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RE: Are Cryptocurrencies "A God Thing?"

in #cryptocurrencies7 years ago (edited)

The Federal Reserve is a privately owned organization, and its shareholders are private banks. It is not part of the US government (though it is supposedly subject to its regulations).

The government borrows from and pays interest on money printed by the central bank. It's all debt-based. There's more debt than money in the world because all banks charge interest on money that doesn't exist.

A nice feature of Bitcoin (and similar cryptocurrencies) is that debt cannot exist in the system itself. Transactions are one-way, and you can't spend money you don't have.


Hello, @gruppler,

Thank you for mentioning the nature of the Federal Reserve for my readers who are as yet utterly unaware.

The Federal Reserve is a "tool" of the government, and / or vice versa. It is all part of one, big, ugly system designed to rape and destroy humanity.

Thank you also for contrasting the debt-based nature of fiat currency with cryptos like Bitcoin, which actually "settle" debt. Your comments and added explanations are appreciated.

It is all part of one, big, ugly system designed to rape and destroy humanity.

I wouldn't disagree, but I think it's important to acknowledge that there are multiple agendas within our government, and not all of them are malicious. Like any organization, it's made up of many different people.

We resisted the infestation of central banks for many presidencies, but once Woodrow Wilson finally let them in, our government started becoming like a confused animal futilely struggling against a zombie parasite.

My new friend @gruppler, I hope you are aware that regardless of confused multiple agendas under the overarching umbrella of "government," the fundamental premise of your government (it is not my government - I lay no claim to it) is immoral?

It is based on the illicit initiation of force against peaceful individuals. It's end-game is imprisonment and ultimately murder against those who resist it. I care not how "noble" the agenda may be; if the government mandates an agenda, the ultimate outcome for resisters is death.

I apologize for assuming you're a US citizen. I'm usually careful about avoiding such assumptions.

I agree that the illicit initiation of force against peaceful individuals (a.k.a. "archation") is immoral. However, I wouldn't agree that this is the fundamental premise of the US government.

The end-game of imprisonment or murder is not the foundation of (hopefully) any government, but rather the intentions of those who infiltrate and corrupt governments. This subtle game is played not only in government, but also in capitalism, in religion, in banking, in marketing, and in every area of influence on culture.

The reason I'm trying to clarify this point is because thinking of any group of people as a homologous entity tends to yield oversimplified conclusions, which limit the possibilities we're willing to consider. Just as the government has become a vehicle of slavery and death, it is possible that the same vehicle may be used to eradicate that corruption from itself, however unlikely this may be.

Hello again my new friend.

First, no apologies needed. In forums like this, there are bound to be misunderstandings. We just clarify and move on! And so to do that:

Technically I am a US citizen. However, I do not in any way consider the gang of thugs that claims to run this place "my" government. The only one I recognize as having a right to rule me is Jesus.

"The end-game of imprisonment or murder is not the foundation of (hopefully) any government..."

Au contrare, it is the end-game of virtually all human governments as presently organized.

Although the U.S. government lays claim to high and mighty principles, it ultimately relies on murder. It passes "laws" and it claims the right to enforce them.

Sampling some of your writing, I see that you value truth and clarity of language. I am not being hyperbolic when I say the government will kill you if you don't comply. I'll offer you this pithy presentation of that truth (<-just click the highlighted link) in defense of my statement.

I believe that humans could potentially organize themselves into cooperative societies that do not employ coercion to achieve goals. What we presently have instead are organizations with the immoral foundational flaw of initiated force as a principle inherent in their very nature and structure.


I like @dullhawk's "archate" term... and I will resist all attempts to be archated upon... ;)

I agree, this is the way the US's and other governments are now.

What I mean by "foundation" is the original intent or purpose for existence. Of course, this is debatable. My point is that like religion, governments may begin with honest and benevolent intentions, but when they become powerful, they fall prey to those who seek power. The foundation is deliberately distorted and forgotten step by step over many years.

I believe the original intent of the US was to get away from the slavery of the central banks, not to perpetuate it. Yes, there is more than one kind of irony in this.

I'm neither a patriot nor an anarchist; I think it will all be irrelevant soon. But I think we can start improving our current situation by expecting integrity in leadership and refusing to settle for less.

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