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RE: 100% SBD Give-Away 0023. Prize pool estimated at 10 SBD and growing (Over 72 SBD given away already!)

in #contest7 years ago


Food For Thought Question

Do you think Jesus was a philosopher? Or if that's too much to think about do you have a favorite philosopher and why do you consider them to be your favorite.

I took a 1-semester philosophy course in college because my adviser thought I should get a well-rounded BS Pharmacy degree. I didn't really want to take a course that I had little interest in, but capitulated and took it anyhow. I don't really recall much of the course, but I've thought back several times over the years, as I grew older, that I should have given more attention to the course.



Jesus could have been a philosopher or even a prophet. I believe he understood that all life is connected and is part of a greater whole. When we cause harm to life we are attacking ourselves in a round-about way. Yet at the same time, we need to consume life in order to survive. It's a complicated balancing act.

Life takes us through stages where we shift our focus. I used to hate history in school. Probably because it was all about memorizing names and dates (which I'm terrible at) instead of understanding concepts. Now that I'm older and don't need to remember who did what when, I find history fascinating for the stories behind the history.

I used to hate history in school. Probably because it was all about memorizing names and dates (which I'm terrible at) instead of understanding concepts.

I hear you there. I was the same way and now I'm fascinated with history. I love reading history and looking at it(history) from all points of view and trying to get into the mindset of the times that those events happened.


i think this is one of the best explanations of truth i've found.

but beyond that, you could check out other modern awakened folks, they really are everywhere, the common man just simply overlooks them, they even get on national tv for a brief moment, everyone gets all excited and then forgets to put it into practice.

some that i'm aware of and respect:

neale donald walsch
eckhart tolle
alan watts
joseph campbell

one of the best understandings of the mind comes from buddhists, which literally is a science of the mind.

Almost 9 hours long... wow! That guy is good. He sure knows how to get his point across. I agree with his point about having to suffer enough to actually do something about it. I loved the plasticene cow dung story. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the reply @klevn, I am familiar with the names you listed, but have never come across the Anthony de Mello. I will check him out.


I've often wondered does starting a comment off with "first of all I am not a conspiracy theorist" bode well for a pleasant conversation. Ah well.

I once watched a documentary called "Caesars messiah". Now this documentary had terrible visuals and soundtrack and the usual cheap documentary crap. In this documentary they made the claim that Jesus was a character invented by the Roman empire to help pascify the Jewish regions.

The logic they use is this : the Jewish people, being people who don't like to be subjugated for obvious reasons, were just too rebellious for the Roman empire. So basically the Romans come up with a character who loves peace and teaches to turn the other cheek. Effectively cooling off an area that had high unrest.

In a period where the Romans notoriously struck out any semblance of religion in any region that didn't follow the Roman pagan religion, how did the new Testament survive? It's not a case of the Romans not being thorough enough, because they were, plenty of fires were had. Some people conclude so that maybe the religion was permitted by the Roman empire because they themselves created Christianity.

Now obviously there is more to the story than that. And I am not saying it is definitely all true, but I like a healthy amount of scepticism and am willing to listen to what anyone has to say, unless you, of course, are a flat earther, then you can please leave me alone.

"first of all I am not a conspiracy theorist"

It's a good conversation starter, "wink, wink, nudge, nudge".

Your points have merit and I thank you for bringing them into the discussion. There is no doubt history that "we" are are not aware of.

but I like a healthy amount of scepticism and am willing to listen to what anyone has to say, unless you, of course, are a flat earther, then you can please leave me alone.

I agree with your skeptical attitude, but glad that you have the ability to listen to someone else's​ideas, and yes, there is​ a fair amount of flat-earth discussion going on.

I myself firmly believe that "we" are a sphere, revolving in space set on the back of a giant space turtle. "Wink, wink, nudge, nudge"


You're only half correct. You forgot about the 4 elephants that stand between us and the turtle

Yeah, I forgot those, lol

I've never heard this story before, but it does seem logical. Another possibility to consider.

He certainly has been positioned as a philosopher of the people. His actions and teachings certainly encouraged people to think.

Sadly, I think todays nominal Christian avoids the "actions", and a lot of those nominal Christians have interpreted his teachings incorrectly.

Hey, that reminds me of a story. I'll let you know when I get it posted.


Here is a continuation of the comment above:

@happyme, if you are following this thread and you consider this posting as a spam post, please let me know and I'll remove it. But I make the case for what you are actually trying to accomplish in the form of better dialoguing with other steemians. This post was a direct response to a comment and I think it brings value to the steemit community.


I'm actually very pleased with all the chatter that has resulted from your participation here. I'm all for supporting each other, so no problem posting the link here. I want to give up-votes to all comments made here but my vote power has dipped too low and I need to wait for it to recharge. Thanks for your contributions!

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