you for being so nice to me, I really appreciate it.

:) haha where is my pole analogy ADAM?? just kidding my friend! love that this is a very thoughtful post with your humorous side coming out!

What? It's right there young lady... I can't believe you missed it.

HAHHAHAHHA omg I see it now!! I did somehow miss it?? thanks adam, love it! :D you are awesome

Hahaha, you are so fun... love it. I was a total sneaky ninja, I added you in after your comment... but that photo is just extraordinary so it's an incredible addition. Plus, everyone knows Steem is just like pole. Everyone!

Oooo man I totally doubted myself there! I was thinking no way I missed that, but I did look up for a bit while checking out the post.. glad to know I’m not going looney 🤪

Hahahahaha, this entire thing has absolutely made my day.

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