Elevating The Game | #1 - Bitcoin Fairytales & The Cryptocurrency Control Structure Set-Up Scenario (feat. Francis Hunt)

in #crypto-trap6 years ago (edited)


As much as I dig cryptos, the technology behind many blockchain projects, the people I have met and the things I have learnt here... I am regularly amazed at the extreme level of naiveté in the vast majority of discussions I witness in this space regarding the looming open questions about cryptocurrency's background and purpose that many love to not consider.

You see, the naiveté I claim exists doesn't only become apparent in energetics (something I will get to another time) but in the obvious (superficial) level of insight that most of the popular crypto-content-producers and commentators on youtube and elsewhere seem to display when it comes to this modern field of blockchain technologies and related issues. And I am not referring to high grade programmer insights or technical know-how but rather to how easily and uncritically we as users tend to adopt narratives like people watching television for their dose of "reality".

Maybe it's just my overdemanding attitude or I am just cynical after having fallen for BS narratives way too many times myself but it seems stunningly... competent whenever I do hear one of the popular youtubers even mention that - say - the FED is a cartel for example, that the mainstream media is a tool for societal control or that cryptos are not actually anonymous - if we even get that far. Instead I mostly hear power-structure sources cited with some alleged solid meaning for the crypto space, and I see droves of people discussing that forever, arguing over rather non-essential details that miss the point entirely as to what we are all doing here and what this place may potentially be.

The vast majority of content is bubblegum-talk and hype like the first three rows at a backstreet boys concert way back when. We just love the things we are getting involved in, and that by itself wouldn't be a problem as long as we stayed open-minded to the other side of the narrative that may not be so convenient to our newfound convictions...

We have endless myths that seem to appeal to so many simply because everybody thinks they know the truth already - "this technology is the solution to all the shortcomings of the old system!"


The crypto space - much like any other I have ventured into - seems to be drowned in narratives that are ultimately of little importance if their foundation turns out to be wrong. Their prerequisites are simply taken at face value because some self-appointed news outlets have given the whole community the narratives to follow, and most of us just run with that new sheepherder making the topic of the day for us, just like the mainstream media manages to do with their audience. Hundreds of thousands of subs buy it, partly because most presenters belief these narratives themselves, and who could really blame the newcomers to this space? We all started out clueless and look to the more experienced users in this space for answers. But the presenters - it seems to me - have gotten quite complacent in their cozy roles as crypto educators which is where I see a giant problem.

It's a major circle jerk because we want to belief in this new story, this new technology so much that we get lulled in and don't even notice we might be missing something major.

Or are we? Well that is the proposal and question I want to lay out in this somewhat forceful article that has been on my mind for a while.


Fairytales for adults

One of these crypto-fairytales that may turn out true but that I have always considered somewhat unlikely is that some random freedom-loving computer-nerd dude decided to create Bitcoin at a time when it was most needed. Many people were getting quite tired of the old system structures that have dominated human affairs for centuries while the mechanisms have not really changed at least since the days of the roman empire:

Interest demands attached to money. Overcentralized control of the monetary system by a small clique. Massive transformation of human lifetime, good will and conscious energy into debt slavery for the benefit of the ominous system masters whose ancestors have once put this system of servitude into place.

So the last time the system allegedly came near the point of total collapse we suddenly get this new technology and currency that aims to solve all the problems that exist with centralized money. It was super convenient timing to say the least and - as you can probably relate - many of us outright welcomed this development for its promises to solve some of the most pressing issues plaguing humanity like the centralization of power, the detrimental effects of debt-based money to humanity and the Earth and many of the other problems we have become familiar with.


One of these fairytale aspects in crypto is the signature Satoshi Nakamoto has inserted into the first block of the Bitcoin blockchain, somewhat of a rally cry to those fed up with the old system as "proof" of the good intentions behind BTC, and wow I guess we can rest easy now - someone said something! But then again maybe we should not give up our critical thinking so easily - as we know from studying other conspiracies, the Hegelian dialectic and the methods of the control system at large - explanations are always offered to keep the fanboy armies in line and the academically inclined pacified because reasons, reasons, reasons. As long as there is a reason or a statement - we believe it and stop asking questions.

I really understand the desire to want to believe in BTC and the space for what it claims to want to do, we certainly do need better systems of organization on Earth than debt-based centralized money. But maybe we ought to take our romantic glasses off for a while and really think about this from a detective's standpoint. Allow ourselves to be critical more than our egos would like.

And with this, I want to finally introduce you to one of the very few people I have found in this space who are actually pointing this out in a manner that may (hopefully) offend most crypto-maximalists, while delivering some much needed counter argument for the contemporary stories that are prevalent everywhere in the multimedia space of the blockchain sector.

What would you say if someone claimed that cryptos are the old system in a new costume? That total freedom does not come through the mere use of cryptocurrencies? And that inflation and hyperinflation are just as much a part of the crypto-sector as in the old system?

Meet Francis Hunt.

Well we certainly don't hear that angle out there often, do we? And believe me, this dude has some serious trading experience and knowledge of the financial sector at large. So much so that I find him quite unique thus far among the crypto commentators. As a curious inquirer I gotta say I have not come across any teacher like Francis in this space. Sad but true.

Compare it with the general level of background knowledge of most so-called "teachers" in the crypto space and you will see a giant difference, mainly for Francis willingness to place his own research, understanding and insight higher than the narratives we are given by the same old power centers. Discernment is totally needed here, but these considerations have to be allowed while it is still possible.

Choose your teachers wisely

I don't know about you but I feel much better learning skills from someone who can't merely prove the validity of his strategy through his success but who also has a much wider grasp on geopolitical, historical and economic backgrounds than most of the people selling courses on youtube without any apparent clue beyond buzzwords like "centralization" or "to the moon". You want your teachers to be ahead of you not far behind...

And while I do realize that not everybody is on the same level of understanding and that the people in this space are diverse, I do criticize that the general level of discussion is so heavily tilted towards blind faith in the status quo just like it is in the old system. Something you would think has become less prevalent in this space and not moreso.

Where most commentators will readily tell us how to get even more involved in giving away more of our information to the powers that be for some free crypto, Francis will remind us that we have a choice to not participate in their game any longer, and instead walk our own path in passive noncompliance when it comes to the gang's agenda. A much needed message after these dark considerations for sure.

The matrix is not our friend and I feel it's time we remembered it!

Apart from fundamental considerations the man also teaches trading methodology that blasts most competitors out of the water as far as I can tell by his results.

I have not yet taken Francis' course but I think I really want to one day when I can afford to do so. His analysis thus far has been spot on, so have his dedicated attempts to warn people of the major short that saw BTC freefall from the 6k level while most people ridiculed him due to their own unshaking faith in this new playpen of economics and technology that would go straight up without pulling back, disregarding any insights into market patterns and structure.

Here's a particularly great example for EOS downside most people were laughing at at the time Francis put the information out there using his own method. Needless to say it actually happened and made those few who listened a lot of money...

As Francis has often pointed out if you don't have the funds for his courses you can use his channels to learn a lot about markets on your own for free. From what I have seen and grasped it seems like a great starting point for people who want to get better at trading and take it seriously, choosing a method and trying to understand how markets move from a certain point of view - specifically the HVF method he has developed.

In the spirit of all freethinkers, open-minded inquirers and newbies to cryptocurrency I say: Thank you for all your efforts to elevate the level of discussion in the crypto-space Francis! It sure is much needed because of all the worship and blind faith in this new form of currency we all want so much to succeed, disregarding all the red flags that come with it and that may quell our enthuasism through some painful considerations.


And to you my lovely reader, what are you still doing here? <3

Go and sub Francis' outlets on youtube to get more of his gems and insights if the videos above resonate with you:

The Crypto Sniper

The Market Sniper

The Reset Sniper

You can learn his trading method and even partake in free webinars that happen from time to time via his website:


Let us never forget to remain critical and open-minded even if it hurts. All possibilities need to be entertained so that we may make better decisions while we are in this space and prepare the grounds for the time when the masses actually do come here hyped up by the mainstream media. They will need some proper guidance and I feel that will be up to us.

Other parts of this series:

Elevating The Game | Foreword - The cult of society and escaping cloaked dogmas

#2 - The Silenced Agriculture-Breakthrough & Potential GMO Reset-Button (Rare Documentary)

#3 - NASA's Fourth Wall

Image sources:


Thanks for stopping by <3


Some more things to consider

Shining the Light on Black Friday

IMF establishes 'Alibi' for next Crash

China vehicle car surveillance

Major Transfer event coming, Be the 9% or fail with the 91%

Hacking - the new cloak of deception

Do all evil, Google, YouTube, oppressors and social engineering

Hmm, in the first vid his point about BTC being 'too big' for one person to create, seems valid. I don't have an idea myself how feasible it would be for one person to have devised BTC and written the code etc, but this thought does stand out, and upon reflection, it casts doubt over the existing 'alternative/libertarian' narrative that I had not thought to question (same with Assange). Also, AFAIK, nobody has come forward to say that they ever worked with SN on BTC! SN is a mystery, #vanishedintothinair, poof!

In the second vid, what Francis says about Wikileaks seems to tie in with a series about JA by @steemtruth entitled "Wikileaks & Assange - Hero or Dis-Info Agent?".
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Thanks again for posting such provocative ideas - a challenge in a manner, and from angles, that very few achieve. The layers of deception are deep and subtle, the game (and really, the 'fun' of playing) is treading gently around the muddy and muddied waters, at times getting caked with it, but each time becoming that more aware of how big the LIE may actually be, which in turn helps with placing one's feet :).....it's fascinating in a way, all these heroic anti-hero 'heroes' and the few voices that state that the emperor is naked, whatever his form, as and when he appears in each moment and in each instance. Perhaps, yet again, the lesson, as any big lesson does, leads us back to ourselves as the only valid authority on what to accept as 'True' or not - dynamically, evolving all the time, empowering each of us on this collectively individual journey of Life and Discovery.

I must say the blockchain has been excellent for my education and awareness expansion in this regard....Irrespective of accuracy or not of any particular stated 'Truth', the boundaries of Perception are pushed back. I have come to love it when this happens, I welcome it and am grateful. Thanks again PP, you have supplied me with some outstandingly thought-provoking and mind-fucking material 🔆 !


You are so resonant to me my brother, thank you for the love. I'm totally with you, if this is indeed a dark and planned path the system took on purpose to usher in the next phase I sure have used it well to learn a lot, connect with many likeminded people and even find a few people that I would call my friends despite never having met them. Needless to say you are one of those ahaha ;)

My current thoughts are that the power structure has willingly allowed and made many of these advancements in the cosmic gamble that the few people who do utilize it to expand their awareness, to push back boundaries and to reach new levels of insights are greatly outweight by the vast majority of people who get sucked into easier available forms of further indoctrination, shallow entertainment and becoming ever more trapped.

I really have no idea if the dark vision outlined in this article is true or not. My ego doesn't want it to be true, my intuition kinda says it probably is... but in the end, I trust the cosmic flow of things and build on the essentials I learned along the way.

In that I am with Francis all the way - as long as we don't delude ourselves we can surely use this technology for our own benefit and to that of those few people ready to make use of it. The warning of never getting stuck or falsely belief that this is the total solution to all the old problems really resonates with me and - as experience has shown me - is a rather wise stance to take. Only thing I really trust in is nature.

Much love to ya <3

Merely into the first article you linked and I am enthralled! Thank you so much for sharing it, instant follow too ;)

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