The Deadpost Initiative - Share your most undervalued work (SBD prize)

in #contest7 years ago

One of the most frustrating things at steemit is how the posts we work on tirelessly have an extremely short shelf live. I suppose it's not much different from writing for a magazine, but since anyone can become a paid content creator, there is far too much material for any of us to ever read, even in most of our own feeds, sometimes even from one user. All posts quickly make their way to the bottom of an endless pit, a place for all posts, regardless of whether they were shitposts or true gems....

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The Steemit Graveyard.

The steemit graveyard is more ginormous than most of us can comprehend. Each of us has our own graveyard of material, some of which has gotten far less attention than it deserved. I know that I work very hard on my posts, especially my Optimism at the End of the World posts. To see them slowly buried under a pile of my newer posts and resteems breaks my heart. When there are few comments I worry that my hard work was all for nothing. It's also frustrating to get low payouts on posts that took a lot of work while some of our half assed posts do really well.

Share your best Deadpost in the comments!

The best posts will be rewarded with half of the payout from this post (or a minimum of $20 SBD (split between winners) and will be featured in a future post.


  • Please only submit 1 post.
  • Posts must have a payout of less than $5.
  • Posts must be at least one month old.
  • Vote for 1-3 post by others. Please share WHY you liked their posts. If you don't vote for someone else's post by commenting or joining in on the discussion in the Be Awesome chat you will not be eligible to win.
  • 1-2 winners will be decided by consensus between members of the Be Awesome community, chat linked at the bottom of this post (feel free to come participate and help us decide).
  • 1 extra winner may be decided by a guest judge.
  • Posts will be chosen based on how original, creative, informative and well written they are, as well as how well received they are in the comments and in the chat. Of course what quality means will vary for everyone.
  • There will be 1-3 winners depending on how big the payout for this post is and depending on how many quality posts are entered into the contest.
  • If any problems or disagreements arise, I will serve as a mediator. If winners are not clear from discussion I will choose one along with the guest judge.

This is not merely a contest, this is an opportunity to have your material read and an opportunity for us to really discuss each other's posts.


Please enter your posts before September 26th
We will discuss in the chat which posts we think deserve the prize all day on September 26th to September 27th.

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thetree - Confessions of the Damaged (my fiction) @ patreon


Aww, here is one of my posts from a while ago, it is about all the things that build up how we feel.

Small changes in habit that lead to big changes in life. That's something I've found to be true over the years. It's a lot easier than trying to sustain some complete change of lifestyle. One little thing at a time.

Exactly, we sometimes don't even notice the change when it is subtle!

those are great fotos from the fair to illustrate that article.

You have a great look with your cocktail at the ready.

well done @lindahas

I like the way diversity is likened to a puzzle in your post., and the way you remind us that little changes can make a difference. Good stuff!

Enjoyed the post @lindahas, the pic and if I imagined deeply I could taste the drink. What we do and how we move through life is indeed an interesting subject.

Interesting idea. This was one of my first posts, on geometrical hypershpheres:

People seemed to like it, but overall it was pretty obscurely received.

I liked it, but there was an error of word choice, I think.

At least to my understanding, if I understand the concept properly. Which is always dodgy when it comes to these dimensional topics, as who really understands anything?

For example, consider a circle inscribed in a square, so that it touches the squares walls. It covers 79% of the square's surface. If we consider the case in 3 dimensions, a sphere only occupies 52% of the ¿area? inside of a cube.

I assume you already realised that you must mean volume

Anyhow, sorry for being a grammar nazi, but it sounds horrible to say the area of a cube

that video was cool and that maths girl is cute. Smart girls are awesome

I remember reading The Fourth Dimension by Rudy Rucker when I was a kid. Was always fascinated with higher dimensions, but I never learned the math to help in visualizing the geometrical forms that could exist there.

Great post!

I absolutely love the necropost concept here, where our glorious old posts that died a horrible, forgotten death get a chance to rise again.

An untapped source of brilliant material buried under weeks and months of other posts, I'd like to do more with this, I'll see if we can tie this project together with our writers guild project once we build that up a little

This was my first post on Steemit. I'm rather proud of the poetry and the picture is original.

Interesting contrast between the words and the picture, but I get it and it is strikingly magnificent. This piece struck my spirit in a perculiar yet familiar way., because It forced me to remember seasons of pain and the different things I did to deaden the pain. It made me remember worlds I lived in that now I am far removed from and if the space, the invisible divide between now and then is an illusion then the question that so hauntingly lingers is how far away from that time of dysfunction am I really? And on another note I celebrate all my journeys because I grew a great deal from the pain and with that growth came wisdom. Thank you for sharing this raw and honest body of work. There should be a reboot 2.0 version to this. And I only suggest this because as it was for me this piece of work can be medicine to the many in the shadows looking for someone with whom they can relate and that are screaming by their very presence "Do You See Me?"

Thank you very much @rensoul17, I really appreciate your lovely words! Your take on my poem is exactly why I made it and how I felt. If I make a 2.0 version I may want to make a song out of it.

I agree with this sentiment @emptyintentions , @rensoul17 basically said it all. Looking forward to 2.0

Ok, my second post ever.

Will check out the rest after I wake up. Later today.

This is a worthy zombie! its been a year since it was composed and put to the grave, but since i'm new here i can absolutely relate. Great writing! following.

hey, I was surprised by where that went, so well done. Great for your second post on here.

I was still all starry eyed on my second post.

I really liked this and the way the story was woven into a dream.

I liked the creepy theme and funny details like red dirty ponytail lol you've got my vote sir

I love this one! The way the dream depicts how we are always reaching for something that might even not be real. I think this is one of those posts that each person understands a little different, that each person can find his own meaning for!

Wow, what a great idea! I'm reading this too late to add a post, but I hope your idea catches on. It's really cool.

Here's one of my first posts that I thought didn't get a look in when it should have...

I like to write poetry and prose that usually describes a moment in time. Sometimes it's creepy, funny or weird, and sometimes it comes out as romantic nonsense :D This was my first post on steemit aside from my introductory post.

Very vivid writing, you know how to paint a picture with words!

Thank you :)

You already know I love you and your body of work , your words...I am a fan.

Thanks so much!! :)

I am loving the conversations and support in the stream below. Thank you @whatamidoing for hosting this initiative. I do lament over post that have cycled out. Here is my entry,

This was very touching and worded very well, a poem from the forgotten children. Following you💙

It is so heart breaking and deep, makes you think and I love things that make you think!

A nice slightly sad poem, very touching...

I don't know if the best dead post, but it should have gotten more loving as an example of how to go about doing something new on here.

Lol, or not, but maybe you will like it

I made a few visual poetry posts but they didn't really have any impact.

At least at the time.
Now people would probably be happy just to see less than three thousand words from me.
must try some more with that thought in mind

Interesting and different...

A mind breaker as always :D Made me dizzy and I liked the poem a lot, too, the work goes great together

thanks @lindahas, I really enjoyed making this series of posts, and soon might try some others like them.

thanks for the encouragement

The way you formatted it made it really easy to imagine how it would have been spoken out. It would be cool tohear you read spoke word, I bet you are great at it. Or rap even

be careful what you wish for!!

I could easily imagine that now you have said it,


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