100% upvotes from me to someone you really think deserve it before I have to sleep 18.09.2017steemCreated with Sketch.

in #contest7 years ago

Need all your help for this.
(Your Own posts do not apply this time, Remember that )
Now you will have the pleasure of helping others for upvotes!

There is only room for 5 posts. - 100% votes this time ..
I also want to give 25% upvote bonus in the comment to you who have picked / winners You will also get your username in the comment of the one I vote in in the post that you have chosen.
(This post got 100% upvote from @xpilar and becomes Re-steemed, thanks to @user name.


1 * To be an approved participant in this competition, please Re-steemed this post and write that you have made it in the comments field

2 * You must find a post that has upvote $ 0.00 - $ 2.50 max. Remember that.

3 * The posts you find must be at least 30 minutes old from the time they were posted and no older than 2 days.

4 * The post you find should deserve 100% upvote

5 * You add a link in the comments box and username and write briefly why I will give them my voice.

6 * You can promote / vote only on one post at a time for the same Steemit member.
(Your Own posts do not apply this time )

7 * Those who promote their own posts in this competition will not be answered by me and also does not get any kind of upvote

8 * Has anyone retrieved / posted the same post, it applies as the first one that was posted / link on time in the comments box.

9 * The last uploader must retrieve a new post.

You have only 60 minutes on you from now

The clock is ticking, 60 minutes from I post the entry

Images used in this entry are credited to Pixabay

Remember Re-steemed this post and write that you have done it in the comments box to be in the competition.

Regards @xpilar


Just looking for the fish on the picture in my blog, when you see it again comes a new competition

t takes time to read through the posts, but it's very positive for me to see that you appreciate what others are writing. Many of the items that appear in my competitions are also nice for me to read and get acquainted with.
Thank you for following my competitions

Regards @xpilar

thank you,
at your discretion @xpilar
in doing this contes @xpilar ... :)

Thank you for that @ sultan-aceh
It takes a lot of time from me to run this competition.
And especially yesterday when I went through 21 posts.
It seems possible as it's easy, but there's a lot of work behind it when everything is done manually and also by judging the posts against each other. :)

I am also very grateful, @xpilar ... :)
have carried out this contes,
I really want to help you here @xpilar ... :)


Congratulations on today's winners


Congratulations on today's winners , and million thaks to @akhysimpati17 and specially to @xpilar

you're welcome

thank very much @xpilar for the competition and also @sultan-aceh have to recomanded this competition for me, and i will be there for the next competition @xpilar , wait and see when the fish come in your blog it's mean, a competition began

Warm regard


thank very much @xpilarv .. :)

why are you laughing, are you a robot ... hahahah
I am happy to help you @xpilarv .. :)

laughing on this @xpilarv .. :)

Your sleeping hours are almost over ...
::::) ::::) ::::)
@hichemfetoui ..
@hicmaster .no here

xpilar, we never drink coffee.
help ok ... because:

1.The original image.

  1. not copy paste google,
  2. not copy paste digoogle, continue to edit.


Congratulations @sultan-aceh 25% upvote bonus to have promoted the post

thank very much @xpilar ... :)

you're welcome

are you healthy ....... @xpilar

Is probably a bit tired of moving the company home.
Much to be in place of goods in the basement.

oh you are moving stuff,
whether this is a break, I'm in a coffee shop, at home temporarily, not active internet, do I bother you @xpilar

No, you're not bored.
I am online now after a long day / evening.
Hehe, have to check on Steemit now.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, so long no drinking cofee sang @sultan-aceh :D

mantap ...good work @dilimunanzar

Congratulations @dilimunanzar 25% upvote bonus to have promoted the post

thanks a lot sir @xpilar

you're welcome

hello friend great, https://steemit.com/art/@ijoel/floating-pltd-ship-as-a-silent-witness-of-aceh-tsunami-in-a-art-of-pencil-digital-2017919t0267955z
I look this post tell about nice things so that is Tsunami of Aceh. please help this

Congratulations @akhysimpati17 25% upvote bonus to have promoted the post

Remember Re-steemed this post and write that you have done it in the comments box to be in the competition.

Congratulations @mikegun 25% upvote bonus to have promoted the post

Thank you!

you're welcome

resteemed and upvoted
I think it shows a great sense of humor and sensitivity on behalf of the author. We are remodeling right now, so I can relate to this story!

Congratulations @dottie 25% upvote bonus to have promoted the post

This post its remember me will Aceh Tsunami, and that is a sillent witness of Tsunami, I hope you like this post. Thank you for you @xpilar.


Thank you for your participation in the competition @kardevis
That post was already promoted by another here

Thank you for your participation in the competition @sweetcharity705

Thank you for the information @xpilar

you're welcome

xpilar, we never drink coffee.
help ok ... because:

1.The original image.

not copy paste google,
not copy paste digoogle, continue to edit.

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