CONTEST -- The One Food You Can't Stand

in #contest7 years ago


What's the One Food You Really Hate?

Hey, everybody! Here’s today’s contest here on Steemit.

Everyone has a food they don’t like, so this one should be easy!

For this contest you simply need to comment about your least favorite food. Hit Reply and let ‘er rip.

For example, my comment might be:

pastrami or corned beef (it's the texture, ugh)

The Deadline

This contest will be open for 7 days. When this post pays out in 7 days, the contest closes.

So be sure get your entry in early!

The Prize

The winner will earn half (50%) of the SBD earned from this post!

As the "judge," I have the final say on who wins.

Rules To Play

Here's the important part (the fine print). Be sure to follow these rules or your comment / entry won't count. There are only two! It's simple!

  1. Think of a food you really dislike. Hit Reply and tell us what it is.

  2. Upvote this post. The more people who upvote, the more the payout will be. It's as simple as that.

That's it!

NOTE: If you write anything along the lines of "good post" or "upvote me!" or "follow me," you'll be disqualified. That contributes nothing and is just spammy, so don't do it. Please!

Winner Announcement

After 7 days when the contest ends, the winner will be either randomly chosen or I will choose a winner. I will announce the winner that day (or the next day in case I get busy or it's late in the day and I'm snoozing).

For this contest, I'll pick the winner!

The entry I choose may or may not be something I personally like or dislike, so don't say "pastrami or corned beef"! That'll get you nowhere!

I'll just pick one.

Spread the Word!

Let your Steemit friends and followers know about this contest so more can play! It's easy and hopefully this will be fun and not too gross.

Remember, the more who play, the bigger the prize will be.

So, feel free to Resteem this post or link it to promotion groups. Thanks for playing!

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Contest -- Name Your Favorite Nursery Rhyme

Contest -- Show Us Your Favorite Color



Coriander... It's the stuff nightmares are made of!

Ah, got it! A second vote for cilantro / coriander. I happen to love this stuff but I think you either love it or hate it!

i’ve read that Scientific research has proven that whether you like cilantro or not, is partly in your DNA...

That sounds familiar. Sort of like whether you like dark chocolate.

I didn’t know that one. Gonna look it up immediately...

Was I right or did I dream that up?

Okay, @simplymike, I found this article: Basically people who eat a lot of sweet stuff (me) find dark chocolate too bitter. Makes sense.

According to the article it’s a matter of food habits: if you ear a lot of sweet foods, your palet is not used to those bitter flavors. If you change your food habits, you can change your palet.
The cilantro- thing is proven to be a gene thing (partially)

I read that too!

I completely agree :0)

I love the seed coriander, I hate cilantro. It tastes like Windex.

Hahaaa, it is one of those things you either hate or love... I love it. I pick it fresh out of the garden and just chew on it. You want the younger leaves though, the older leaves can be quite bitter and I find the stores can be bad for that. When I add it to the top of a curry or salad, I can never have enough, sometimes you can barely see the curry for the coriander! I never use to like it but now I can never have enough : )

I pretty much love cilantro too! And I've learned lately that it's really good for you.

Oh yes, it's REALLY good for you, that and parsley...
It is an acquired taste though! : )

So true. Fortunately I like both cilantro and parsley so I'm eating them more often lately.

Same... a salad without parsley in it now a days is just dull and boring. Parsley just gives it a good kick of flavor! ; )

Is this scary thing lettuce?

Thank you for this post

Um, thank you. To enter you must comment with a food you don't like so go for it! And be sure to upvote it if you want to be entered. Thanks!

I really hate this worm salad.

Uh, it doesn't look good to me either.

yeah, you're right. it makes me feel sick

Oh my!!! Thanks but I have to pass ...

I think I can eat it if its deep fried..haha

Just one? I am extremely sensitive to textures so there are a LOT of foods I can't stand. Probably the food whose textures bothers me the most is a mushroom. I shudder just thinking about eating one.

I am sensitive to textures too so I get it!

I went to California one time and had a grilled portabella mushroom sandwich. The shroom cap was as big as a beef patty. It tasted much better than I expected it would. I havent seen one anywhere else like that. Mushrooms are not on the top of my favorite foods but they are not near the bottem either. I can take them or leave them.

I would like to see @millennialnow eat one of those since he likes mushrooms so much. :-D

Aww @queenvick, big bummer! I say that because though I am not a huge veggie consumer, mushrooms - any and all, I just love!

It's interesting that one of the reasons I love them is BECAUSE of the "texture" and it's the texture that "shudders" you - hehe! You see, I LOVE MEAT! Mushrooms taste more "fleshy" than veggie, in my mouth anyway!

What foods do you enjoy?

My husband is a huge mushroom lover! We argue about pizza toppings a lot because he likes mushrooms but not black olives and I like black olives but not mushrooms.

It's interesting that you compare mushrooms to meat. I sometimes struggle with the texture of certain meats. I like both chicken and turkey but both can rub me the wrong way sometimes.

I love salads. And I love Mexican food. Tex-Mex too! That pretty much sums up my favorite foods.

Thanks for the reply. I feel like I've learned something about myself thanks to your meat-mushroom comparison.

This whole mushroom discussion reminded me that as a kid the only mushrooms I ate were wild morels that Mom would batter and fry. They were wonderful! Then I had those weird canned ones and the texture of those were awful. Now I like all mushrooms. Go figure.

The only food I can't stand is cods tongue, as I was forced to eat one as a kid. I have tasted it later but the old feeling made it come out again fast.

No thanks. I'll pass on that one too.

Hey I just saw this @peggyhazelwood! Great simple and easy, but everyone can participate :)

Cooked eggplant! ick! It is so disgustingly slimy, without much flavour at all!!

For me it's lamb's kidney, YUCK! It doesn't look great uncooked but then when you start cooking it, it has this strong vulgar odour that then lingers right throughout your home. Then... if you try to eat it, it's a rubbery texture that tastes ten times worse than its odour. My husband loves to have steak and kidney, me... NOT! I cooked it for him once as a good gesture but never again! It's foul!

Not my image.

That is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen! :) Right up there with this I saw at our local grocery store in Mexico:

That does look gross... I'm not sure if I could pick that up. My butcher has all these kinds of cuts and I have been willing to try more things of late that I wouldn't usually but nothing like this. I bet if you knew how to cook with it that it would taste nice though... I have heard the cheeks are really nice. Maybe I would try it if someone else prepared it.

Ya I couldn't pick it up! The locals say the meat from it makes the most tender pork tacos though :) I'd have to eat it before I know what it actually was haha

Hahaaa... yeah I know what you mean! : )

Well, yuck. If your description didn't turn me off that photo did!

Yep I agree.. I struggle to find anything positive about it!! It is YUCK!!

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Woo hoo! Thanks so much, @simplymike! I look forward to using the #newbiegames and #newbieresteemday tags. Thanks for the heads up about the group, too.

Woo hoo! Thanks so much, @simplymike! I look forward to using the #newbiegames and #newbieresteemday tags. Thanks for the heads up about the group, too.

@peggyhazelwood, if you haven't met the incredible @davemccoy and the #newbieresteemday folks, you are in for a glorious surprise! It's an amazing group of caring, sharing, helping Steemians! Check on Discord! You won't be sorry!

Thanks! I just need 2 (or 3) of me to keep up with all of this now!

Lamb. On so many levels. Cannot eat it. One weekend I went to a camp with my cousins. We all took food, booze, treats. My cousin, who is a great chef, took racks of lamb and that was the main food event for the weekend. We got there by boat and there I was. Lamb or nibble carrots. I nibbled carrots.

Oh, I feel your pain. I get it! I could be a vegetarian very easily because of, you know, where meat comes from! Thanks, @joannereid!

I have thought of becoming a vegetarian. All I have to do is say no to the meat-loving cook in the house. I have an idea for a little exploration for my next healthy plan.

I hate Brussels sprouts!!359D80C0-C72B-4479-A959-FE32200F9698.jpeg

What? The baby cabbages? They are an acquired taste. Thanks for playing.

I do too, but there are others I hate even more!

Oh these are one of my favorites!! :D

Really?? Not me 🤢

Lol, yep! We tried growing them last year so we had lots... they never grew properly though. We steam them and then roll them through a little butter with a sprinkle of salt... so good! Brussels sprouts and broccoli are my top 2 favorites! : )

I must admit I did have them once at a restaurant, I think they were fried or cooked over a flame and they were pretty good! I'm not a huge broccoli fan either. Those 2 foods are really good for your health though :)

Lol... I think if they're cooked right they're not so strong and over powering. They are both very good foods for your health : )

My favorite way to fix Brussels sprouts is to roast them in a pan with a little olive oil, salt, and pepper (hot oven, 450 F for about 40 minutes). They are so good!!

Oh yes that would be nice... I'd add a couple of cloves of garlic too if I was roasting them!
: )

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