Here are ALL my 50 Crypto currency investments!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

I got some requests of showing my holdings. Here are all my Crypto currency hodlings in the correct order.

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I have excluded Steem because I don't want any speculation in my net worth (It's not that much, so not very interesting anyway) A total of 51 coins including Steem. I was up to over 60, but I did some research and excluded some coins the other day. I do lack a good deal coins that I wish I had, and this is by no means the perfect portfolio. But it seems to hold pretty strong. I'm up a good 60% for the month and I only seem to lose about half that of the market when it falls in dramatic fashion like yesterday. So all in all I would say it is a pretty conservative stack of coins, but with some potential 100x's and even 1000x's. My idea is to be diversified within the crypto market and operate a little bit as my own ETF fund.

  1. Bitcoin 18%

  2. Ethereum 16%

  3. Bitcoin Cash 11%

  4. Litecoin 6%

  5. Substratum 5%

  6. Ethos 3.05%

  7. EOS 2.89%

  8. Payfair 2.21%

  9. IOTA 1.93%

  10. LISK 1.36%

  11. Monero 1.32%

  12. Powerledger 1.26%

  13. Opus 1.21%

  14. Siacoin 1.08%

  15. Dent 1.02%

  16. Omisego 0.95%

  17. Publica 0.91%

  18. Matryx 0.84%

  19. Pascalcoin 0.77%

  20. Primecoin 0.76%

21.Radium 0.66%

  1. Dovu 0.64%
  2. Decentraland 0.63%
  3. Databits 0.59%
  4. Golem 0.56%
  5. Factom 0.56%
  6. NXT
  7. Status 0.54%
  8. Wabi 0.53%
  9. Storj 0.50%
  10. Viacoin 0.48%
  11. StreamrDatacoin 0.46%
  12. Funfair 0.41%
  13. Emphy 0.40%
  14. Gridcoin research 0.37%
  15. Nuls 0.37%
  16. Lunyr 0.37%
  17. Riecoin 0.36%
  18. Voise 0.35%
  19. Eth classic 0.34%
  20. Atlantis 0.30%
  21. Vcash 0.28%
  22. Ardor 0.25%
  23. Lampix 0.22%
  24. Potcoin 0.18%
  25. BTC2X 0.15%
  26. Vertcoin 0.14%
  27. Tenx 0.12%
  28. Xenon 0.05%
  29. Aventus 0.04%

I have to thank you for the Pascal coin (you mentioned it in a post some months ago). Yesterday, I accidentally logged into Poloniex, which I never use anymore, and saw that PASC had made a 10-20x. Not bad for an investment I had forgotten. Thanks, I owe you one:)

Haha. Awesone @janusface . Thats just how i roll brah 👉

some very interesting investments, my personal preference is to keep the number as low as 10 to a max of 15. Quite surprised that Dash is not on your list. I need to do my due diligence on coins like Dovu ot Nuls.

Do you intend to hold all of them ?

Yeah. I'm hodling until 10x and then sell the initial investment to buy something else. Although, I do now and then go through them and sell entire coin holdings if that seems like the right thing to do. But I'm not trading or anything like that.

Dash WAS in my list. I sold it when it was at $400 or something :) Bad decision.

It's a lot of work to keep track of 50 coins I'll tell you that. I spend most of the day (and night) on cryptos..and it's a bit much to be honest.

You do not have BTS or you perhaps forgot to put it on your list? If @haejin is correct with his EW 'magic', we can see $328 coming:). I usually do not comment on other peoples investment allocation, but are you not perhaps a little underinvested in EOS, or perhaps you plan to increase your exposure going forward. Just my 2 satoshis.

Youre probably right im underinvested in eos. But its still a top 10 coin with significant worth. I just think its too much fun digging for cryptos. Perhaps not the most rational thing to do always. In fact..i should have just put it all in eth last year and been spending my time polishing lambos evervsince. :)

That is a HELL of a list. How many wallets do you manage?

About half are ERC20 tokens..then there are about perhaps 10 other wallets and even some on exchanges that have no wallets yet (like IOTA)

But with the Nano Ledger things are a bit easier.

It' a life of management I'll tell you that :)

Did you forget your Bitcoin Gold, or you dumped that? That's quite a diversified list. Mine is much more compact, but you have many more scratches on the lottery ticket, so to speak.

Nah, I have all the bitcoin fork coins..I didnt mention them..

I even have bitcoin2x and bitcoin silver, even if they are possible scam coins. But only a small amount :)

Its about preference I suppose. I don't want to miss out on good opportunities, and I want to diversify so that I don't lose it all because I chose the wrong 5 coins.

Interesting....this really is very helpful.I'm just trying to figure out what to invest in and what not, I've only bought Bitcoin and Ethereum up to now and it's already chaotic. How do you manage so many? :D

Thanks for this.

Glad you found it interesting.

It's like with everything seems hard and chaotic at first, then you do it..then you do it some more, then you do it all the time..and then it's not a problem anymore.

But I do spend at least 2-3 hours each day just managing, following prices, considering profit taking etc. And I have to check and repeat patterns every day (or at least on average every day..I can take a full day off, or even a weekend) so that I don't lose the touch. I went away for 4 days and when I got back it took almost a day to get back into it, and I felt like I was losing control :)

Either it's good to keep the brain occupied, or I'll die of a stroke in a year. We'll see!

what do you think about doge and bytecoin bcn (i think there are two of them)

I honestly don't know anything about Doge or Bytecoin. So no opinion. I'm sorry. Also..I only have opinions about the coins I do own, because they are the coins I've done at least some research on. I try to post as often as possible with new coins that I've bought, or in depth posts on coins that I own.

thought you might find them interesting as other than those 2 and that you are holding a few more coins, our portfolios are very much alike (mine probably much smaller in quantity :( )
rumors about facebook incorporating doge cheap fast transfers anyway
bcn animosity and dirt cheap transfers
always good to hear a sensible opinion was why i asked in first place

Thank you. It is very useful in creating a portfolio

So you've got 51 coins and still want more...When does it ever stop? I'm guessing never.

When I started last year I just thought I'd hold three coins. Now I've got 11 and a list of about 10 more I want. I have considered hiding my Ledger Nano for a year though so crypto's stop consuming all of my waking thoughts!

Yeah, it never ends :) I suppose we're pretty early in the game, so you could potentially be sitting on hundreds if not thousands of great investments in the future. This is how fortunes are made! Individuals will become banks, investment banks and ETF funds. All in their private wallets.

Finally! I was looking forward to see something like this!


Perhaps you could make a weekly update showing new changes?

Cool! Good idea. I'll do that. Perhaps add in the weekly change. i'll try to do that.:) Can't promise I'll make it every week though.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 60115.56
ETH 3203.28
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.46