Munday Punday Week 6 winner and week 7 announcement!

in #contest7 years ago

Happy Punday!

Here's last week:

Name the contest!

Tell me if you want it to be
A) Munday Punday
B) Monday Punday
C) Munday Ponday
D) Monsoon Season in Mandalay Bay

How-to reminder!

If you don't know what this is, I recommend you check out the how-to guide here:

On to last weeks winner(s)!

As always, every pun entry is a winner, and, lucky you, @lloyddavis has delegated some SP to me AND the price of Steem has risen, so the upvotes I bestow on all the puns have climbed from $0.02 to $0.04! WOW! That's some hefty prize-age!

As far as I can tell, there were only three entries. There was one comment that had the cumbersome language of a pun as someone claimed they couldn't make puns, but nowhere in it did I actually perceive a pun, so it is perhaps simply a matter of someone who uses language cumbersomely.

Here were the entries:

Now, naturally, they all win. Really! Each of you may send me a link to upvote with my newly discovered POWER. But also, I have to choose one to stand above the rest (I said stand).

Man. I'm looking them over again, and finding ti very difficult to decide. @doctorcrypto's has the advantage of being the first to use the evocative historical events in crafting a joke I can see in my mind's eye. But there's also something to be said for @paul.atreides' building on that theme. That takes an extra bit of craft, plus it seems he took to heart my adoration for shaggy dog jokes, hm...though the pun itself isn't really a pun, unless you think Sitting Bull was actually sitting... And @themadgoat is a newcomer with a solid pun.

Tough choices, man. It's a good thing I'm not in charge of nuclear launch codes.

I declare this week a tie.

Just kidding.

The winner is!

@paul.atreides, because though the PUNchline was lacking, his confidence in making up history is to be comedically lauded.
You get bragging rights.
I hope you'll all enter again, and bring some friends!

This week's word is

As in, what did the mad scientist say as Honus Wagner took the field?
"Look alive out there!"

Gimme your puns!


This took me way too long to come up with:

What did the sign say at the Orphanage for Fermented Food Loving Children?
Wanted: Dad or Olive.

Oh yeah, and I vote for Monday Punday. I detest when words are misspelled for the sake of "cleverness."

"How many people died in Alive?"
"I dunno, I didn't watched it as I was busy reading Alive".
"You are as good as dead because no one alive would ever miss to watch Alive".

I really wanted Pun Day Monday but since that was not offered just put me down for option D. Boy, this week is tough. I wrote this week's word on a piece of paper and gazed at it by candlelight for hours trying to come up with something. No luck. Oh well, I guess you can't win every week. Then I knocked over the candle and the pesky word was burned alive!

How can you tell if your lentil plants are still alive?
By checking they're pulses.

Ah, I have missed my calling in life.

Given the tainted grammar in the above, I feel comfortable in voting for Munday Punday.

Awfully tainted. You can fix it if you want to.

This is one of those jokes that will benefit from the "please explain your joke" bullet point.

Lentils are pulses. Aren't they? I'm never sure.

I just looked that up. Yes, yes they are. I didn't know there was a category of food called "pulse"! I'm glad to have learned something!

Funny and educational! Ah, my mother would be proud. She was a teacher.
In a clown school.
In my school. Pretty much the same thing.

A hundred thousand kudos to you.

I see you already saw that this week's is up, but... this week's is up!

I went to visit my 46-year old friend who still lives in his moms basement. Turns out he died. I wondered why he never got alive.

Where's your entry for this week? I hope no one rained on your parade! (This week's word is "Stormy")

I'm not that good with puns I think. And English isn't my first language.....but I'll give it another thought😉. Thanks for reminding me buddy👍

Aaaaaand I'm in 😁.

Welcome back! You'll never get better without practice!

What did the paramedics say after they treated this week's word for hypothermia after it went skinny dipping? "You're barely alive!" Wait it gets worse, what did they say after this week's word was mauled by a grizzly? "You're BEAR-ly alive!"

I'm a Canadian hackey sack champ and I have a 24 hour streaming youtube channel.....

It's called

Eh Live and Kicking

Are you monitoring this in real-time @improv?
I mean: Is this a live contest?


It's a new week! Wanna know if you won? Hint: maybe, depending on your definition of win!

Thanks for the honorable mention😁

What did this week's word say after treatment with an antidepressant? "I'm happy to be alive!" Wait it gets worse....What did this week's word's doctor say when he diagnosed it with obesity? "I've never felt more alive."

Damn, Paul's was pretty damn good.

You and your brother better enter this week's! Stayin' Alive!

Yes, I agree with Brendan, you both should enter this week so that we can keep this contest alive!

Thanks man, it was a true story according to the internet.

Whoa. really?

Yes, as far as we can tell. Just in case you are a history buff here is the link where I saw this information:
In case you are not a history buff but still mildly interested, here is a snippet from the article:
There were 2,361 cartridges, cases and bullets recovered from the entire battlefield, which reportedly came from 45 different firearms types (including the Army Springfields and Colts, of course) and represented at least 371 individual guns. The evidence indicated that the Indians used Sharps, Smith & Wessons, Evans, Henrys, Winchesters, Remingtons, Ballards, Maynards, Starrs, Spencers, Enfields and Forehand & Wadworths, as well as Colts and Springfields of other calibers. There was evidence of 69 individual Army Springfields on Custer’s Field (the square-mile section where Custer’s five companies died), but there was also evidence of 62 Indian .44-caliber Henry repeaters and 27 Sharps .50-caliber weapons. In all, on Custer’s Field there was evidence of at least 134 Indian firearms versus 81 for the soldiers. It appears that the Army was outgunned as well as outnumbered.

Survivors of the remaining seven companies of the 7th Cavalry asserted that the Indians were equipped with repeating rifles and mentioned Winchesters as often as not. Major Marcus Reno claimed: ‘The Indians had Winchester rifles and the column made a large target for them and they were pumping bullets into it.’


You didn't participate last week, but now you have a new opportunity!

Sorry, Improv. I was stumped on "alive" and then I went out of town before I could think of something.

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