Media and Politicians Ignore CPS Terrorizing Americans as they Decry Trump's Border Policy on Migrant Children

in #cps6 years ago (edited)

The political sphere and media has become louder on denouncing the Trump administration's new policies regarding migrant children at US borders with Mexico. Border officials are separation families of illegal immigrants at the border. The message is that if you try to go to the US illegally, you will get caught, and you will not see your children again. That's a strong deterrent from trying to get into the US illegally, if you know about the consequences.


The U.S. government's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has lost 1,475 migrant children in 2017 that were under its care. This recent policy only helps to separate children from their parents and further increases the likelihood of more going missing, potentially falling into the hands of predators like pedophiles or criminals.

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has justified the current U.S. policy that doesn't help migrant children stay safe from predators, saying:

"My decision has been that anyone who breaks the law will be prosecuted," she said. "If you are parent, or you're a single person or if you happen to have a family, if you cross between the ports of entry we will refer you for prosecution. You have broken U.S. law."

If you type into a search engine "migrant children border", you will see many dozens of articles in the news each day. Politicians are up in arms about this issue, and the media reverberates the political hysteria being displayed. They seem to care a lot (or are pretending in order to gain voter support) about the rights of Mexicans who want to jump the border illegally. But what about the rights of "law"-abiding Americans citizens? What about keeping American children safe? What about American children being separated from their parents within America?

Each day parents are having their rights violated as Child "Protective" Services (CPS) ignore parental rights and kidnaps children from fit parents. Even those who aren't so unfortunate as to have their child stolen can talk about the fear and terror they have when the ominous authoritarian CPS has paid them a visit.

With father's day having just passed, it wasn't a great day for many fathers who have had their children taken from them by state goons in the CPS. One such case is of Michael Chambers. Chambers took custody of his daughter, Belle, after his ex-wife abandoned the child into the care of her grandmother. Chambers tried to legally get custody of his daughter, but couldn't find his ex to serve the custody papers.

Chamber had just taken care of his daughter like any father would be expected to. But the ex didn't like him having custody, despite her abandoning her own child. She would call CPS and sick them on Chambers. CPS would visit, and then leave, understanding what was going on with the crazy ex-wife. But this changed when he moved to Warren county within Mississippi.

The new social worker, Kyra Reed, either had no understanding of the harassment his wife was bringing on him, or didn't care, as these child "advocates" often just like to flaunt their power to abuse and terrorize families. The social worker showed up at his new home, entered without warrant, and demanded to interview the 6-year-old daughter alone without even telling him what he was being charged for.

Chambers told the social worker she could speak to his daughter in his presence, as he had nothing to hide, but didn't want her inventing or pressuring the child into false accounts to suit a narrative to be taken from her father. The social worker then wanted to search the house, which he said was fine, as long as she had a court order or warrant to justify it, as he was a constitutionalist. It's within his 4th Amendment rights to ask for this. But this infuriated the social worker, who then immediately left without saying a word.

Someone is daring to stand against the authority of the CPS by using the law, how dare they!

Chambers then recounts the ensuing manipulation and harassment by the CPS:

"The next day, I got my daughter early from school and went to the CPS office with her to speak to a supervisor to make sure they understood that I wasn’t hiding or attempting elusiveness of any sort."

"I allowed the supervisor to look her over and explained my concerns about my insistence on a warrant before the search. I was told that the warrant wasn’t a problem to get and that they would do that so we could close the case and finish out the interaction."

This was all a ruse it seems, as CPS call the landlord trying to get access to the home. He refused telling them they needed a warrant as well.

The first supervisor was just placating Chambers agreeing to get a warrant, as nother supervisor also got involved trying to get entry to his home:

"A different supervisor then called me and once again demanded entry. I again explained that I needed a warrant before I could allow this and reminded her that, according to their own statements, this was easy for them to get and I would prefer that they did."

This is how deceitful and manipulative the CPS is. They will try to weasel their way and past your rights to try to dig up any dirt they can. If there was actual merit to search his home, then a warrant would have been obtained. But they didn't get one because there was no legitimate reason. They just wanted to use their dirty tricks to kidnap another child and ruin another family.

"The original worker [Kyra Reed] showed up at my door again, this time with two sheriff's deputies. She said that she didn’t need a warrant and I needed to let her in. At this point I became afraid, but I pointed out to her that if she didn’t need a warrant, she wouldn’t be asking for entry. The officers would simply force me to let her in. The officers stated that they would not [illegally search his home] as she had no judge’s order. She [Kyra Reed] told me that if I made her get a warrant, she would take my child instead."

The social worker and police left. But the psycho came back the next day with another sheriff's deputy:

"I answered the door thinking that surely she would have [the warrant] this time and hopefully, we could just get this done and over with. I was instead handed a subpoena to appear in court in the morning and was told that they had taken my child from school."

Bam. Just like that. A US citizen upholding their rights under the 4th Amendment was a reason to steal someone's child. Just because he was within his lawful rights and opposed the tyranny of the authoritarian CPS, he has his daughter "legally" kidnapped from his custody. What a crime! Why aren't the politicians talking about these issues and crimes against families in America?

Chambers was without his daughter for 2 months until trial, then only allowed 30 minutes under supervision. His daughter said she was being abused by other children in foster care (which he recorded secretly). CPS didn't say they would do anything about it. His lawyer didn't provide evidence that CPS lied in court.

CPS claimed he went to the child's school and yelled "I love Hitler!", without any evidence. But seriously, who the fuck is going to do that? No one. Yet, CPS creates bold faced lies to keep Chambers from having custody. These are outright liars, manipulators, controllers, and criminals working to steal children from loving parents.

The judge, John Price, has since dismissed charges, but placed the child back into the arms of the mother who abandoned her for 4 years, with no investigation of her stability while Chambers works 4 jobs to support his daughter. His ex has since left the state with the child, leaving Chambers without a daughter and no way to contact her.

Parental rights are dead in the USA. They only exist as a privilege that can be taken at anytime if the Child Procurement Syndicate wants to. Children apparently belong to the state, not to the parents. Parents only take care of them and raise them so long as the states deems they are allowed to. The state can't take you property without a warrant or you having committed a crime, but they can just up and steal your children. No crime. No warrant. Just children being kidnapped at the whim of psychopaths, dominators and controllers.

This is madness! Yet, the politicians and media is silent nationwide on this continual abuse of power. What will it take for an uproar to reach the political spectrum and media? Meanwhile, American children are being snatched from their parents and the only children being snatched that politicians and the media care to talk about are of the migrant children.

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Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

References: American Children Terrorized by CPS While Lawmakers Cry About Border Children

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A US citizen upholding their rights under the 4th Amendment was a reason to steal someone's child.

This is not surprising since believing in the constitution and being vocal about it is one of 72 classifications to get one put on a potential terrorist list.

I have said it before since this story about the illegal immigrants issue became news. This would be a perfect time for anyone being targeted that has the ability to get close to the detention area and protest while all the media attention is there. Worst case scenario is there are a lot of edits to be made for the media as they protect their darling CPS. But maybe it would bring more of a spotlight on this issue.

CPS claimed he went to the child's school and yelled "I love Hitler!", without any evidence.

Getting tired of the nazi/Hitler accusations.

Yeah, stand for truth and freedom and you're a potential terrorist, just because you dare to stand against tyranny of the state :/

What a sad story. These government workers think they are above the law it’s disgusting.
The immigrant stuff is just the typical distraction and disinformation that’s fed to placate the masses while CPS steals kids in the reality of our society.

Yup, create a sob story that's more confusing about moral law and the right to protect your home and deny entry, while ignoring horrors going on inside your home...

In my opinion, the basic issue is people only follows the media and news articles but we have to understand one thing that, nowadays maximum media outlets are influenced and they show deviating news.

First of all, if you think that people broke the rules then at least you should protect the children and the missing numbers shows that officials are really careless or who knows it can be plan of some conspiracy.

Government officials always reflects as puppets and they always follow their higher officials no matter it's morally right or not, and most of the politicians are just greedy for the money and power no matter what people are facing.

This subject is really disturbing and really inhuman and in my opinion these rules are just evil and cruel and people should stand against it because few people cannot play with many lives and people should understand the real game.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Yup, corrupt politicians and media, hiding what's really going on from people :/

Absolutely true.

This is cruelty, this is inhuman treatment. What else one can say! Only a son of devil can snatch children from their parents and make their life a hell. This barbaric behavior is shameful for the country which boasts of being the oldest modern democratic country in the world.

Yes, many people act like monsters, pretending they do good while they do evil :/

thank you @krnel for this important information. How do you reform a corrupt government agency though? I don't know what could be done.

Abolish it, or apply a review monitoring to apply harsh consequences for abuse of power.

This is a very long piece you've written. In my opinion, I think Trump wants the best for the US but doesn't know to go about it the right way.

How can children belong to the government and not parents? This makes me happy I am where I am. Such late nonexistent here.

It seems to me that this modification is really advertising for Trump, this has always existed, the difference is that now it is en masse and the international community was going to take a look at it.

Hopefully it does get out more and is paid more attention :/

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Both issues are equally important and both issues should be dealt with. No one should be allowed to take your kid with substantial evidence.

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