The AI-Powered Art Contest - Let's Create Some Creepy Animals With The Help Of Algorithms And Earn SBDs!

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Entering this contest does not require any talent or skill as you will be creating art with the help of some really interesting artificial intelligence!

I only created my first STEEM-powered contest last Monday, but the reaction was so overwhelming, I decided it's time for another one. Last week's winners are going to be announced on Wednesday. If you want to increase the rewards for the #my2017top5 contest, you can still upvote the promo video for it as 60% of its earnings are also going towards the rewards.

Now to the contest at hand!

Since it's obvious that artificial intelligence is going to continue playing a larger and larger role in our lives for the foreseeable future, it only makes sense for us to start making friends with our computerized overlords-to-be while they are still in their infancy. And what better activity to do with the babies that they are, but guided finger painting for future robots.

All the images you see above were created by a computer algorithms that have been taught what a cat, a shoe or a handbag is and now they can use their large image databases to convert simple doodles we give them into freaky art. And that's what we are going to do for this contest!

You can turn your doodles into creepy mutant creatures using this awesome tool. Please keep in mind that this is an unofficial demo done as a proof-of-concept to demonstrate a research paper, so it's likely for it to be buggy and to even crash your browser from time to time! It's not malicious, but save your work before you give it a go. My old beaten-up laptop didn't want to work with it and the GPU on my workstation crashed on every even numbered attempt to create a cat.

The tool actually comes with four separate AI image creators - for cats, for buildings, for shoes and for handbags.

A cat from my ugly doodle!


But you don't have to give the tools what they expect, here are a face and a house created with the cat tool too.

pix2pix 3.png

The building tool is a bit different as it doesn't take doodles but rectangles.


Here's the shoe tool though I didn't draw a shoe...

ai3 (1).png

Here's the handbag tool!


The Contest

Now the goal of this contest is to use this tools to create freaky creatures in 3 different categories - the most beautiful, the creepiest and the funniest. The lines between the 3 are arbitrary but I'm going to award one winner in each category and I'm going to reward each winner with 20% of the SBDs generated by this post. This means that like last time, 60% of the SBDs are going to the rewards for the contest.

So here are the official rules of this contest:

  1. Create up to 3 different creatures using and stick them in a post. You can create more, but designate the 3 entries!
  2. Upvote this post
  3. Resteem this post
  4. Put the 3 images you created and a link to your post in the comments below.

It goes without saying that even if you don't feel like fulfilling all the requirements to participate in the contest, you can still make a post with your creatures and drop the link in the comments! ;)

All images in this post were created using


Great entry! Beautiful stuff. I think you made a mistake with the last image and might want to remove a bracket of two from your comment ;) Of course, your entry is in the running, I wouldn't disqualify such a good entry on a tiny technicality.

Whoops, you're so right. Fixed it up :)

I made an entry

Here are three of them:
Winter's Coming

Working Stiff

Cranky One-Eyed Cat

Thank you for you entry! Your post is hilarious! Your doodles are creepy and funny indeed, but your commentary and your whole whimsical tone are pure comedy gold! :D

Thank you @rocking-dave! I appreciate being appreciated :)

Weird stuff. No wonder I am afraid of AI.

Plenty of movie scenarios to be worried about, but I think its mostly overblown.

I think the corporations already using a form of AI for marketing and crowd control. I have always just called it the "Google Mind". Besides just spying on us it affects our mental inputs too.

Well that is scary. But its not the A.I. that scares me, its the people behind the A.I., and what they are telling the A.I. to do. Thats why I hide in the mountains in South America. Maybe Idaho is not bad for staying out of the way too?

We are hoping it is out of the way, that is why we are here. And you are right, it is the people that are the most scary.

The site consistently did not work for me. I have been trying to create an entry for the past few days and every day it ends up stalling. So many cool options too, wish this was hosted elsewhere as well. Tried on the following browsers, Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. I had used the fotogenerator one back when it was up and did this post

Yes, unfortunately this site turned out to be way too buggy for way to many people. Your old ones are awesomely creepy! :)

thank you @rocking-dave for this contest, beside everything i had fun while doodling the doodles.

pix2pix (1).png
pix2pix (2).png

Thank you for your entry. The teddy-bear mouse is super cute :)

Thank you @rocking-dave ur so kind

Hi, Dave. Aside from burning massive GPU cycles, it's a very fun tool to play around. With that said, below are my entries. Thank you for the website, quite interesting to fiddle with.




Nice first entry! I didn't expect cat-eye nipples, but that's part of the fun, right ;)

Can one use any of the million different tools that do this, or similar things, or does it have to be this tool to be an official contest entry? I much prefer as it gives you way more flexibility in controlling the settings and output, but operates on the same general principle of training the AI with one image (the "style" image), and applying what the AI learned from that image to create a new image from a different input image. With deep dream generator you can upload ANY image to use as the style image, so yes, totally possible to have a cat, or a house, or a handbag, be the style image.

That's a very good point! I didn't even bother to look for better and more reliable options, so since you know a better one, I'd be happy to accept an entry done with it too. I just stumbled on this tool and enjoyed it so much I decided to do a contest with it as a means to share it and have fun with it. Thanks for sharing the info and speaking up instead of shrugging this off, I appreciate the opportunity to learn about something new! :)

Actually as I look into it the two are not directly equivalent. I just doodled me a cat and will run it through both programs - it will be fun to see the differences :) Back later!

EDIT - aww man that website kept crashing my browser but I was trying to do a similar sketch there:

I'm not sure you'll be able to import anything into the tool I have suggested for this contest though as it seems to accept edges created within it instead of images. I'm not sure it has the capacity to convert images to edges and that's why you have to draw them there with your mouse. But maybe I'm missing something again... ;)

yeah I hadn't checked the website out and assumed I knew what it was doing, see my edit to the comment above - I did try to sketch a cat in the website tool but it kept crashing my browser :( I Did get that screencap of one of my sketch attempts though at least LOL I am running the other sketch that I did (on the sticky note) through the deep dream generator though. I didn't do a very smart doodle for the way the deepdreamgenerator works, the cat textures aren't picking up super well. Using different random textures is making some kinda interesting images though, like this one:

Here is the weird cat texture:

I have done a few others, will probably make a real post about the whole experience :) Never did get the website you suggested to work for me though.

I love the first one. Pretty interesting stuff, I have to look into it, I bet I'm going to love it! :)

I'm sorry I cannot participate after all. My pc crashed from the rendering so badly I got scared :S
I did manage one tho :)

I'm very sorry to hear that. This is a very cute little devil. If you refresh the page after every render it should stop crashing.

Turns out that while this little tool is brilliant, some people couldn't really enter because of its capricious and resource-intensive nature. That's a pity.

Thank you very much for sharing your creation!

Thank you :)
I don't think that's the problem, because first time it crashed right after render. I didn't get to see the result and lost even better drawing.

2nd time I didn't refresh, but I only cleared the drawing. It crashed so badly I had to force shut down and then also restart, because it was scary slow for SSD. So just to be safe I won't try again, really cannot risk my pc.

If anyone wishes to colab and render 2 more of my sketches, hit me up (share reward if win and you can post a post as well) :)

I wouldn't mind rendering for you, so you can at least get a post out of your effort with this stuff, but I don't know how that could work as you can't really paste anything in those white boxes. If you have an idea, feel free to drop me a line on discord to see if we can figure it out.

Of course you can't risk your equipment for something like this, that's understandable obviously.

Thank you! :D
Sadly I didn't find a way to import images and I looked for alternatives.
In the end I made 2 simple ones and if you could try to recreate them, I would really appreciate it :D

And it is worth mentioning that I had a fantastic time. That was fun and joy. Thank you for this cool experience :D
pix2pix (17).png

pix2pix (5).png

pix2pix (13).png

I liked ur drawings 👍🏼
Good luck

Dude, this is a great idea. I'll pass it along to my crew--seems like the kind of thing folks who put up with an abstract artist (me) would like :)

Thanks, I appreciate it! :)

Dude, I am sure that you drew the cats so ugly on purpose! 😁

Well, that's when this tool is at its peak fun! Can you draw them uglier? :P

Haha, I don't think so :D

Haha, I had to try :P

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