The Old Dog Presents: The Human/Alien Tree Contest Winners!

in #contest5 years ago (edited)

This contest was fun, cool and successful. Some of the contestants even gave the trees names which helped me to see what they were focusing on.

First The Top Three. Linger As You Look Because They're Beauts!

I'm not sure what this tree/alien has in mind but could it be be world domination!? @liltammy thinks that it's "Like a woman with many hands to handle children, dog and shopping bags."

This tree captured by @carolineschell has grown a pair of human eyes!

@bigsambucca found this alien surrounding and devouring a human grave!

Here Are Seven More That Fit The Bill!

@onceuponatime humanized these trees by describing them as having a bad hair day! Been there, done that!

@joshman found this tree to be very alien like and I agree! I call the creature in the middle the gymnast!

Do you see the herbaceous man running away in the background? @gardenlady did!

I cropped this image from @maria444 so that you could better see the arm that it has grown!

The tentacles of this alien photographed by @sunscape are absorbing the boulder below them.

I think that the Borg is assimilating this tree and @hangin couldn't stop it! Could you?

@allyinspirit calls this tree the "Maiden of the Eucalypts. Do you see her?

Do You Agree That We Found Some Fabulous Human/Alien Trees?

I will be awarding 1 Steem each to the top 3 photographs and the other 7 will get .50 each!

The Payment will go out in the next 24 hours so watch your  wallet and let's all continue to be amazed by the possibility of sending  funds with zero cost!  

If you like contests and would like to see more of them here  on the Steem Blockchain please consider upvoting my post. Contests help  our community so spread the word!

Thanks for following me on my travels and I look forward to sharing my adventures with you.  

Until next time,     

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)  

Let's Succeed Together!


Hey Old Dog you had another fabulous contest. I wanted to enter mine, but I swear it is totally natural, yet almost NSFW as well LOL. Thanks for taking the time to run these contest!

Inquiring minds want to see.

Really? LOL!!! Umm I dont think I should put it on the Old Dog's wall. Hey I could post it in a comment on your test post...that way no one will really see it LOL. It is just a tree lol. What do you think??

Hey, I showed the Jerusalem cricket that I had second thoughts about even without the NSFW tag. I didn't get flagged.

Putting it on my test page that I have since learned can't come off might be a good idea. I had 15 up votes in 10 seconds and you know how that kind of stuff gets around, I'm sure you will be the "Up-vote" winner of the day...possibly the week.

Who knows others may come out of the darkroom and all of you can rest easier knowing you no longer have to hide "That Photo". Do it for the good of the others!

I put up a few on the test post! LOL Happy Tree Tuesday!!

Thanks for the encouragement!

Wow lots of weird trees and yeah those are looks like alien trees of course! Congratz for the winner of the contest!


I had to first rule out @gardenlady. Her photo conjured up a feeling of peaceful beauty and made me want to lay down a pile of blanket and take nap. I might dream of alien which has happened before so, I guess that counts. @Maria444 photo is creepy. I don't find aliens creepy. If you run a contest for creepiest I think she would come in on top. I feel @hangin 's post was once alien but now all that remains is the was almost my choice. So, my favorite of the contest was @liltammy. Alien looking or not I love trees.

Good thoughts. We had a contest for the creepiest (spookiest) tree but we should do it again!

You had some incredibly great entries @kus-knee!!! Congratulations to all the winners, especially @liltammy @bigsambucca and @carolineschell !!!

I have decided that I truly do have boring trees around my neighborhood!

Fabulous shots and you deserve it!!


Yes there were some really interesting trees submitted!

You run the best contests!

Too kind!

Thank you, Denise🌸🌸

You are a;;ways such a pleasure!

Some pretty wild photos with definite personality. Congrats everyone. Thanks for hosting the contest @kus-knee.

Your Beetle hair cut photo was good too!

First time i would see a tree with a pair of eye

Amazing isn't it?

These are some beautiful aliens. I forgot to participate, damn it. So here´s a little rabbit for you, just for fun.




Wow, remarkable entries! Congrats to all winners, you came up with some really interesting alien trees :) The cover photo by @liltammy is astonishing. Thanks for hosting this fun contest @kus-knee.

:) :-* merci

Yes hers was amazing!

Amazing creations of nature, as well as stunning eyes and imagination of those who saw it and shared this beauty with us

This a tree is amazed at your cool pictures!

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