in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

Unless you are clutching real gold in your hot sweaty hands, you probably don't actually have any.

Most of the gold that is being traded in the world doesn't really exist, and pretending to have gold is a sort of national sport for counties like America where there is a vault called Fort Knox that is supposedly full of gold, but has never been audited.

Fort Knox

In 1974 an informant claimed that there was no gold left in Fort Knox. The informant, Louise Auchincloss Boyer, secretary to Nelson Rockefeller, fell out of the window of her New York apartment and died three days after the publication of these claims. How unusual...

"On July 4th, 1974, Louise Auchincloss Boyer's dead body was found beneath the window of her 10th floor apartment. Three days prior, a newspaper published a story in which legal counsel for the American Gold Association accused the Rockefellers of looting Fort Knox of most or all of its gold. The anonymous source of the story had been Mrs. Boyer, executive assistant to Nelson Rockefeller"

Many of the websites covering this are bit hard to find now for some reason, and the online records of this story have been deleted, but if anyone ever claims there is gold in Fort Knox, just ask them to prove it with an independent audit!

To ensure that nobody ever proves that Fort Knox is empty, it is protected by around 30,000 soldiers and a flotilla of attack helicopters.

The Gold-Vault is allegedly protected by a 22-ton blast-proof door, and visitors are STRICTLY forbidden

The Bank Of England

The English on the other hand like to show off their gold online.

But they do claim to have over seven times more gold in their vault than all the gold mined in human history, so its a safe bet that most of the gold that they like to show off is fake

So always make sure your bullion comes from somewhere reputable like the Perth Mint -


They are both very solid investments and when people argue about them, they are missing the point.

If there is a global financial meltdown you won't care if gold goes up 10% more than silver or vice versa because they will both go up over 1000% so you will be happy either way. Except that the economy will be fucked so you might be bummed out.

Check out a full range of coins available to purchase with cryptocurrency at

The main advantage of gold is that it is very valuable so a small quantity of coins is worth a lot. But in a post apocalypse economy you won't want to purchase your groceries with a gold coin because it would be worth a lot more than a months worth of groceries. So gold's strength is also it's weakness - it would be too valuable for daily trading.

At this point 1oz silver coins seem more practical, but if the economy really does ever collapse silver coins could be worth more than a bag of groceries too. The catch with silver is that stashing monster boxes of 500 coins does take up a lot of space

Many people on Steemit are only into crypto currencies and can't imagine why anyone would want any boring old bullion.

I recently explained it like this:

Bullion is a crypto insurance policy that will leave you with something if the whole crypto market goes pop.

It takes discipline to take a percentage of your $ out of cryptos and put it into bullion, because you might miss out on "big gains". But if you are really making big gains, what is 10%?

Having a store of bullion paid for out of your crypto profits can give you the confidence to trade like you only have about six months to make big gains before the zionist banker overlords come up with a way to make crypto trading a lot more difficult. Like they are doing with Bitcoin right now.

I do think cryptos are the future and are the key to overthrowing the zionist bankers, but right now we are in the middle of a crypto gold rush and it's important to make sure you keep some of that windfall as real gold (or silver)

So which coins do I recommenced buying?

Gold in 1/4 oz and 1/10 oz demonstrations, and silver in 1 oz. All just plain coins from reputable mints rather than collectables - Eagles, Maples, Kangaroos, Kiwis - coins built by weights not flashy designs

Here in New Zealand we can buy bullion with cryptos from My Gold

I'm starting to wonder if NZ is becoming the Korea of the South Pacific because we have a kick arse crypto exchange as well:

Fools Gold

The title of this post comes from one of my favourite 80's songs - "Fools Gold" by the Stone Roses.

If you want to groove about like a funky hipster this is the song.

And make sure you read the comments too for gems like this:

"This is the track of my youth. This is epic beyond compare. I used to dance in my 22" flares and basin haircut with john lennon sunglasses under the influence of many recreational pharmaceuticals. Happy Daze. They don't make music like this no more - funk defined."



not sure how this post got past me!!cat.jpg

The Guardian Silver bullion coin is my favorite, I don't want the queen on my coins 😁

Why not?

We still have a stash of silver. Unfortunately back when it would have been pertinent to get into gold it was a bit out of our range. Howie believes that tangible assets are enormously fucking important--so we're going to finish paying off our house in the next year and pick up a piece of property. And of course keep the silver...but if crypto does pop, it ain't gonna be for awhile :)

I included you and deb in my newest post. I hope you don't mind.

Cool - I'll go and read it!

I don't really think cryptos will pop - what I expect is Bitcoin will pop and be replaced by Bitcoin cash within a few months so a bunch of new investors will get beat up
And then Bitcoin cash will be superseded by newer better coins
And the bankers will have a major crack at stopping all the trading by making the exchanges lock up - which they are doing right now

All of which will cause temporary panics.

One day they won't be able to keep holding the price of gold and silver down. Silver will shoot up at some point.

''Bullion is a crypto insurance policy that will leave you with something if the whole crypto market goes pop.'' I agree, and mostly for those who are trading or making other more risky movements.

Wow, i'll be great to have some insurance in that situation too, not for him tho!

Things about this is that they tend to make it easy to buy but hard to sell back. Might want to make sure it's a relatively easy process to sell back.

I guess I'm thinking if fiat currency collapses you wouldn't want to sell it back - at least not for worthless banker money - it would be a new form of tradable currency

You're probably right if fiat crash happens. I was just thinking more along the line of a economic downturn, we probably still rely on fiat for buying foods, paying rent, etc so aside from a complete failure, easy exchange for these coins would be nice.

How fascinating. Innit weird how talkative people are so accident-prone.

Yes, there's no gold and not much actual money. The notes are basically IOUs from the government. I heard the Swiss were calling back all their real gold from the US because... well... trust issues lol.

I saw a lovely documentary about money being worthless. The guy goes to a money museum in Europe which catalogues all currency from ancient times through to now... The only currencies still with any value – that can be spent today – are those little nuggets of gold and silver from way back when (and today's current notes and coins...but for how long). Wish I could remember the title.

Those nuggets were quite small, irregular shapes and looked like tooth fillings.

You've got some great vegan memes. Have you thought about putting them together in a post? I'd love to enjoy that :D

I've got them on my blog

But they are just copy and pastes so I wouldn't put them on Steemit - it would start WW3 anyway - and I would want to be on very solid ground to start doing any vegan posts, so I'll just use them in comments

hehehe this is brilliant :D

Visited your meme page. I was gonna send you the what to do if you see a vegan choking Heimlich Maneuver but you already have it. Great stuff. Thanks :D

Yes, Thanks for reminder that we should have something in our hands we can call money. I do like to keep eating everyday and some form of money will be needed.


Nice vegan breakfast :)

How did you guess my favorite?

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@sift666, I just resteem this post because it worths resteeming, it has open my eyes to the full understanding of what is really happening in the so-called online gold and diamond mining companies, someone told me two days ago exactly what you posted here that all these so-called online gold and diamond mining companies don't really mind what they claim to be in real life.

this happen as a result of me telling him to join paydiamond, so I really appreciate this article, it's an eye opener.

thanks for sharing

am @mike4christ

Thanks for the resteem - yes there are a lot of scams going on...

yes dear, it's only when you are inform is when you can escape from their trap.

I really appreciate this dear, thanks, but do you have a knowledge about this so-diamond mining company: are they for real?

I'm a big coin collector, but mostly of old coins. I don't have bullions, but I've been looking to get into it. I like how you put it as a crypto insurance policy. It really does make sense, considering cryptos don't really have a physical counterpart. Since country currencies flcutuate over time, it's better to invest on things that have good stored value. I hope MyGold has the option to deliver to the Philippines. I'm pretty sure we don't have our own option that has the same function here. Thanks for sharing it, man!

I don't know if they export yet - we are just trying to get them up to speed about not being focused on Bitcoin - they do accept a few other coins, but I think Bitcoins days are numbered and the worst coin for them to take payments in

After I replied, I looked up any local companies that deal the same thing and I found one. I don't know if the products they ship are legit though. How can you tell for sure? I don't know if the ratings and testimonials are enough given the cost.

I would stick with coins from reputable mints like Perth Mint or Royal Canadian Mint

Oh definitely. Hard to trust just anyone when it comes to these things.

excellent points! I was able to buy silver by the gram at one point - tiny canadian maple leaf silver coins - for groceries and gas...

I've never seen those - the ultimate trading bullion!

Maybe they r less than a gram they are tiny and round

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