SCAM UPDATE - GoldSneak Revealed!!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


UPDATE: Peter fears the truth so much he had his listeners down-vote this post (Genius, Pete!) so if you would like to read it in it's entirety you can view it here: GoldSneak Revealed -

Poor Peter Spina, his house of cards is falling down.

The face of the campaign against Daniel Harrison that barely lasted a fortnight is now dripping with the juicy pulp of truth that spewed from the broken rind of deception around the rotten fruit from the tree of lies that he fertilized with his excremental accusations in the grove of his own delusions. (That’s imagery, people.)

Now he’s going to have to find a new distraction; my personal suggestion would be spend some time moving off of Geocities and onto something a little more modern. Not that many people are going to want to visit him now that they can see for themselves what level of spin artist he has become over the years of fabricating “financial advice” for his listeners.

See for themselves, you say?

I do say. You see, Peter missed something. If you have spent the last 20 years extorting payment for your positive reviews and promotions but you’ve always worked with fiat and precious metals you get used to being able to anonymize the kickbacks through methods you have developed over the decades. A rookie to cryptocurrency may discount something important.

The blockchain.


What Peter forgot is that every transaction is written indelibly into the record and then broadcast out to the world; every payment for hair plugs and slightly-odd-looking suits will be there for anyone who cares to see them. It just so happens that few gentleman of the Monkey Capital community cared very much and what they found was succulent.

To be fair and honest, we should hear from Peter first. This is a comment from this article, I left in the comments directly above and below it incase it gets ”accidently” deleted for some reason.

So Peter, despite going on the record at other times about receiving 3 COE, no it was 4, but that last one was an accident and he sent it back, also he sent the other three back, has settled on the claim that he never got any COE at all.

Could be true, I guess. (HINT: It’s not.)

Remember this email from the previous article where GoldSneak eschews their dignity in favor of a possible handout?

Jul 15.png

Hey, is that a wallet address? I do wonder what it’s been up to… let’s look at the blockchain!

Looks like it got a WHOLE BUNCH of COEVAL!

200 COE.png

Don’t let anyone tell you that debasement isn’t profitable. A few days after the email...

30 COE.png

Maybe he sent all those back out of principle. (HINT: He didn’t.)

In fact, the transactions listed show him transferring 100 COE to a wallet where it still lives today like a pirate’s buried treasure without even enough Waves to move it back out.

What about the rest? It looks like he was so disgusted by having them in his possession he couldn’t help but sell them for the much more admirable BTC.

COE Sale.png

There are quite a few more sales listed but you get the idea. So what did he do with the BTC?

BTC Sale.png

Sold it for cash of course! Notice the titles at the top; there are no more transactions for USD after this and the wallet is drained of COE , BTC, and USD which means he sold it all then withdrew SEVERAL THOUSAND dollars to his bank account to do with as he wished.

One thing I can’t explain is why he is moving around thousands of FAKE Komodo and Storj coins… next targets for financial gains, perhaps?


So before Peter comes into the comments with his CAPS LOCK fully loaded to accuse all this of being “fake news” let me provide you with access to the actual data so you can see for yourself.

Wallet 3PFhpXqKHdGgvnvtgTW3s7Sq5joXNprwjV3 - WavesDesk Explorer

NOTE: When he sends or transfers coins the records are under the Transactions section and when he buys and sells them they are under the Trade History section.

Don’t stop with this wallet, you can follow the COE all over the place, or even the Komodo and see what he’s cooking up next. You know, if you have as much time on your hands as Peter seems to have had lately.

In conclusion, I would like to thank Peter himself for providing me with guidance on how to write a hit piece on someone and then following it up with rock solid evidence regarding the falsehood of his own claims. You’re the best, Petey!


What are you talking about? Peter Spina @GoldSeek is one of the most honest people I have ever met.

Thank you Randy.

I really wish Daniel would be honest and all of the investors he has defrauded by dumping $MNY coins on August 7th and 8th and taking the bitcoins out and then cancelling the ICO despite claims of $250M in investments.

you're another lying scamming cocksucker!

takes a cocksucker to know another cocksucker.

But it takes a 1 in a million cocksucker to outblow even the greatest cocksuckers. And since a large % of em hang out at ShitTheBed's place, I might be moving to China. Even at 1 in a million odds of finding one it still it means there are thousands of "world class" cocksuckers in China. :O This crypto shit gettin looney. We already know'd sheeple been getting clipped in "live" cryto trading...but now we "should" know who the guys doing the clipping is...if the blockchain truly works. Confused? me too. So I'll keep waiting for BTC at $5 before I "maybe" make my first buy...and only thru my pet GBTC. At least I know DRYShits has shipping containers and I can always use one of those to live in and make raised gardens and HUGE jacuzzi's. Whata you get with crypto...besides nothin? :-0

Daniel Mark Harrison, why did you dump nearly all of your 1 x BILLION $MNY coins onto the market the day before and of the planned ICO where you claimed (= LIED) about having $250,000,000 to $1,000,000 plus secret investors and $2M in early July lined up for your deal?

Instead you sold and ran away and hid. Then put out hit pieces with fake information.

Daniel is a coward who is unable to have a direct conversation regarding simple questions.

The liar will run and hide with your money.

And again, THIS IS NOT MY WAVES WALLET ADDRESS. I will post all my accounts and info. the second Daniel Harrison gets a spine and post TRANSPARENT information. That includes:

MONKEY CAPITAL's Waves Wallet Addresses -- ALL OF THEM (then you can verify if I am this liar you claim I am)

When goldseek radio INTRODUCED Jim Rogers to Daniel, he wanted to invest. What happened?

Jim Rogers asked for his books. For financials. For transparency. Daniel would not disclose.

Daniel is hiding and attacking me for what again? I did not create fictitious MNY coins and sell nearly all of them on the market. then move the BTC's around different Daniel Harrison wallets, and moved them out.

I HAVE NEVER seen the address above. Daniel Harrison, the Editor in Chief of hit pieces and made up titles (look up EIC for coinspeaker), he can post the public wallet information and we can track it all.

Then you can see that i am not hiding anything. But If your own investment into Monkey Capital wont disclose their own information and post hit pieces with falsified data, then you deserve what is coming.

This is NOT my Waves Address. I received 4 Coevals and returned 5.

I will post all my 3 Waves account addresses on the following condition:

Daniel Market Harrison release all the Monkey Capital's teams Waves wallet Addresses so we can audit and see what he has done with investors money. Monkey Capital is a company soliciting your money, Daniel Harrison dumped $MNY on the market.

THE ONLY Coeval or MNY I bought or Sold was with my OWN money.

SLANDEROUS piece of BS hit piece concocted by Daniel Harrison the scammer.

Daniel leaves no choice, he will not be transparent and reveal Monkey Capital information and attacks us in slanderous ways. I will look at our legal options against this criminal and his criminal associates.

Dude. You were asked already to be on audit comitee.

I was asked to be on what? I never got an invite.

Everyone should be able to audit all the transactions. It is all on the blockchain. Have Mr. Harrison release all the wave wallet address from the Monkey Capital team.

Then you can prove me wrong.. which you will not b/c I am not hiding like Daniel. Daniel refuses to publish his own companies info. but posting falsified data.

IT IS VERY SIMPLE SOLUTION. Have Daniel prove himself with verifiable, PUBLIC data. It is the blockchain for god's sake. It is all out there we just need the main start points, Monkey's wallet addresses


Hey, Peter, don't mean to interrupt your flow of empty threats but you might want to be a little more solid on the definition of "slander" and why it's different from"libel" before you start using it in all caps.

Just trying to be helpful for the sake of the blog content... please continue.

Yes, I should be more clear that Daniel Harrison has both pumped and dumped and scammed people and posted falsified information.

If I am a liar, then Daniel can post Monkey Capital wallet addresses. THEN ALL THE TRANSACTIONS WILL BE REVEALED!

We can all audit and see if he is the liar or I am.

So Daniel, are you going to be transparent and post actual information or falsified data?

Well I'm not Daniel, but here's his wallet address. All COE can be traced from there with WavesDesk and a little effort:


Daniel Harrison is known to defraud people as evidenced by how he created 1 x Billion $MNY tokens and using the only transparent public information, although he is too much of a coward to share his Monkey Capital Wave Wallet accounts, here is another victim of Daniel Harrison's rip-off's:

"Daniel Mark Harrison & Co DMH Company dissolved Requesting upfront payment from buyers to complete the renovation project Singapore Singapore"

Submitted: Fri, May 27, 2016 Updated: Sun, May 29, 2016
Reported By: Olicana victim — Hong Kong

"Similar to the few cases previously reported on this website for The Mill and Orchard point property in Traffod, UK. I am a buyer of Olicana house in Bradford and just received a call from my agent Hong Kong Homes yesterday saying that the developer Daniel Mark Harrison & Co. Has gone bankrupt and demanding advance payment for the remaining 50% of the property price to another company that is taking over to complete this renovation project. To date, I have not received any news regarding the development of this case, but I have checked the UK bankruptcy and insolvency register and found that the company is dissolved. Having read the reports from other victims, I worry that this might turn into an opportunity for this new company to further rip me off on other items that I am not aware of (such as obtaining some government permits for occupation etc)."

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This is a load of shit. grow the fuck up Daniel M harrison. your the ultimate scammer and should be locked up. they are giving out the death penalty in china for people who scam people through cryptocurrency.
I hope the same applies to you someday.

FYI -- "
Similar to the few cases previously reported on this website for The Mill and Orchard point property in Traffod, UK. I am a buyer of Olicana house in Bradford and just received a call from my agent Hong Kong Homes yesterday saying that the developer DANIEL MARK HARRISON & Co. Has gone bankrupt and demanding advance payment for the remaining 50% of the property price to another company that is taking over to complete this renovation project. To date, I have not received any news regarding the development of this case, but I have checked the UK bankruptcy and insolvency register and found that the company is dissolved. Having read the reports from other victims, I worry that this might turn into an opportunity for this new company to further rip me off on other items that I am not aware of (such as obtaining some government permits for occupation etc)."

how do i get ahold you you dude? @goldseek

If you go to and go to "contact us" or via twitter @goldseek works too. one of the online most corrupt websites around.

If there is additional detail that you would like to see I would be happy to update the article or create a new one to address your questions. Thanks for reading!


Good work, I'm doing my share of exposing these pumpers over on Youtube at Silver Gold Man channel but its sure is nice to see someone else doing this type of exposing. Keep up the good work,and if you have time check out the guest on Goldseek, its the SAME circle Jerk of Corruption that's on youtube. Check out my video from today on Lynnette Zang, another pumper/precious metals dealer.

THIS IS NOT MY WAVES Wallet address. If you want to be part of the slander/defamation lawsuits, keep spreading the lies.

You might be part of the monkey capital team so not to expect anything but lies and scams from you guys.

I have NOTHING to hide. Daniel Mark Harrison is the one who is hiding. He will not reveal the wallet addresses that he used to dump nearly all his $MNY

Smells like someone is in panic mode. You previously stated your guy Chris made side dealings with Daniel, yet you are saying this article is fake? The email is real unless you can prove the side deal waves address. Also, why haven't you fired Chris yet? You would do us all a solid if you were to release all of your waves addresses. If you are so clean, you would do it without hesitation. You honestly have no leverage at the moment. I also can't wait for silvergoldman to dig into you.

Yes someone is in panic mode, Daniel Harrison and the author of this report and others suing Daniel Harrison. I tried to warn you but when idiots like yourself defend criminals and fail to argue the evidence, you deserve this outcome

Well Goldseek guy is lucky 'cause I won't make videos on him but I sure as hell have called out several of his guests and writters on several occasion. One doesn't need to be a Rocket scientist to figure out these guys are nothign but frauds. It's why after calling them frauds, scammers ect ect for the last 6 years has never caused me any financial or legal problems, these frauds don't stand a fucking chance against my knowledge of their acts, I've been following the frauds for years and know almost all their associates. He's not alone, it's Big Circle Jerk of Corruption. Notice hoe STEEMIT has even tried hiding your article...because STEEMIT is controlled by the Freemason Frauds.

you´re fuckin crazy


I got 4 and returned 5. I wanted nothing from this criminal scammer.

Nice hit piece. Filled with lies.

Also you can see how desperate you are to deflect from your pump and dumps and scams. Don't worry, your slanderous articles do not deflect from your public dumping of MNY coins and others.


Did you really think it was nice? Thank you!

I know I diverged from your examples by providing an actual evidence chain that is verifiable by the readers themselves but I hoped you would still enjoy it. I'm very excited that you did.

Also, I really appreciate your participation in this post; you coming in contradicting, deflecting, and accusing all with lots of CAPS really adds that extra dimension of creditbility to the content in the last section.

I can see this whole exchange being a huge hit with the crypto community. Maybe you could do another one of your articles with the vague and unprovable accusations to compliment this one and keep the inertia up!

Using anonymous names, face less people to post Daniel's hit pieces. Daniel is too afraid to use his own name, his own face and speak directly to me. What a coward.

Daniel Harrison, why did you sell nearly all of your MNY coins onto the market, cancel the ICO and not address this dumping of $MNY onto the markets in public?

You think attacking others is going to clean you of your scam. Scammers.

Karma, what a wonderful thing!
You've been carrying on like somebody completely unhinged for weeks now. You have taken it upon yourself to try and destroy any credibility of another person, whilst resorting to personal attacks, all backed with some very questionable evidence .
I would imagine that the reason Daniel isn't responding to you is the fact you're seemingly a little unstable. What good would It do? You're unable to have a civilized discussion.

I have no idea whether COE, MNY holders have been taken for a ride. Only time will tell, but your rantings and ravings have actually helped sway my views in favor of Monkey Capitol.
Maybe that was your intention?

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